
Monday 9 September 2024

The epitome of really caring is the altruistic act of voluntarily giving and not demanding!

By Stanley Collymore  
Doing the job that one is voluntarily in  
and similarly also being paid to do  
is really a highly commendable  
venture by any genuinely objective analysis  
and adjudication! However, though, clearly  
when that same individual distinctly goes  
beyond, as it were, the normally requisite  
call of duty and then, in doing so literally  
simply admirably enhances not only the  
basic prospects, but quite similarly also  
the actuality of circumstances crucially  
relevant and pertaining to those they're  
essentially obviously looking after, and  
furthermore doing so rather effectively  
and very altruistically without honestly  
expecting, or likewise ever demanding  
anything in return, that's obviously the  
vital fulcrum of what human, and also  
literally humane dispensation, of truly  
genuine concern, undoubtedly for the  
effectively unquestionable welfare of  
others and not characteristically just  
specifically family members or close  
friends but crucially and significantly  
also complete strangers is all about!  
And very evidently, distinctly without  
any modicum of doubt, you Sue and  
Jess in your crucially separate ways  
have undeniably clearly distinctively  
and emphatically, quite indisputably  
shown that you not only are fully au  
fait with, and truly comprehensively  
understand the literally endearingly  
intricate characteristics which truly  
constitute the vital unquestionable  
epitome of human nature; but also  
are very altruistically committed to  
improving on, and significantly too  
very hopefully making them better.  
(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
29 August 2024.  

Author's Remarks:  
Decent, highly commendably and altruistically caring individuals don't essay to have or either audaciously expect any sort of fanfare clearly for what they're instinctively doing, but simply get on with the work, and its clear associated activities they're involved with; and it's simply because of that elevated, discernibly cerebral approach that is quite instinctively embarked upon that they're not only noticed but equally also, essentially creditably earmarked for the justifiable praise, respect and adoration quite fittingly lauded upon them! 

Both Sue and Jess are employees of East Surrey Hospital. 

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