
Monday 30 September 2024

The misguided superiority of the Windsor kids, eugenically!

By Stanley Collymore    
The Mail online routinely promotes      
these Windsor poster kids clearly      
for eugenic purposes, doing so      
with both practised and ardent consistent      
zeal! Quite omitting either very stupidly or      
more likely evidently deliberately, to state      
far less so rather informatively elucidate,      
that inherited entitlement is a disgusting      
as well as crucially an outdated concept,      
and simply discernibly and self-evidently      
with no rational place realistically, in this      
the 21st Century! And literally, as I see it,      
if people want to quite ongoingly pay for      
these evidently monarchical freeloaders'      
very lavish lifestyle, on the asinine basis      
that eugenically they're literally superior      
to themselves, then so be it! But simply,      
not only to be arrogantly unasked if this      
state of affairs ought really, specifically      
to be carried on, but similarly be simply    
quite unilaterally and arbitrarily actually      
have one's self, truly obligatorily forced      
into doing so is simply undeniably also      
nowt else but crucially wanton tyranny!      
(C) Stanley V. Collymore      
29 September 2024. 
Authors Remarks:    
There were distinctively 698,512 live births in England and Wales ALONE in 2013 when Kate Middleton significantly, actually gave birth to George Windsor; presumably all of these kids are British! But even if some of them weren't officially actually classed as "British" because their own parents weren't British then, they never the less are entitled at the age of 18 to become British.      
No one can say with absolute certainty now, as they're still kids, what paths they will take in life and how brilliant, resourceful or famous for a diversity of admirably beneficial reasons, all or some of them will literally become; and that rather equally so does apply obviously to George Windsor.

However, the principal difference between all these kids and George is, that regardless of how brilliant, talented and successful they literally are, and conversely how dim-witted and clearly stupid George Windsor might turn out to be, in the feudalistically minded society that Britain is, while fatuously passing itself off as a really modern 21st Century, George, principally only because of the appropriate sperm discernibly and purposely, calculatedly lodged in the right Stepford Wife fanny: namely Kate Middleton's, that conjoined with Kate's egg there, and thus resulted in himself being created, will just like his father William, and likewise also, as his paternal grandfather Charles now is very automatically and simply totally unchallenged become Head of State of the entire United Kingdom.      
It doesn't matter in the least if George actually develops into a very distinguished and simply a universally, globally acclaimed figure clearly like Albert Einstein or simply our own Stephen Hawkins with an impressive Mensa IQ, which on the past record of the Windsors is credibly unlikely, since hand on heart it's impossible to point out anyone in the Windsor family who is genuinely academically, medically or similarly significantly technologically brilliant, even, if as is customarily the case they readily get into essentially first rate universities with distinctly quite poor or non-existent outstanding grades, just because of whom they supposedly are! A bloody travesty, when those like myself, quite vividly recall the scandalous case pertaining to a really brilliant lady LAURA SPENCE!      
This young lady Laura Spence with a plethora of A grades both at GCE O and A levels, aptly not the current day Mickey Mouse GCSE, was the second such pupil from her state school: Monkseaton Community High School, located in Whitby Bay, Tyne and Wear, in north-eastern England to be refused a place specifically at Oxford University, and distinctively Magdalen College, ostensibly so because to them, and the types there who sycophantically support this very outmoded feudal system in Britain, this bright young lady, Laura Spence, rather simply, not only hadn't significantly gone, to one of Oxford's discernibly approved "Public Schools", she also essentially had the bold effrontery to think that with her, in their sick minds, undeniably societally, plainly lower class background, she could in spite of her undoubted, academic brilliance, would be accepted by THEM into Oxford University!      
The story of Laura Spence inevitably did make the British news headlines and fortuitously so even very beneficially went Transatlantic, with Harvard University unquestionably, discernibly quite commendably awarding Laura Spence a £65,000 Scholarship. And simply unbelievably when questioned by the media regarding their undoubted bigotry and very evidently societal class segregation, the braindead cunts then at Magdalen College quite unconvincingly claimed that Laura Spence lacked "potential". You can research and read for yourself what Laura did subsequently and successfully became!    
I've mentioned earlier the very poor academic capabilities and performances of the Windsor family collectively, and how they get into very "prestigious" British universities undoubtedly so because of who they are and not obviously any truly academic acumen. William, George's dad got into St. Andrews University, ironically so as Scotland is the only part of the UK that has effectively retained the old quite universal students grant system whilst elsewhere in the UK students basically have to sign up for very expensive loans which they have to pay back. Yet here was William a non inheritance paid tax beneficiary and destined to similarly also become a billionaire, rather than simply going to an English or Welsh University - he is after all the Prince of Wales now but evidently then was essentially in waiting, simply as he is now expectedly to follow Charles as king - and just quite affordably doing on his part what clearly vast numbers of British students, in England as well as Wales, have to do, paying through their noses for, like the grifter that his family members are William distinctively chose to go to a Scottish university where he didn't have to pay, or have the onerous burden of repaying their loans, as the other university students in England, where in effect William comes from, or Wales where he is that country's hereditary Prince, most undoubtedly have to do. Kate the scrounger also did the same as William. Both of them very obviously depriving by doing so, at least two genuinely, home-grown, Scottish students of discernibly university places at a university in their own country! And to simply study what? Clearly no medical, technological, science based or genuinely useful subjects! But history of art!      
As a genuine Academic myself quite literally for most of my life, like similar individuals we all know what are quite authentically genuine Academic courses and what are undoubtedly and most essentially too Mickey Mouse ones. And so-called History of Art is evidently in the latter category; and what loads of British public school creatures take to say they've been to a university, knowing full well that it's basically their public school connections and distinctly not their lack of intellectual acumen that very ostensibly and ostentatiously do matter!      
William signed up initially at St. Andrews for a university degree in Geography but on actually realizing he couldn't hack that, then obviously switched to History of Art, which Kate also in her bid to snare him evidently did. The rest as they say is history. Quite effectively though in both their cases neither William nor Kate are by any means intellectual giants and the word that readily comes to my mind is pygmy. With no offence to Africans of that ethnicity!    
Which brings me squarely back to George, the fruit of William's loins, and discernibly, just as workshy and bone idle as the woman he quite eventually married after she'd quite cunningly and assiduously stalked and advantageously reeled him in, got him to marry her, and then as his Stepford Wife spouse very obligatorily spawned George as his heir. What evidently will this son become in real human terms?      
Someone the nation's intelligent citizens can be quite justifiably proud of; a trailblazer in the sciences, medicinal field, technologist or such like, or simply be the same as all of his rather useless forebears. Close friends with the likes of his own generational types of the infamous Jimmy Savile and Peter Ball like his granddad Charles did for over several decades; likewise someone exactly like Rolf Harris who evidently his great-nan was very partial towards or even someone along the lines obviously of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, knowing it will be quite fittingly hushed up by palace flunkies, distinctly so the Establishment, effectively too corrupt politicians, the surfeit of security staff provided, the MSM and unquestionably so not believed at all, by the vile and thoroughly sick sycophants who actually love nothing better than having an obviously outdated Medieval feudal system implanted in the 21st Century and likewise ongoingly!      
Your choice George! But in thinking about any or all of this, just ask yourself this discernibly obvious question: What makes you genuinely think, or anyone else for that matter, that of all those thousands of children born on the same day and in the same year as yourself, actually across the length and breadth of Britain, you alone amongst them are solely and inevitably qualified to be Head of State of this country in which they live as citizens and unquestionably categorically as regards the United Kingdom, is likewise lawfully their home; just as it is yours?

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