
Friday 22 March 2019

He’s no terrorist! Just an “angelic” white supremacist having fun.

By Stanley Collymore

With sincere indebtedness to fellow journalist Owen Jones. There is absolutely no chance of any newspaper splashing a “cute” childhood photo of a brutal islamist terrorist who had just murdered in cold blood, and while they were at prayer, 50 Christians in a church and additionally injured several others there and in a neighbouring one also, where other Christians were also killed in these murderous, wholly unprovoked and terrorist attacks as having been an “angelic boy.”

Creating in the process, by such an insensitive news rag, a sympathetic narrative that was wilfully designed to deliberately displace focus from the innocent victims involved and, at the same time, consciously transfer its own sympathies to the mass murderer against the extremely callous and highly insensitive racist backdrop in reference to the said terrorist mass murderer of “how could such a sweet boy become a terrorist?”

An action, nevertheless, that was concertedly and highly prejudicially carried out in the immediate aftermath of the New Zealand terrorist massacre by a white man, whom that newspaper and others like it evidently empathized with. And the offending newspaper, in this instance, was the British DAILY MIRROR. For in its headlines in relation to Brenton Tarrant, 28 years old, the Australian born, New Zealand resident and white supremacist terrorist the DAILY MIRROR clearly and unequivocally showed where its sympathies lay; and these are undoubtedly with Brenton Tarrant and simply so because he’s not only white but also because those involved at the DAILY MIRROR think like he does and consequently saw fit to applaud him for having the courage to do what he did and which these demented DAILY MIRROR stenographers lack the courage to do themselves

This terrorist moron , Brenton Tarrant travelled the world freely at someone else’s expense and was never investigated by the western security services, irrespective of where  he went, and this was so because he’s white. Irony too lost on this dimwit who claims that the current Mayor of London wants to replace majority UK whites with Muslims. Presumably in Tarrant’s sick mind like his fellow Europeans, and mainly the British where his ancestral roots are, did and in the 21st Century still do with indigenous Aborigines who have continuously lived in their native Australia for in excess of 60,000 years, long before Europeans still living then in caves even knew that Australia existed let alone first setting foot on its shores.

And what these Europeans subsequently did in the aftermath of their initial barbaric presence in Australia – genocide and routine ethnic cleansing readily come to mind in respect of their concerted, callous and inhuman treatment of the indigenous Aborigines, and compounded by the complete extinction of so-called Tasman man – in effect the indigenous inhabitants of the off-shore Australian island that these interlopers renamed Tasmania – and other indigenous Aboriginal communities for example, the learned and well knowledgeable world, as apart from the concertedly manipulated historical revisionists and inured dimwits like Brenton Tarrant and his privileged controllers, well know what went on. But to this prized moron Australia, like NZ is obviously an integral part – both physically and psychologically – of Europe.

An opinion which is similarly held by the purblind C-NTS that run that naff competition they call the EUROVISION SONG CONTEST. And these morons together with this murderous white terrorist Brenton Tarrant both individually and collectively still see themselves as inalienable and indispensable members of – yes you’ve guessed it correctly – a so-called white supremacist master race. And why it is that this white terrorist is so greatly empathized with by populist rags like the DAILY MIRROR, virtually all of the west’s politicians from the White House specifically, Rogue State USA generally, the UK overall, mainland Europe significantly and, of course, the Antipodes.

A situation compounded by the intentional and studious silence from all manner of western parliamentarians not normally reticent with the gab, and who had this terrorist – a designation they’ve resolutely refused to give to this white male – been non-white would have been in full and vitriolic throttle regarding him, the ethnicity to which he belonged, as well as everyone else who wasn’t considered to be white like themselves. And in tandem with all of this blatant hypocrisy and rampant double standards there’s likewise the MSM’s discernibly sympathetic support for Brenton Tarrant.

And specifically why it is that I am and will always be eternally grateful that I was born Black with the natural intelligence and intellectual capability I was endowed with from birth, as well as having liberally in my upbringing in Barbados been nurtured with the requisite common-sense, morality and a profoundly ingrained conscience which I certainly have and will forever value enormously.

For with a marked lack of the fundamental elements of morality, common sense, humanity and compassion and quite self-evidently to anyone with a functioning brain in their head and who sensibly knows how to properly use it, simple logic and a sense of irony so discernibly missing in the case of these so-called white master race specimens – who honestly in their right mind would want to be any part of a highly dysfunctional club comprised of ingrained and markedly sectionable psychopaths, sociopaths, illogical dimwits, personality disorder morons, obviously intellectually challenge, neurotic attention-seeking and pathetically poor self-worth Eurotrash lowlifes?

People to whom systematic barbarism in all its nefarious forms is an endemic part of their physical and psychological systems and quite essentially their raison d’etre for existing. As natural a phenomenon to them as verminous flies hypnotically drawn to a putrid dung heap. That then, is this white scum for you!

Quite OK for whites to brutally take and barbarically dispossess indigenous peoples globally of their lands/countries that dwarf Europe in size, and to then both regard and use these stolen countries as their own and as a safe refuge for their white kith and kin. But at the same time in their utterly sick minds Europe must forever remain “white” and untouched by everyone else. Pretty demented stuff, wouldn’t you say?

But apart from the sickening disingenuousness, outright dishonesty and callous indifference being masked as “genuine” concern for the dead and injured victims but only to conceal their acute embarrassment relative to this NZ terrorist massacre by a white man whose inspiration came specifically from the sweeping and racist rhetoric, conjoined with undisguised and rabid xenophobia, itself in tandem with Islamophobia and a very concerted and hostile anti-non-white, immigration policy and directives from the likes of Theresa May, her likeminded predecessors: David Cameron, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and Margaret Thatcher as UK PMs their respective Cabinet colleagues and the likes of Michael Hecht, the Tory-Romanian and failed wannabe UK PM with his racist election campaign slogan – “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” – and that’s just a mere fraction of the racist scum that pervades the UK, and not forgetting their earnest counterparts throughout the rest of Europe: Viktor Orban of Hungary readily comes to mind, as well as their allies in Rogue State USA, the White House, Yidland and the Antipodean entities of Australia and New Zealand.

And the sole reason that Theresa May and her instigating ilk are exhorting the social media giants to ban the live video stream of this terrorist massacre in New Zealand is to stave off their own criminal embarrassment and culpability in it. To put it bluntly, Theresa May and the other white western racist supremacists couldn’t give a damn about the victims, the survivors or their relatives and probably, if truth be told, earnestly wished that more of them had been murdered. However, what definitely concerns them though is the firm retention of their bogus public self-image.

Sensible and intelligent persons globally who watch these barbaric images and are also fully aware of the part that Theresa May, Donald Drumpf and their ilk vigorously and intentionally played in fomenting them, and therefore aren’t fooled by the former’s disingenuous and fake condolences, will see this cum for the odious barbarians that they are. And the last very thing Theresa May and the rest of these self-evidently criminally mind-set morons want is for this to occur more extensively or for their affected, sanctimonious, diligently worked at and utterly bogus public persona to irreversibly be debunked. Hence the pretended NZ massacre concern.

And if you’re someone with your wits about you at all, you’ll also notice how perniciously irritating these “Cry wolf” cretins and their ilk who’re forever lambasting anyone who dares to criticize Nazi-Zionist, apartheid and genocidal aficionado Yidland with these fraudsters’ fake claims of anti-Semitism and who, moreover, rather dishonestly, entirely ludicrously and most unconvincingly state that they’re firmly themselves against all forms of racism – a noxious and lying statement that’s akin in every respect to if the late Jimmy Savile, whom they all of them hero worshiped, were to suddenly emerge from the dead and equally unimpressively, stridently proclaim that throughout his entire life he was strictly against paedophilia and all forms of child sex abuse – and with discerning observers knowing full well that both these statements bear no resemblance at all to the truth – yet in the aftermath of the NZ terrorist attack, which was racist, xenophobic and Islamophobic in nature: elements in their life that these fraudsters covertly supports, sensible and intelligent persons are supposed to take them at their word while in the process these very same racist, xenophobic, Islamophobic and Nazi-Zionist prats pointedly stay studiously silent about what happened in New Zealand.

Cat got hold of your tongue Charlie Falconer, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Jack Straw, Tom Watson, Eric Pickles, Sajid Javid, Chuku Umunna and Co.; the Board of Jewish Deputies, or whatever they call themselves, Fiona Bruce, Laura Kuenssberg, and the plethora of verminous Labtories still infesting the parliamentary section of the British Labour Party.

And that’s just for starters. But strikingly sickening as these turds and their fellow travellers are, what about the Persian Gulf, Arab petrol station managers kidding themselves and those who’re daft enough to believe them that they’re legitimate rulers of bona fide states?

Supposedly Muslim as they noticeably and quite egotistically like to asininely mislead the rest of the world, and even delude themselves, that they are they’ve purposely not uttered any sort of criticism or condemnation of this white terrorism on Muslims in New Zealand, neither have their financial pimp surrogates like Egypt, Morocco and Algeria for example. And the reason is abundantly clear. For they all know full well that it’s entities like The UK, Rogue State USA, France and most of Europe which foment this continuing anti-Muslim hatred, but these inbred barbarians, quite similar in character to their European counterparts, are petrified and even very unwilling to offend their white “protectors”.

Protection which these barbaric Arab, medieval-mind-set and fundamentally irreligious desert teeming scumbags, regardless of the distinctly opposite impression they assiduously and rather deceitfully portray of themselves, get in return for the monumental amounts of Danegeld which they routinely and obligatorily pay the west for. Danegeld that props up the British armaments industry of which Theresa May’s husband is a foremost beneficiary, as are the other privileged elites: political – just look at Tony Blair; corporate – BP comes readily to mind; and the MSM within the UK.

But the UK is not alone in this, although it’s exceedingly keen to remain a key stakeholder in this calculatedly murderous war crimes and crimes against humanity enterprise, as was recently demonstrated by the asinine and futile actions of Jeremy Hunt: the UK’s Foreign Secretary, to try to bully Germany into resuming its lucrative arms sales to Bantu Saudi.

For most of Europe as indeed Rogue state USA and its markedly avaricious and completely immoral military industrial complex are similarly and murderously involved in what for them is a particularly lucrative financial scam which expressly benefits the west’s richest 1% of their population. While, at the same time, the managers of these barbarous and authoritarian Arab, Persian Gulf petrol stations get the required protection that they avidly crave and exorbitantly pay for. So in both cases why would either party wilfully bite the hand that feeds its needs?

And in quid pro quo terms – that’s Latin for you unedifying dimwits out there – if the UK and Rogue State USA can quite brazenly overlook the Bantu Saudi Jamal Khashoggi assassination or, worse still, even pretend that it didn’t happen at all, in return for more arms contracts and increased Danegeld – surely the Bantu Saudi “royal” killers can return the favour and likewise pretend that the New Zealand terrorist mass murder of innocent Muslims at prayer in two separate mosques by a white racist who is also an Islamophobe and xenophobe didn’t happen either. So in essence there’s nothing to condemn. Q.E.D.

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