
Tuesday 24 September 2024

iPad parenting!

By Stanley Collymore

If you solely rely on an iPad to
entertain and also keep your
child quiet, honestly, in my
opinion, you've failed quite miserably as a
parent! Time, obviously spent eating with
your children at home, as well as equally
away from it, should be family time that
essentially is quality time and distinctly
too, a prime opportunity to really show
your children how to obviously behave
appropriately not only at home, but as
well very specifically too away from it.
Unfortunately, however, there actually
are irrefutably, far too many so-called
parents whose sole connection really
to that terminology is they effectively
undeniably, rather simply fucked with
someone and evidently got pregnant;
so very automatically rely exclusively
on electronic devices as their modus
operandi! So it's literally unsurprising
then, that such children simply never
actually get to learn, or crucially ever
essentially, effectively know any real
difference in their evidently negative
behavioural patterns significantly as
children and clearly specifically also
on them attaining adulthood and so
continuously clearly keep repeating
the absolutely identical behavioural
patterns as when they were literally
children! So, rather honestly, do ask
yourself, am I literally one of them?

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
22 September 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Indisputably far too many parents use phones and tablets as electronic baby sitters. A case in fact of obviously anything that keeps them actually from having to interact positively with their own offspring! And parents who do this are way out of line as other people evidently don't necessarily want to listen to or similarly endure these beats feral noise!

And it accounts too for why so many children are incapable of holding a basic conversation, with many of them just grunting or discernibly shrugging while evidently struggling with very basic eye contact! 

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