
Friday 20 September 2024

There's no restoration of life after someone has been wrongly convicted and executed!

By Stanley Collymore 

No sensible and intelligent person, 
of whom I'm one amongst them, 
is distinctively arguing about 
Freddie Owens' guilt or innocence with the 
known killing of his cell mate! For none of 
us distinctively know in that very obvious 
altercation between these two cellmates 
whether it literally wasn't a case of kill or 
be killed. And to all you hardcore racists 
baying quite psychopathically for blood, 
simply unquestionably, behaving as the 
vile, delusional self-righteous paragons 
of virtue, and evidently virtue signalling 
morons, I'll very fittingly say this to you. 
It's Freddie Owen's guilt or his potential 
innocence that initially and very clearly 
rather undoubtedly put him in prison in 
the first place, and which conscionably 
is rightfully, being called into question! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
20 September 2024. 

Author's Remarks:
Much is literally being made now of the fact that Freddie Owen's killed his cell mate some twelve hours after he was imprisoned and had simply just been convicted and effectively sentenced to death. Now stop and think those of you literally with brains to do so. Any normal person clearly put in that position would be rather thoroughly traumatized and not actually looking to literally make his condition worst than what it evidently already was. 

However, as reported, Freddie Owens was put in a cell with another individual who then taunted him with the news that this other bloke's cousin was actually on the jury that found Freddie to be guilty. I don't know about you, but as someone who has lived a crime free life for my absolute existence, were I to be sentenced not only to jail but likewise as well to Death and for a crime I just didn't commit, then to have someone in the same cell as myself taunting me about a crime I didn't commit and additionally boasting that a close relative of his avidly facilitated the horrible situation I was in, I too would lose my rag with that individual, so would most normal people. 

None of us know who started the fight as the other participant is dead. But to quite assininely  state that because the other bloke did end up dead and stupidly deduce in your fertile brain, if indeed you have one, that Freddie Owen's is thus an instinctive murderer is pure hogwash.

Killing someone in divvy street where you can possibly get away with it is wholly different from killing someone in a prison cell where you and that individual are the sole occupants.

Furthermore, as reported articles clearly state Freddie Owens is sentenced to death and isn't trying to save anyone. Steven Golden is the one who gave evidence at the trial and now claims that he committed perjury, principally that he wasn't there. He is serving 28 years not a death sentence as Freddie Owen's is; so he obviously has nothing to gain personally from what he's doing now! 

And why the death penalty is so arbitrary is that it's open to widespread abuse, as you cannot undo the state killing of someone by virtue of the death penalty if that individual is evidently and irrefutably subsequently found to be quite innocent. And the clearly wrongful execution of Timothy Evans in Britain for something he didn't  do successfully garnered intelligent minds to abolish the Death Penalty in Britain; while in very infantile USA it's regarded as a macho thing.

Make America Great Again? When was it ever so?


By Stanley Collymore 

No child chooses to be born,
let alone in that category
of babies quite evilly
termed as illegitimate, and both frankly and
honestly their biological parents' status at
the time of their conception, very simply,
logically, and similarly rationally, rather
discernibly, actually has nothing at all
whatsoever to do with them and very
sensibly, shouldn't result, in any vile
castigation of them. Specifically in
fact what undoubtedly does really
count and is clearly also a matter
clearly obviously therefore, in the
hands of that often and normally
likewise unfortunately, spitefully,
societally distinctively despised,
fellow human being, is evidently
what he or she, actually in spite
of whatever obstacles, crucially
evilly purposely put in their way
by those with a sick, delusional
belief of their own undoubtedly
enshrined, plus unquestionably
self-entitled superiority; simply
in response clearly undertakes
either constructively or literally
otherwise, what specifically to
do with that quite precious life
they were blessedly accorded!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
19 September 2024.

Author's Remarks:    
To be labelled a bastard simply because your biological parents weren't married either when you were conceived or subsequently born and to be patronizingly proselytised to the world as such by those, whose customary behaviour is as inhuman as it could ever get, is discernibly the height of both insanity and obviously also irony!

So from me, whatever circumstances that you were born in, simply live your life with honesty, respect for others clearly deserving of it, and conscionably endeavour to unquestionably be as good a human being and role model as you possibly can 

Hypocrisy, just like stupidity, is very endemically embedded in these Karens and like-minded Gammons!

By Stanley Collymore  

Absolutely strange how people
overly and  rather vitriolically
condemning the robbery
from British food banks had no problem
rather evidently with clearly one of their
own and actually classed by them as a
hero, who quite simply most criminally
and distinctly very crucially wilfully set
fire to a community hub, and distinctly
also a local library that very admirably
and essentially served disadvantaged
children, and joyously doing so during
this rightwing arsonist, very obviously
and specifically amidst the numerous
orchestrations of riots across several
areas of England, and effectively with
these fervidly brazen admirers of this
arsonist, in their own serious state of
denial, rather falling over themselves
to dishonestly, and sickeningly focus
on this moron not being far right and
evidently simply not deserving of the
custodial sentence the court gave to
him!  For obviously in his supporters
very jaundiced point of view, he was
just reflecting their crucial concerns.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
19 September 2024.

Author's Remarks:
When evil is so endemically, quite intrinsically and rather irreversibly the salient part of one's everyday life, why shouldn't such distinctively useless but also rather dangerous individuals not simply be seriously treated like any rabid, dangerous dog and be generally lawfully and similarly summarily put down?

Thursday 19 September 2024

Mohammed Al-Fayed allegations - a payday being sought as opposed to justice!

By Stanley Collymore

Relatively soon it'll be a criminal
offence to ask an adult female
you don't specifically know
but take a fancy to out for a drink without
being prosecuted for actual sexual abuse!
Personally, I honestly, really have a lot of
trouble logically with all these historical
cases of sexual abuse, or obviously rape
because there's discernibly always zero
evidence to substantially support them.
Therefore, truly, my very first question
always is why didn't the alleged victim
simply come forward at the time these
incidents did essentially, happen? And
my second question quite consistently
is this: do you have, a personal motive
specifically for coming forward, now?
Money, personal revenge, or basically
very unquestionably, something else?

For as the sun very impeccably and
irrefutably rises in the East, such
women are always invariably
definitely going to claim that they were
sexually assaulted, or actually raped if
there's really money to be made, from
these damningly, but unsubstantiated
accusations that can't be indisputably
proven; and how aptly coincidentally
and rather ironically also, we always
see when one woman literally comes
forward she is quite instantaneously
rapidly followed by a surfeit of them
doing the same thing spontaneously!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
19 September 2024.

Author's Remarks:
What intelligently is the point of all of this? Mr. Mohammed Al-Fayed has passed away and ostensibly he can't be brought back to face charges, dubiously real or discernibly concocted! The time to have come forward was when he was alive and could not only face charges but similarly also, essentially defend himself in a court of law.

And to all of you brainwashed and similarly braindead morons who quite spontaneously  and vitriolically as you're MSM distinctively directed to, vilely state that Mr. Mohammed Al-Fayed is/was guilty, let me quite candidly remind you that even the judges evidently in the Weinstein case - and he's distinctly very much alive - didn't believe over half of those women who when cross-examined basically couldn't provide a shred of evidence to truly support their essentially acquisitively and as well essentially monetary contentions.

Flying in a private jet and flirting obviously with a billionaire who distinctly owns it, is clearly exciting to lots of utterly feckless as well as ordinary women impressed by the obvious trappings of ostentatious wealth, both at the time of its happening as clearly also when it's over, until they monetarily in their excessive and compulsive greed quite obviously for their own sick reasons decide to play the victim and do a money grab!

I know and would logically and intelligently imagine why similarly rational and equally intelligent persons would think the same as me for Mr. Mohammed Al-Fayed being now and so ruthlessly being targeted with these discernibly uncorroborated and supposedly quite banal, specious allegations again him. And, moreover, at a time and specifically so now that he's evidently dead! For ostensibly quite apart from an over-hopefully expected financial pay out to these distinctly spurious accusers, what is there really to be gained?

I've asked that question, fully cognizant in my doing so that Mr. Al-Fayed was clearly a most virulent critic of the British monarchy and its attendant hierarchical elites and as well the Establishment generally, evidently all of whom are currently going through a series of quite embarrassing faux pas, and deliberately, callously and lyingly spreading muck, that doesn't exist except in their own sick, evil and conspiratorial minds might be a good way in conjunction with their clearly likeminded and very aptly sycophants in the MSM to undoubtedly deflect from their own genuine paedophile assignations!

Rest therefore in eternal peace Mr Al-Fayed with your beloved son Dodi!

Wednesday 18 September 2024

Money is the root cause of all evil when used improperly and immorally but can also be a positive force for what's good!

By Stanley Collymore

Those who are authentically
rich, and obviously so by
whatever means they
acquire their wealth, don't normally as
a rule rather stupidly, or flamboyantly
actually spend their distinctively vast
sums of money usually irresponsibly
but instead sensibly and quite safely
equally and also rather securely put
it usually in offshore bank accounts
and actually well out of harm's way
from all truly legitimate scrutiny of
the lesser mortals really in actually
pecuniary circumstances and truly
of course also statutory bodies like
the Inland Revenue, and evidently
also, other legitimate tax recovery
services! So while unquestionably
the rich discernibly, actually have
much more money, than they can
essentially realistically spend, the
general poor meanwhile, in quite
stark contrast to them are clearly
distinctly obliged to spend all the
money that they possess, on food
and really other vital necessities!
Not at all fair of course but that's
undeniably so, the global reality!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
18 September 2024.

Author's Remarks:
The obsession of most human beings to be inordinately rich is a cancer that distinctly and discernibly all elements of the human race, and actually distinctively specifically so those that quite crucially have far more money than they have ideas or essentially the common sense to know how best to in actuality beneficially use it; but clearly all the same obsessively hoping to garner yet more of it. Conveniently forgetting that on death, which is inevitable, no one can take their money, however massive that might be with them!

Not jealousy but pragmatic common sense.

Lessons will be learned, is the customary mantra. Very sadly though, they never are!

 By Stanley Collymore

There are really some truly sick
people quite obviously in this
country we call Britain and
likewise in the wider world generally; and
the people generally, whom these utterly
vile sociopaths and distinctively literally
odious psychopaths, have either nastily
abused, harmed or normally killed have
often, actually been quite horrifically let
down, by their respective authorities or
else the actual criminal justice system.
Consequently in my view the prevalent
balance needs to be urgently changed
to rather crucially, put the victims first;
for until that transpires evil will simply
continue to prosper. However, though
in the meantime all that we hear after
each discernibly, avoidable tragedy is
the irrefutably, well-rehearsed mantra
that lessons will be learned! However
though despite being a profound and
serious declaration, is normally never
seen to be followed at all! And so the
status quo ante carries on endlessly!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
17 September 2024.

Author's Remarks:
In empathetic tribute to the late 13 year old Scottish lass Robyn Goldie who had a most despicable life at the hands of her very own biological mother Sharon and who effectively died most unnecessarily, and all alone!

Likewise, my earnest belief that effectively so-called mothers like Sharon should crucially be obviously and permanently lawfully sterilized, clearly irrespective of whatever other judicial punishments are meted out to them!

Tuesday 17 September 2024

White British - sociopathic in nature and paedophiles by design!

By Stanley Collymore

No sentient human being, in his
or her right mind, would even
transiently ever tolerate,
condone and far less so accept and equally
embrace child abuse of any kind. However,
there are effectively many of you out there
who actually quite evidently vaingloriously
like to basically proselytize yourselves not
only as the clearly, irrefutably self-entitled
elites of British society, but irrefutably too
and very indisputably in tandem with that,
by the divine approbation of the Almighty
God actually regard yourselves as simply
our unquestionably, although unasked by
us let alone elected to be, clearly rightful
and hereditary monarchical leaders! And
persons therefore, who take and adopt a
crucially different approach, attitude and
treatment of minors; and distinctly really
undoubtedly, specifically young children!

That said, it's generally, obviously
transparent to me that many of
you who're actually fervently,
thoroughly, vaingloriously and rather urgently,
in your unquestionably best self-centred and
evidently self-serving virtue signalling mode,
as you crucially, eagerly clamber aboard the
vitriolically actually contrived Huw Edward's
bandwagon; would be most wary, of having
your own private lives similarly and publicly
dissected. And the truth, were it to be really
told few, if any of you lot, who are virulently
lambasting Huw Edwards, would decidedly
very realistically, literally be in a position to
truthfully assert a state of affairs basically
relative to yourself that you're undoubtedly
categoricallly and discernibly any better in
your own private and concealed behaviour
than how Huw Edwards so vilely behaved!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
17 September 2024.

Author's Remarks:
I'm not an apologist for what Huw Edwards has done and will candidly say that his actions were both immorally and repugnantly wrong. But I'm equally averse and similarly thoroughly repulsed by the irrefutably nauseatingly, sickeningly, self-righteousness and virtue signalling by the clear surfeit of those eagerly and vaingloriously, but secretively evidently as bad as or even far worse than Huw Edwards ever was, rather ecstatically but very hypocritically vaingloriously jumping on this discernibly contrived bandwagon in a clear endeavour to deflect attention away from their own more vile and damaging abuses!

The only certainty in life is Death, which simply puts your own odious behaviour and deceptions easily at risk of being publicly exposed. So don't pamper yourselves that you're simply inviolately and permanently immune from ostracism! And simply so because of who you think you are!

Monday 16 September 2024

Trump's inside job to garner the sympathy vote!

By Stanley Collymore

Only braindead MAGA prats and
delusional morons will believe
this utter crap that someone
is earnestly trying to assassinate Donald
Trump! Since to very evidently intelligent
minds what's crucially pathetically going
on is candidly, rather fake news trumped
up on behalf of Donald, and essentially I
discernibly, obviously personally believe,
by himself, to quite obviously garner the
sympathy vote, effectively in view of his
actually abysmal, political performance
so far; and which is evidently unlikely to
get any better. So in that regard Donald
will effectively do practically everything
he really can, to get back into the White
House again, including his organizing a
crude, bogus assassination on himself!
Such a discernibly evil demented thing!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
15 September 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Where Evil obviously abounds commonsense evidently has no place therein!

Sunday 15 September 2024

Absolutely, what a sick joke this United Kingdom is regrettably!

By Stanley Collymore

It's amazing, what you can afford
when your family pay minimal
income tax, no inheritance
tax and inherit swathes of the country simply
through breeding! So an 11 year old actually
very extremely privileged boy is being given
flying lessons. In the literally same country
meanwhile the NHS that I positively adore
and wholeheartedly support is undeniably
generally almost but, thankfully, not there
yet, beyond repair! Similarly, many elderly
across the country, will no longer receive
winter fuel allowance, which will actually
effectively incur death for many of them.  
Most ironically so, as naturally these are
undeniably, obviously, some of the most
belligerently, fatuously purblind fawning
monarchically vile, sycophants possible.  
While violent prisoners are simply being
released from specifically, overcrowded
prisons. But all that's OK; so long as the
Windsors can quite effectively continue
to literally own their plethora of houses,
castles and palaces; also myriad acres
of land; receive their unlimited millions
in our taxpayers' money; and obviously
unquestionably, really importantly their
not yet of obviously, secondary school
age children, can attain flying lessons!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
13 September 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Feudal Britain lives on in the 21st Century and the brainwashed, delusional serfs are crucially very happy to accommodate and blissfully, as well, thoroughly indulge in it. Quite pitifully like the gross and odious underlings that they very self-evidently are! 

Oh to be so delusional and quite unawares not realizing it!

By Stanley Collymore

Truly which Commonwealth that
colonialist idiots in Australia,
New Zealand and Canada
are pontificating about that supposedly
doesn't want anything whatever, to do
with Harry and Meghan, as these vile,
racists, distinctly in obviously serious
denial of their actually odious racism
and the evidently pliable, sycophants
which they quite unquestionably are
launch into their customary bouts of
ludicrous exaggeration and basically
quite frequently, and inexhaustively
too subjectively give themselves full
credence to what they're irrefutably
undoubtedly; especially, and lyingly
exaggeratedly saying, obviously not
simply to cover just Britain but also
and patently ridiculously the whole
Commonwealth and, discernibly as
well, quite absolutely too the entire
world whenever these distinctively
aptly brain-washed and braindead
morons appropriately conditioned
like Pavlov's dogs, but in their own
situation to actually turn on Harry
and Meghan and likewise wanting
to support their spurious and very
illogical assertions simply literally
and always, vilely unquestionably
without fail do readily employ the
hyperbolic pronouns of: "We, Our
and Us", to distinctly, substantiate
the disdains they're proselytizing!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
15 September 2024.

Author's Remarks:
In actual reality the Commonwealth, which British Empire Loyalists quite asininely like to regard as the British Empire Mark 2, is in reality endeavouring to actually disassociate itself from the British monarchy and actually Liz Windsor was clearly meant to be its last hereditary head; but she rather successfully pleaded for Charles to be its Head when he obviously became king, and why evidently quite hypocritically she publicly showed no antipathy to Harry marrying Meghan, as it would clearly have been the case if the now defunct British Empire was still undeniably in existence.

Couldn't very well tell the Commonwealth, principally consisting of billions of clearly non-white citizens that she didn't want to have a presumed Nigger marrying into her Master Race all white Caucasian discernibly inbred family, yet actually want and equally expect to have her son as their actual Head, as she herself was from the Empire days. So Harry was reluctantly allowed to marry the woman he loves, but with Charles obviously confirmed as the next Commonwealth Head, the Palace, its racists - all the staff in all of the Windsor’s' households are distinctively, exclusively white because essentially when the discernibly UK Race Discrimination Act was being drafted in 1968, Liz Windsor very personally demanded, and got her wish, that she, her entire extended family and clearly all of their hired staff MUST be exempted from it; and the then evidently sycophantic government went along with Liz Windsor's demands. So while everyone in the UK is theoretically as well as legally subject in a court of law to the terms of the British Race Relations Act if they flout it, no one in the Windsor monarchical family or their staff members and flunkies are subjected to it. And essentially that same exemption is still actually quite obviously very rigidly in place in 2024! Don't just take my word for it; simply go and do your own research, as it's distinctively evidently obviously there in the official papers.

However, once Charles was well confirmed as the next Head of the Commonwealth then Meghan and Harry's marriage, never really actually wanted by the Windsors, and most ironically so Kate Middleton: the obsessively blatant social climbing, very rabidly stalking social climbing, workshy gold digger, who in spite of her sharing the same racist views as William would never have married him, if her evidently dim-witted husband was just a postman, could be assiduously worked on to clearly destroy it, so that there would be no longer a perceived Nigger in this utterly vile dysfunctional (my words) feudal very evilly mind-set family. Quite adept actually for this feudalistic Britain and its very odious surfeit of fervently sycophantic serfs! So, what is in fact being done to Harry and Meghan was in essence all quite literally pre-planned by the principal Windsors and their bought and as well paid for MSM, through your taxes! All those of you, that is, that pay any! And why it is there's this obsession being constantly promoted by the Palace, MSM hacks and as well the surfeit of sycophantic haters that Harry and Meghan will divorce. All wishful and contrived thinking as Harry and his wife Meghan's marriage is as healthy as it could possibly get! While in marked contrast it's the marriage of William and the conniving callously gold digger and obsessive stalker and rabid social climber Kate Middleton's marriage that is the sham; for privately and emotionally it's over! Hence all the contrived crap by the Palace to their paid MSM stooges and hacks to convince you sycophants that William and Kate's marriage is permanently in a healthy and distinctly an inviolable state of affairs. It's not! And is obviously evidently over barring the publicly declared divorce. A classic case of being careful about what you hatefully wish for others! As it usually comes back to viciously bite your own ass!

Charles, however, will undoubtedly be the very last monarchical head distinctly of the Commonwealth. And hardly surprising! As I will obviously ask, didn't you see the evident fools William and Kate made of themselves in Jamaica? And the Caribbean states as well as the African ones, know that both William and Kate fully subscribe to the rather odious concept of white supremacy and evidently in such a fashion that theirs rather discernibly make that literally of Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, Nigel Farage and the KKK truly look pretty innocuous!  

In conclusion the Commonwealth is actually a distinctly voluntary association of nations and not owned by Britain, so to all you really purblind morons don't obviously talk about it as though it was effectively owned and as well literally controlled by Britain; as it isn't! Thus when you utter your crap and stupidly want to reinforce it, stop using it, as you in effect have no more knowledge of what the people in Barbados, Zimbabwe, Guyana; in South Africa, India, Sri Lanka, the Maldives let alone Cuba, Venezuela, China or even in Britain itself, when you ludicrously employ the terminology "the entire world" actually think and personally don't have any actual way of individually knowing. So simply stop being pathetically hyperbolic in your odious exclamations and literally FUCK OFF!

Happy 40th Birthday Harry!

By Stanley Collymore 

Many happy returns young man on 
this your very special occasion. 
Wishing you all the very best 
with your lovely wife Meghan, your children 
Archie and Diana Jnr.; mother-in-law, Doria 
and your absolutely close, and undeniably 
trusted friends. So to all these haters and 
skeptics desperately hoping, to obviously 
rain on this, your birthday parade; literally 
here's unquestionably my contemptuous  
response to all of them. So truly what as 
a matter of an aside - for argument sake 
which I know is really not the case - your 
birthday celebrations attendees actually 
consisted of discernibly yourself; loving 
wife Meghan and your simply gorgeous 
and adorable children? What's evidently 
significantly effectively wrong with that, 
as very unquestionably they're crucially 
your own family! And how simply naive 
and totally wracked with odious hatred, 
racism, stupidity, and evil bigotry these 
Gammons, Karens and rather evidently 
all of these other effectively demented, 
gullible morons are not to undoubtedly 
distinctly see, and in the face of reality 
also acknowledge, that both you Harry 
and Meghan do irrefutably deliberately 
and very sensibly surround yourselves 
crucially with people, you undoubtedly 
trust; and evidently really want in your 
respective lives! Not slimy hypocrites 
and self-servingly odious hangers on! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
15 September 2024. 

Author's Remarks:
Happy Birthday Harry! Have a wonderful time and thoroughly enjoy yourself! Best wishes also to Meghan, Archie, Diana Jnr and Doria. 

Incidentally all you purblind idiots who in essence haven't the commonsense to even actually shelter yourselves from the rain, you don't have to endure anything about this lovely family at all if you stop clicking on all these vile, vitriolic and racist articles about Harry, Meghan and their family. But actually in reality you can't because your lives are in effect so meaningless that you actually need an obsession to keep you going!

Friday 13 September 2024

Sycophants prove indisputably that there's simply no cure for endemic stupidity!

By Stanley Collymore 

The thing is that when Harry 
and Meghan merely held 
hands publicly you lot 
were pearl clutching and accusing them of 
being rather disrespectful. Now with Willy 
virtually on top of Kate in this undeniably      
publicly proselytised  PR video and truly  
just literally marginally outside of being      
inside Kate's fanny, and all this actually      
in front of their kids you sick lot simply      
can't truly, get enough of it! This is just      
so strange, and really cringey! For any      
real and sensible, rational person can      
literally realize, this is solely for public      
show and that therefore, there's really      
basically, no genuine affection in real      
life between these two as discernibly      
William looks very uncomfortable, all      
the time! And actually, how come the      
rather allegedly cancer-stricken Kate      
is ostensibly so well to evidently and      
literally seemingly fraudulently in her      
reported condition, to keenly bounce      
around in a Land Rover, avidly watch      
men playing tennis but evidently not      
well enough to essentially thank her      
purported cancer doctors; also their      
clinical staff; or discernibly, support      
any cancer charities? It's all literally,      
so very odd! And rather obviously, if      
Harry and Meghan, rather idiotically      
publicly did something as distinctly      
literally stupid as this, every Angela      
Levin supporter; vile right-wing and      
racist, Daily Mail commentator and      
columnist would be obviously livid!      
While undoubtedly taking the piss!      
(C) Stanley V. Collymore      
10 September 2024.  
Author's Remarks:     
Harry and Meghan clearly adore each other, a state of affairs that you racists can't handle in your pathetic lives, so you actually conjure up fantasies or invariably realities that obviously and undoubtedly, rather discernibly pertain to your own pathetic lives and because you truly cannot deal with them, ostensibly and literally likewise foist them on to Harry and Meghan! 

Meanwhile, because of the sycophants that you quite unquestionably are to those whom you endemically regard as undoubtedly your societal betters you put William and Kate now up on contrived pedestals, too blind and also dumb to realize that what they seek to odious and vilely display as love between themselves just isn't there. It's really, absolutely distinctly pathetic! 

And very essentially even the royal loving media although slowly so, are nonetheless clearly beginning to wake up and smell the coffee, as these two who you fatuously hero worship, in reality don't even live together. 

And the rather evidently obvious expression on Charlotte's face wasn't one of basic admiration witnessing her father specifically  on top of her mother, purportedly lovingly kissing her, but total puzzlement and utter confusion at her observing her dad doing something she's evidently not that accustomed to observing him in reality naturally doing at home, yet discernibly literally making a right spectacle of himself quite distinctly in front of the camera, and obviously, undoubtedly solely for obvious publicity purposes! Rather evidently showing that Charlotte, has more awareness of reality than all of you unquestionably thoroughly purblind sycophants lumped together!

Tuesday 10 September 2024

When couples try this hard to convince others, they're distinctively covering something up!

By Stanley Collymore 

I'm one of you! Cured! And my 
husband is really straight! 
Look! Cancer and also 
chemotherapy treatment? Generally I 
don't think so! And how very curious 
that there's no hair loss! Irrefutably, 
the crucially, most wonderful thing 
about being rather acceptably rich 
and powerful, is that you can spin 
any lie you want, and undeniably 
the braindead and gullible rather 
essentially will believe it! So, I'm 
specifically sure, that this lovely 
news of Doolittle Kate will truly 
keep the general panoply, aptly 
of British pensioners, crucially 
warm this prospective winter! 
And the funny thing is that, in 
spite of my sarcasm, it plainly 
will; as basically simply them 
and obviously all likeminded 
and middle-aged, sycophants 
quite pathetically care about 
is such subservient overload 
wilfully proseltysed anyway. 

Brusquely and quite honestly 
there is no comparison to 
ordinary people where 
Kate Middleton's health problems - real 
or largely and cynically imaginary, are 
concerned. Obviously, no NHS waiting 
list; neither any real job requirement,
nor financial worries unquestionably 
attendant with, the longest sick leave 
ever. Therefore real cancer sufferers 
don't need to see, how the privileged 
get treated! So who distinctively, are 
these obviously laughably supposed 
sweethearts, after really irrefutably 
several years of non PDA, generally 
trying to undoubtedly kid? As what 
Kate and William are literally, very 
cynically and lyingly offering up to 
essentially basically cover up their 
odious duplicity is unquestionably 
totally beyond fake, and obviously 
undeniably, discernibly sickening! 
Something, that all intelligent and 
observant persons can swiftly see, 
but very discernibly brainwashed 
sycophants either can't, or choose 
not to, as they actually preferably
choose to simply and pathetically 
believe their evidently perceived 
'societal betters' wholeheartedly!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
10 September 2024. 

Author's Remarks:
The clearly discernible double standards of the Daily Mail's website and the vile surfeit of commentators there are as mindless as they are predictable. For obviously, if Harry and Meghan, but actually unusually so for them, had distinctively released, a similar video to this one, by Kate and William, it would have been mercilessly criticised to the heavens by people who know no more about Harry and Meghan than they discernibly do about Kate and William! 

Oh the joys of delusional, white master race racism! While rather asininely living in the clear purblind state of serious denial that it actually exists!

Monday 9 September 2024

Assisted dying through voluntary euthanasia!

By Stanley Collymore  
Death should not be something  
we fear. Since we will all die,  
as there's no getting away  
from it! So why not make our last moments 
here on this Earth as dignified and likewise  
equally pain free as possible? And actually  
rather frankly from my honest perspective  
anyone that is against this, while crucially  
entitled to their own opinions, is evidently  
keeping people compulsorly alive, who in
actuality genuinely and freely want to die,  
for their own selfish reasons; and simply
raises an obviously basic question of, do  
such persons, discernibly not really have  
any viable understanding or significantly  
any empathetic compassion? For clearly  
when old age, distinctively becomes too  
much, and your life is obviously ruled by  
severe pain; when literally, there's no joy  
left because of actually debilitating and  
also severe increasing loss of cognitive  
abilities; when you simply determinedly  
wish for nothing else, but to be actually  
physically and essentially, permanently  
released from this world; why on Earth  
then, should such a person be actually  
prevented from unquestionably simply  
having a thoroughly dignified and truly  
peaceful passing? That's obviously of  
course, there's either a callous lack of  
concern or specifically a sinister plan  
to distinctly actually make the elderly  
think that they've no worth anymore?  
(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
8 September 2024.  

Author's Remarks:  
Distinctively very disconcerting, reading about the married couple, Peter and Christine Scott:  86 and 80 years respectively, story and clearly the evident desolate failure, which Britain has largely become to those who have worked all of their adult lives, unflaggingly have paid into the system, only to be crucially systematically robbed in their retirement by unquestionably a Government and Establishment that will quite happily take your last penny and basically not even bat an eyelid at doing so!