
Friday 1 October 2021

Kyrsten Sinema - Anything but smart. A weirdo trading on her own account!

By Stanley Collymore 

Predictably hateful, ignorant 
and basically inured selfish 
conduct by a distinctively 
lousy self-centred, sexual weirdo 
and purportedly when she feels 
like it, an Arizona senator with 
a rather graspingly avaricious 
penchant and also thoroughly 
commited obsession, actually 
for generating, lots of money.  
The solitary question arising 
from Kyrsten Sinema, really 
on each monetary occasion, 
not one of is it dirty money 
or, where does it distinctly 
come from but reflexively 
on Kyrsten  Sinema's, bent 
and mercenary part, how 
much cash, will I receive
for what you want me to 
really, be doing for you?  

Morals like a sewer rat; integrity 
disgustingly lacking; principles 
distinctively unheard of; while  
empathy for those she looks down 
on crucially non-existent. Hardly 
surprising therefore Ms Kyrsten  
Sinema essentially doesn't have 
a solitary care in the world for 
any such persons when safely 
her basic concern, other than 
each matter of conveniently 
sexually pleasuring herself
by either males or females 
venally rakes in big bucks 
from dodgier lobbyists on 
the actual behalf of super 
corporations plus totally 
special interests groups; 
themselves vitriolically 
against crucial care for 
needy people, likewise 
also anything else that 
would really improve, 
however significantly 
so their rather visibly 
critical, life situation.   

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
1 October 2021.  

Author's Remarks:  
Pigs, snouts and troughs readily come to mind when the likes of Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema are concerned.  Self-serving and intellectually challenged prats, pretending to be senators but in reality doing the opposite, from two of the poorest states in the USA; yet in their highly so and graspingly avaricious, self-indulgence, self-interestedly making millions of dollars from lobbyists working on behalf of their corrupt corporate masters and friends, while ensuring that the genuinely poor and needy in the states they electorally represent stay in the insidious penury they're in through no fault of their own; but a situation that Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema don't give a toss about! 

Be deceived if you voters idiotically want to be, but there's not a shred of integrity,  morality or basic humanity where these two pillocks Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema are concerned. Pretentiously, disingenuously and dishonestly claiming to not be in favour of running up a national debt when it comes to actually helping people who actually need help, while without the same constraints on themselves when it comes to significantly vote for and assisting these same exceedingly wealthy corporate companies to massively reduce their legal and moral tax requirements to the country and people whom they're callously and egregiously bleeding as these said companies and those who run them willingly shunt their ill-gotten gains into off shore bank accounts and tax evasion schemes, speaks volumes. 

Weirdo Kyrsten Sinema - uncertain whether she's a woman or a man - and Joe Manchin literally make the historical likes of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini look, in retrospect, like good and beneficent guys. In reality they are worse; and for this conservative tag they're pushing relative to themselves, genuinely interpret that as redneck racist, Fascist and Nazi. But if you their voters are happy with that; then asininely keep voting for them, as it's not them but you who are the sad losers! Just remember this is the 21st Century not the 20th Century and the 1930s. The sensible alternative is to unceremoniously kick them out! 

Liz Cheney is a genuine Conservative and Republican; so don't idiotically confuse jerks like Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, who conveniently and self-servingly label themselves conservative, with a thoroughly commendable, distinctively moral and principled lady of the calibre of Liz Cheney; as it's a gross insult not only to Liz Cheney but all decent and highly principled Americans to do so; and is as ill-judged as suggesting that Donald J Drumpf should become Pope! 

In marked contrast Liz Cheney knows what is fundamentally right and lives by those innate principles; Donald J Drumpf and his treacherously so-called Democratic Party acolytes Joe Manchin and weirdo Kyrsten Sinema characteristically don't!  

Liz Cheney knows what's right; what the US Constitution is about; and also specifically what was, and still is, with her Republican Party, and its Big Lie protestations championed by a Nazi, white supremacist aficionado, wannabe USA dictator; coup plotter; insurrectionist, criminally disposed and demented bogus patriot - happy to defend the USA to the last drop of other people's blood but never his own, is Donald J Drumpf: 6 times a cowardly draft dodger; and such a pathetically sick and sore loser throughout the entirety of his utterly useless life! 

But Liz Cheney who'll forever remain a beacon of inspiration not only for the USA but also the world generally long after hopefully Covid-19 or whatever other inimical disease have decimated and thankfully disposed of insidiously pernicious charlatans of the ilk of Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, staunchly stood up, and still resolutely and commendably does, against her political party; not walking away from the challenges they damnably and illegally presented her with, but with courageous integrity took them on; fighting for the US Constitution and de facto the inherent rights of the American people. Morality, integrity, and a plethora of other undeniable top notch human qualities that neither money bags Joe Manchin nor weirdo Kyrsten Sinema, despite all their numerous and basically vacuous attention seeking statements know absolutely nothing about! 

Whether you're a Democratic Party member, belong to another party or none, you are an American and also a voter, and such self-serving, lying and dishonest charlatans like Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema to whom money is everything and principles don't count or matter, don't belong in or justifiably should have any place whatsever in public office. To the Democratic Party: I duly say, kick them out; to the voters it's your choice whether you have elected representatives, of any kind, who care about your requisite interests that are imbued with integrity and altruism or have yourselves cynically and contemptously used by graspingly financially avaricious jerks like Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema playing you the voters for the fools they derisively see you as.  

God Bless America; Liz Cheney, Nancy Pelosi, the progressive elements in the Democratic Party and across the rest of the USA for standing your ground; and God Bless yourselves also for taking a courageous stance for a genuinely better, authentically equal and similarly a naturally meritocratic United States of America.  

Personally, I pose this question: you wouldn't sensibly put the identical likes of a British Jimmy Savile or an American Jeffrey Epstein in charge of a kids kindergarten, would you; so why entrust the likes if Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema with your every day lives. Trust me, the analogy is the same! The one beneficial difference being that Jimmy Savile and Jeffrey Epstein are thankfully now dead. But we can live in hope where their replicas are concerned! God Save America!


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