
Monday 25 October 2021

I'd be more worried, if I were you, had Steve Allen risibly called this fat slob, Tilly Ramsay a celebrity!

By Stanley Collymore 

Equally among those things 
that I find rather appalling 
are all recommendations, 
soley awarded, through cronyism, 
nepotism and generally also very 
outright and vilely brownnosing 
sycophancy to distinctively zero 
talented relatives who liberally 
plus rather assiduously, always 
consciously, self-servingly, will
intentionally individually milk 
their parents; siblings; usually 
too their personal partners or 
whoever and very often even 
then, completely by virtue of  
crucial familial connections; 
very dubious and usually in 
themselves absolutely quite 
irrelevant as any genuinely 
normal claim to a celebrity 
status could likely be, even 
in accordance with clearly 
their obvious delusionally 
trip to personal relevancy.  

Since, quite obviously, these 
nonentities are principally 
there essentially because 
of clearly one reason only. And quite 
self-evidently their own presence is 
not even remotely so connected in 
any plausible way, whatsoever, to 
their real character; intelligence; 
or the most rudimentary ability.
But, instead, is based purely on 
the supposed 'talent' of others.  
And most ironically, Tilly has 
none; clearly like her father!  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
24 October 2021.   

Author's Remarks:   
The cruel irony totally lost on Daily Mail manipulated Pavlov dogs type respondents and braindead dimwits who effusively laud Gordon Ramsay for his generally gratuitous and very insulting remarks to whomsoever he cares to; routinely gets away with it, and delights his fans unsurprisingly. 

The same fans who rather arrogantly and distinctly asininely, instinctively applaud this most reprehensible kind of demonstrably, repellant behaviour not just from Gordon Ramsay himself but basically those of his vile ilk that they similarly like and admire.

Intelectually challenged morons that routinely dish out the same vitriolic insults and abuse themselves to those that they're exhorted, encouraged and directed to do so against, and consequently rather effusively applaud themselves for having  do so. 

And how many of you raise the same bogus complaints you're doing now, in relation to Tilly Ramsay, when you are distinctly, maliciously, spitefully, malevolently, evilly egregiously; most contemptibly and intentionally on a daily basis, cheerfully doing the same vile things quite specifically to Meghan Markle? So what's your clearly sick and very twisted excuse for your own behaviour other than your toxic, egregious hypocrisy and repugnant double standards? 

But let's face facts! Overwhelming numbers of British women are grotesquely and unattractively obese; irrefutably the fattest and unhealthiest women across the entirety of Europe and the western world, other than their counterparts, and then quite arguably so, in the USA. So obese are these women, and to such a degree, that they discernibly in marked contrast characteristically make the rear ends of elephants and the bodies of rhinos generally look very appealing aesthetically.  

And frankly, British men themselves aren't that much either, in terms of physical improvement, and sensibly accounts for why they're so easily cuckolded not only at home in the UK  but likewise when their wives, partners or girlfriends go on holiday abroad. Making them the laughing stock to these vile studs in tropical climes! Ring any personal bells, white supremacists?

So the next time that the Daily Mail or your other Pavlov dogs controllers dictate that you have a gratuitous and an inimically vitriolic go at Meghan Markle or Victoria Beckham, for example, do first have a detailed look at your quite patently obnoxious self. Objectively and crucially doing so in every distinctively critical sense in a full blown mirror!

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