
Friday 27 September 2024

Britain - the wisest nation in the world; after the event of course!

By Stanley Collymore

Who else made you feel like this?
Creepy as you succinctly put it,
Jenni Murray! For here's my
impartial advice to you, as you somewhat
evidently really belatedly barnstorm this
distinctly particularly advantageous and
seemingly relevant for you too, crucially
unquestionably journalism bandwagon,
Ms Jenni Murray. Frankly have them all
arrested now! Jimmy Savile specifically
preyed on kids many of whom actually
were simply being wheeled out of NHS
theatres still under sedation. However,
it really evidently appears though that
everyone of these distinctively, female
Harrods workers were evidently all of
them adults; and seemingly, obviously
compos mentis individuals effectively
thoroughly never the less undeterred
by their now supposedly claimed vile
experiences, crucially at the hands of
predatory, Mr. Mohammed Al-Fayed!

So traumatised all these women by
what happened to them that they
avidly and most happily turned
up for work the very next day and rather
self-evidently obviously said not a word 
of their horrifying sexual harassment to
anybody in authority: essentially neither
their immediate bosses, or significantly,
and quite incomprehensibly the police!
All of which seems more than a bit odd
to me. But then there's no doubting the
powerful pull of obviously easy money
from the literally targeted, and equally
also Establishment and their evidently
MSM spiv conspirators crucially hated
rich; specifically, when that individual
is dead and also unable to refute such
vile claims of slander levelled at them.
And honestly, whose Jack ass idea is
it really that being female and clearly
a biological producer, as I discernibly
would not sensibly, call her a mother,
shouldn't really be jailed irrespective
of her crime when women obviously
rather discernibly already get lighter
sentences as it actually is compared
to men that fall foul of the law, many
of whom are parents themselves! So,
where ostensibly, is the real equality
factor, in this literally unquestionably
so, demonstrable travesty of justice?

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
26 September 2024.

Author's Remarks:
I would like to altruistically suggest to Jenni Murray that with the scam money she gets from writing scum articles for the Daily Mail that she sensibly invests in a reliable dildo or a robust vibrator and both energetically and pleasurably wank herself off, as I'm actually absolutely very convinced that no genuinely compos mentis male even in actually sheer desperation for a shag would really want to push his plonker up her fanny!  

And if Jenni Murray is so astute at sporting aberrant males, why then, after having met Jimmy Savile did she go on to do the same with Rolf Harris and unquestionably so Mr. Mohammed Al Fayed? It's all crap of course, Jenni Murray's supposed ingenuity in really spotting so-called sexual exploiters like Mr Mohammed Al-Fayed. For clearly when their bandwagon was in acceptable and socially too beneficial to herself mode, Jenni Murray was more than keen to jump on board it.

However, now that the Daily Mail and other right-wing racists and xenophobia adherents for their own spurious as well as specious reasons have decided to go after the likes of Mr. Mohammed Al Fayed, when in reality it is Keir Starmer and his Labour Government that they're after, and using the fact that Keir Starmer was Head of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) at the time of these now quite belated accusations and did nothing about them - try working that one out if you've even got half a brain - Jenni Murray,  not that bright as she likes to assume she is, has of course to get the relevant approbation that she's after for herself, has undoubtedly as well as expectedly jump on this particular bandwagon!

One or a couple of women making these very belated accusations would be rather bad enough in terms of rational plausibility, but to have well in excess of 200 discernibly doing the same thing NOW, is highly, from any rational perspective,  preposterous and distinctively unlikely as occurrences. Truly are these women clones? And distinctively with the same behavioural approach to life and patterns of personal conduct. Basically they don't know each other, and if for very exaggerated reasoning one or two of them were previously "afraid" to come forward, does anybody with a functioning brain truly thinks that all of them were in the same state of inertia not to do anything about their own sexual abuse by Mr. Mohammed Al-Fayed until now that he's long dead? Even siblings in close knit families don't react in the very same identical behavioural manner!

This entire scam is a Daily Mail and other right-wing, Nazi and fascist entities to get rid of a duly elected Labour Government, use Keir Starmer as their whipping boy and Mr. Mohammed Al-Fayed as the conduit to get all the white racist, Karen and Gammon clearly dim-witted scum on board by us someone, who for obvious reasons, was dementedly hated by the UK's monarchical lot and as well the British Establishment. And what better way to do so than link him to the likes of Jimmy Savile, Rolf Harris  and Peter Ball, for example, who were quite evidently so monarchical, hierarchical, Establishment and MSM favourites genuinely exposed for what they really were, having had their obnoxious behaviour keenly covered up by the said MSM. And if they genuinely had incriminating evidence pertaining to Mr. Al-Fayed, of the sort that's now being bandied about, I'm absolutely sure they would have used it to destroy him! But the clear facts are that they had none; so what's being scurrilously being portrayed now is all made-up stuff, well aware that they can't be legally challenged because Mr. Mohammed Al-Fayed is now dead!  So what better way, and also most ironically place Mr. Mohammed Al-Fayed in the same bracket knowing full well that the gullible, largely white and rather intellectually challenged scum across the UK will quite inevitably fall for it hook line and sinker! And they have!

Meanwhile, the women involved are simply usable slappers looking for a cheap payday and the cash required to get a bodily refit, and even a designer fanny, as well as a rather suitable holiday!

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