
Sunday 30 April 2023

I've already sworn Charles, and it wasn't allegiance! Lol!

By Stanley Collymore 

Britons are now compelled it 
quite obviously seems, and 
also clearly unexpectedly 
too, to now essentially swear their
allegiance distinctly and basically 
essentially also, to their new king 
and queen. Actually as I truly see 
it, swearing an allegiance clearly 
is undeniably a serious business, 
quite as serious I'd speculatively 
imagine as those marriage vows 
that Charles so voluntarily, aptly 
did make, to Diana; and Camilla
equally to her own ex-husband! 

While the pair of them saw 
nothing wrong, and still 
to this day and with 
Diana the one spouse inside this
quartet that properly and rather 
understandably did vehemently 
object to what was very literally 
going on, when quite ultimately 
she found out very suspiciously 
dead, and the major adulterous 
pair now married to each other 
but simply not once apologized 
for what they did and basically 
quite transparently, never will. 

So should us Britons who're not 
intellectually challenged, and 
too, few in number I would 
imagine, take this upcoming diktat 
of a brand new allegiance, to their 
quite blood-soiled, tampon-loving, 
new king and his ex mistress wife 
now queen seriously, or is it aptly 
all part of this rather stupendous 
and too, fatuous ongoing fantasy. 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
30 April 2023. 

Author's Remarks: 
I would hazard a guess that I'm not the only one hoping that President Putin sends a gift to this coronation - he'd go up even more considerably in my estimation if he could spare one of those long range fireworks. 

Having tipped off his USA operatives to ensure that Harry's plane is delayed for administrative purposes and therefore never takes off for its UK destination.

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