
Saturday 22 April 2023

If you want a lie to be believed, say it loudly and do so often!

By Stanley Collymore

If the risible and blatant lie that 
the Windsors are clearly well 
worth their very expensive 
upkeep at the taxpayers’ expense 
because significantly, in terms of 
currency alone, they clearly bring 
in at least, seven times far larger 
sums of income, rather routinely 
and actually accumulatively into 
the UK than effectively what the 
British state actually spends on 
them were even true when truly 
anyone, with even crucially half 
a functioning brain, quite risibly 
knows this to be blatantly, a lie; 
are you brain-dead idiots really 
seriously suggesting or literally 
even saying that to be a highly 
successful country, essentially 
the only criterion which Britain 
should constantly, really focus 
upon is the imbecilic notion of 
only generating shed loads of 
money and furthermore do so 
entirely through a ridiculously 
to each rational person in the 
UK Disneyland type tourist 
industry, across the country?  

Why in intellectually challenged, 
dim-witted and endemically 
moronic Britain doesn’t 
that evidently pathetic and thoroughly 
asinine attitude by an unquestionably 
burgeoning surfeit of rather evidently 
devotedly, monarchical brownnosing 
serf cretins, not surprise me one bit? 
Cultural, societal and glaringly so as 
well to anyone who is endowed with 
the least thread of genuinely natural 
intellectual acumen that is available 
to them clearly irrefutably, essential 
educational, health, and discernibly 
also political development all totally 
depend obviously on that advisedly 
considered; adequately supportive, 
and significantly, sensibly-invested 
sums of money, into every forward 
thinking, likewise meritocratic, and 
progressive country. Evidently, not 
by any intelligible means whatever 
a perpetual, ad nauseum situation 
of sitting on one’s quite obscenely
obese vilely lazy white Caucasian 
ass; notoriously like the blithering 
idiots that you are; surely thick as 
pig shit and consistently deluding 
yourselves, as the vile verminous 
and toxic lowlife scum which you 
undeniably are; that your fittingly, 
Middle Ages mind-set, set in situ 
rather preposterously in this 21st 
Century, monarchy; all attendant 
evidently with simply Disneyland
type, literally fulsomely attached 
glaring tourism, will be truly your 
own and the eternal salvation of 
a prosperous, right-wing Britain! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
22 April 2023.

Author's Remarks::
The Daily Mail and the other right-wing media across Britain continue to lie to their followers and clickbait subscribers when in actuality they don’t have to as it’s really from an intelligent point of view totally superfluous. And why do I think this?

Because it’s patently obvious to the intelligent world at large, globally that is, and the few intelligent people still in Britain, that for ages now most Britons are born endemically stupid and stay that way all of their lives. But I guess that with rags and Nazi media it’s force of habit with them too, as frankly they too aren’t all that bright.

And as one former colleague of mine in what used to be the Marriage Guidance Council that I voluntarily worked for all those years ago – now known as Relate – and who I’ve maintained a close professional as well as a personal relationship with ever since then said to me a couple of days ago when she knew I was going to write this poem: “Stanley,” she said, “Significant numbers of Britons are like errant children; physically adult but mentally children, and no different from the mentally defective who enjoys masturbating but other than the transient satisfaction he or she derives from it couldn’t logically explain why they’re doing it. And white Britons effectively are of the same mind-set in their asinine behaviours.”

Incidentally, this female friend is undoubtedly white Caucasian, British by birth and proper longstanding ancestry, as well as highly educated and thoroughly mentally liberated – none of this pogrom or European holocaust escapee shit vaingloriously and preposterously masquerading as authentic Brits like Tom Bauer alias name change Bower; Michael Hecht alias Howard, Dominic Raab, Sarah Vine, Amanda Platell and the other white trash, the sort who like to proselytize themselves as authentic Brits when their links to Britain are as tenuous as they come, yet tell those whose wealth, labour, blood sweat, tears and stolen wealth made England and subsequently after the formation of the UK the world entity that it became, that they don’t belong in Britain and are “immigrants”; yet have no problem of having their ilk and kin likemindedly infest the likes of genocidally acquired, convict entrenched, delusional Terra nullius Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the USA for example to the total exclusion of these countries indigenous inhabitants.

But after all William Shakespeare did say: Where ignorance is bliss tis folly to be wise. And overall they don’t come any more fucking stupid than white Brits, their Useful Idiots, Asian Coconuts and House Nigger Stockholm syndrome types.

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