
Sunday 9 April 2023


By Stanley Collymore

Why is jealousy so vituperatively 
and often openly condemned 
and not all that unnaturally 
by those same people who clearly are 
not themselves above employing this 
same sentiment, when it’s irrefutably 
directly suitable for them? Naturally, 
automatically, quite unquestionably
avidly essentially envying someone 
else or even several other persons, 
solely because you so distinctively 
feel or quite innately actually think 
for whatever evidently, steadfastly 
clung to reasons which you either 
rightly or wrongly undoubtedly do 
perceive to be the lone case with 
yourself, that there're undeniably 
multiple distinctly more evidently 
rather fortunately gifted or better 
off individuals, who're effectively
personally endowed with talents 
that you conceivably don’t have, 
and literally your vile prejudices 
don't logically, make any sense. 

And quite realistically wouldn’t 
it honestly be a much more 
creditable situation, not 
just for yourself but similarly also 
for everyone that rather than you 
wasting so much of your energy 
distinctively, wilfully, needlessly 
so committed to such negative  
emotions on your part, actually 
being rather bitterly envious of 
other persons, and ludicrously 
so in your literally obsessively 
and basically, malicious mind 
people whom you really don’t 
even know; that crucially you 
sensibly took a quite serious 
and naturally, additionally as 
well, an essentially long and 
simply hard look at yourself. 

And not only try to realistically
ascertain why you’re actually 
the person who you are, but 
evidently also are quite seriously and 
clearly obdurately as well embarking 
on the behaviour, which you've quite 
independently, personally chosen to 
committedly and publicly indulge in 
as you've obviously rather callously 
done. This very brazenly, massively 
and so evilly exploitative behaviour 
that you're so basically hooked on! 
Which essentially isn't the least bit 
genuinely productive or effectively 
that beneficial long term either for 
yourself or those who're evilly and 
vilely encouraging you; literally, so
very pathetic your odious actions. 
And instead, of you most stupidly 
deciding, on actually staying how 
you are, why not really endeavour 
to being a pleasant human being.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
9 April 2023. 

Author's Remarks:
Being purposely, arrogantly, quite prejudicially, racially, ethnically or even sexually precluded from doing something that you innately know you can positively achieve and moreover be quite distinctly brilliant at, while on the other hand seeing evidently favoured persons: either because of their wealth or social connections, and who are quite conspicuously less competent either in that discipline as yourself, or distinctly less possessed of the exact same natural ability which you most self-evidently have, nevertheless rather unfairly given opportunities which obviously they’re not rightly or fairly entitled to, to all the same perform when you’re prevented from actually doing so by those who’re favourably disposed to them and in a manner that you obviously with all your natural ability wouldn’t ever be; and likewise cognizant that those who fully injudiciously and prejudicially are purposely behaving in this way, yet crucially  in their distinctively unjust practices those whom they quite prejudicially fawn over and give preference to will never be able to match your inherent skills that you also likewise assiduously work on constructively improving, is not simply wrong but also, as every rational mind will conclude, egregiously malevolent in the process of what has been intentionally done. And were you the victim of such behaviour, in my view, to categorize such behaviour by those who are determined to frustrate your natural abilities in this rabidly unfair manner as jealousy, no fair-minded person could quite realistically blame you. 

However, for that person who has been unjustly favoured to fall flat on their face in spite of all the significantly unfair treatment and advantages randomly and liberally given to them, then quite grotesquely endeavour and maliciously as well do all they possibly can with their influential friends to stymie, and thankfully so unsuccessfully in that process, your brilliant success based exclusively on your unceasing and very rigorous determination to succeed, and itself a commitment complemented by your distinctive, natural ability; such behaviour by your odious enemies and similarly vile  detractors is quite undoubtedly to all intelligible minds, I firmly and unapologetically do honestly believe, the epitome in terms of absolute and unadulterated jealousy.

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