
Saturday, 7 September 2024

The insolence and prejudices which vilely envelop the murderous, Grenfell Inferno!

By Stanley Collymore 

How dare it be suggested that MPs 
actually care about common 
people! Since they only 
need them when it's election time, for in 
between such elections these distinctly 
and quite irrefutably common people 
simply don't matter. So candidly let's 
really be both literally and perfectly 
honest about this that governments 
and big businesses effectively don't 
basically crucially care about truly 
ordinary people so your MPs aptly 
taking their cue from them simply 
thoroughly likewise do effectively 
behave accordingly! And anyway, 
what's being undertaken literally 
evidently, relative to the Grenfell 
Tower Inferno situation, is really 
actually simply virtue signalling! 

And that's undoubtedly so, 
because any crucial fight 
for justice, and the true 
workings, of an authentic criminal 
inquiry will be actually purposely 
drawn out over several and most 
likely, over ten years; actually by 
which time the same companies 
undeniably literally responsible 
for this obviously devastatingly 
Grenfell Tower Inferno, simply 
will have changed their names 
and ownership, and the actual 
culprits, distinctively involved 
in this quite unwarranted and 
clearly catastrophic deaths, of 
these luckless 72 persons, will 
crucially have retired, died or 
predictably conveniently and 
rather callously and similarly 
unflustered opportunistically 
taken up residence obviously 
in significantly safe locations 
outside the United Kingdom! 

(C) Stanley V.  Collymore 
7 September 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Self-evidently some lives and ethnicities are obviously and unquestionably regarded as undoubtedly far superior to others; and it doesn't require a Mensa IQ to ascertain who those favoured individuals are! Significantly too, justice needs to be administered quickly in order to have any genuine effect! 

And haven't you got it yet? Not only in the case of the Grenfell Tower tragedy but also generally; the UK's parliament is a joke, and in essence nothing more than an institution stuffed with largely self-serving sycophants; and as the evident bunch of leeches that they unquestionably are, clearly with their snouts stuck in the requisite financial troughs. So the Grenfell Tower catastrophe and clearly who the victims are wouldn't matter much, if at all, to the majority of them. As discernibly quite clearly, these casualties don't look like them!


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