
Monday 23 September 2024

The Windsors' fawning apologists!

By Stanley Collymore

People die of real, not conjectural,  
cancer every day without using  
taxpayers funded money for  
their private health care. And to all of you  
thinking, as well as distinctly openly and  
distinctively quite idiotically saying, that  
Kate Middleton, whose evidently clearly  
obvious condition is as simply dubious  
as there's distinctly, irrefutably existing  
life, on the dark side of the moon; truly  
requires all the time, which she clearly  
and evidently, very preferably cares to  
take; shouldn't be required to actually  
state what's truthfully wrong with her  
because she's entitled to her privacy,  
well I simply don't fall for any of that  
as she's very obviously not a private  
citizen as the gang she very eagerly  
and exultantly married into are very  
much so a distinctly, public funded  
family! Which logically means, that  
your sick; biased; and sycophantic  
attitudes, don't have any relevance  
whatsoever to the notion of reality.  
(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
23 September 2024.

Author's Remarks:
There are numerous, and even untold numbers of women up and down the length and breadth of Britain who routinely get their asses literally kicked in by the clearly sociopathic/psychopathic males whom they asininely claim love them, else they asininely go on, these males wouldn't bother with them, and therefore that's basically why they reciprocally love them in return. Now you'd have to be as thick as pig shit to actually follow, let alone accept that kind of thoroughly demented "logic"! But even so there are millions who self-evidently do, and that's why such evidently dysfunctional behaviour exists and effectively carries on, on a daily basis.  
It's the same situation with monarchists who quite happily tell you that a discernibly feudal system from the unenlightened Dark Ages is the best thing for Britain, in what's undoubtedly a clearly modern and technologically advanced 21st Century. And their response when the concept of democracy is raised is to simply and exaggeratedly reply that the monarchy has survived for "thousands of years!" Utter hyperbolic crap! But even if this were the case, so has rape, murder, numerous sexually transmitted diseases, incest and also multiple other ailments. So should we basically do nothing about these on the vile and ludicrous premise that they've been around for literally a very long time? Only idiots would subscribe to that pathetically asinine point of view. And it's the same with the concept of a monarchy!  
Have a monarchy by all means if that's what the vast majority of our population really wants, and categorically states so in a distinctively, absolutely discernibly, obviously regulated and an undoubtedly honest democratic vote reflecting that point of view, as all else is simply, as well as patently so, poor and utterly unconvincing excuses. I am quite entitled to privacy regarding my general as well as any reasonably, discernibly extraordinary health care I might have, and likewise so are the vast majority of you! And clearly so for the obvious reasons, the principal one of which is that we're quite obviously not unelected human monoliths kept in unbridled luxury by the state: that's effectively our taxpayers, who're actually rather compulsorily forking out for all these self evidently pampered, hereditary snobs doing really bugger all in reality other than all of them deliriously laughing all the way to the several off-shore bank accounts which they undoubtedly have, while at the very same time brazenly and legally excusably also paying no inheritance tax whatever, like quite ordinary people essentially have to do, if they happen to be in the requisite financial bracket to do so; and this after those who they inherited this income from had duly and honestly paid their proper taxes while alive. So what’s wrong then in obviously questioning these Windsors when we obviously know that they're lying? Which quite characteristically is what discernibly workshy and thoroughly bone idle Kate Middleton is distinctly doing about her supposed cancer situation!  
Meghan and Harry who’re not being funded by the British taxpayers are told by you braindead sycophants that they should be made to unquestionably prove that both Archie and Diana Jnr, as I prefer to call her, are biologically their children. Equally, you sycophants rave that no doctor, midwife or other medical staffer has in your sick minds certified the birth of Archie or Diana, so therefore these two children are fakes. So let me put this simple question to you. When the plethora of you across Britain spawn your numerous bastards – as the UK undoubtedly has the largest number of such bastard births across the so-called western developed world, simply to get your dole money and other significant social benefits, do you have the hospital staff coming forward to certify that yes you did in fact give birth to those bastards of yours? Or does the idea ever come into your head that you should? Thought not!  
Registering a baby both in Britain and the West generally, means you have to provide proof that that baby exists and the details you’re giving about it are true, otherwise you open yourself up to prosecution. And we’re now in the era of DNA, so it’s not that difficult, except in the minds of brainless jerks like you, to ascertain whether or not a set of parents, married, as in the case of Harry and Meghan, or not like most of you bastards yourselves – several of whom don’t even know who your real biological parents or kin actually are, and why the TV programme “Long Lost Families” is such a massive hit across the UK - are the true biological parents of those children you’re raising. And no sensible person, and especially of the equivalent of Harry and Meghan, would put themselves purposely or even accidentally in such a precarious position!  
With illness, it’s a wholly different matter! You can claim whatever you like in that regard, don’t have to provide any proof and even if you’re genuine your health records can’t be used, cavalierly or otherwise, without your permission. But having worked in the NHS myself and also au fait with the law, most celebrities or people well known and who want to convey to their admirers, fans or the like that they have a serious illness, like Sven Eriksson or Esther Rantzen, because they don’t want others to have to endure the situation they’re in physically, openly relate to the public what their health situation is and have the doctors and other medical staff that treat then confirm their awful medical situation; and do so for the benefit of others. Workshy and bone idle Kate Middleton hasn’t done any of this, and for a very good reason, that her claims are BOGUS! Drawing on the sympathy of sycophants like yourselves so that she can continue to do fuck all, other than the vainglorious freebies and situations like Wimbledon that she wants to do; while having the advantage, tax free, of enjoying the most sumptuous lifestyle she's social climbing gained for herself and which you puerile prats that hero worship and sanctify her can only dream about!  
And have you noticed that while Esther Rantzen and Sven Eriksson for example, nobly thanked the people who have been instrumental in their treatment as well as the charities etc. that are associated with their specific illness, Kate Middleton has done none of this. And for a very good reason! She can’t claim something she hasn’t had and expect reputable persons or charities to back her up. For if they did so and were ultimately found out, which they would be, that would be their careers etc. all over, and in the cases of doctors, consultants etc., being debarred from the careers they’re in and facing jail for perjury and the rest of it. So even though many of these top notch surgeons, consultants and the like who prefer to work with the rich and famous as apart from the NHS like what they do, none of them are that bloody daft to put their careers on the line for an inured, social class climbing, workshy and a bone idle, monarchical stalking and a thoroughly acquisitive, odiously egregious, conniving Karen bitch! So to all of you inbred, illiterate, equally workshy prats living on the dole and having your numerous bastard kids, sycophants and morons the lot of you, just stop leaping quite instinctively to the defence of someone who effectively doesn't give a hoot about you!

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