
Wednesday 27 October 2021

Diana Spencer was murdered! The means, motive and opportunity for her killing lay firmly with her ex-spouse, and his family!

By Stanley Collymore 

Had Diana Spencer not married 
a husband, who indifferently 
and routinely completely 
left her on her own, while he went 
off rather unconcernedly with his 
unquestionably, slapper mistress 
of many years things irrefutably 
and significantly, could fittingly 
and crucially, have been rather 
different. So for all of you sick 
and repulsively brownnosing 
sycophants, who so asininely 
and basically brainlessly say 
that all of you naturally saw 
on TV, Charles marry Diana 
and didn't see him drag her 
up the aisle; your rampant 
abysmal idiocy and surely 
toxically, vile sycophancy 
are so profound, and also 
blatantly apparent that it 
is not, at all, intelligently 
sensibly, crucially worth 
dignifying what you say 
with a logical comment.  

Objectively, though, I'll say this.  
Show me a single white man,  
British of course, naturally,  
searching for his biological mum or  
a woman likewise in Britain doing  
the same as him; or the biological 
mother on Long Lost Family, that 
enforcedly but rather obligingly, 
gave up her newborn infant for 
adoption, basically because the 
man, who she genuinely loved 
told her, that he also similarly 
felt the same emotionally, for 
her; and thus, persuaded her 
quite easily to have sex with 
him! Self-servingly, sexually 
and predictably also getting 
her pregnant but on having  
been relatively hesitant but 
proudly told, by this female 
of her unplanned situation 
brusquely and cruelly also 
revealing this information 
he'd deliberately hid from 
her, that he was already a 
despicably lying; covertly 
married man that clearly 
distinctly had a family of 
his own; brutally, simply  
didn't love her; basically  
was rampantly sexually  
using her, and naturally  
uncaringly dumped her.  

Is any of this the fault of the 
woman? And other than 
Charles cynically and 
callously lying to Diana, so that then 
he'd have his lawful heir, and spare 
by her, and nothing else; medically 
ensuring she was a virgin in all of 
this, before his bogus proposal to 
her because the slapper Camilla 
that he was obsessively hooked 
on and routinely shagging: the 
clearly licentious tart that she 
ever was, she had constantly 
been around the proverbial 
block, comparatively many 
more times than any local 
Royal Mail, postman ever 
managed, constructively 
to clock up officially, on 
his basically regulation 
bicycle and oiled more 
regularly and liberally 
than that bike's chain -  

so what essentially is the 
difference - do tell you 
stupid brainwashed  
sycophants - between the sick, 
twisted, odiously and clearly 
sickening; nastily repulsive;
inherently evil, ludicrous 
delusional plus arrogantly  
superior with it! And also 
the indepth, misogynistic 
and dishonest behaviour  
of Charles Windsor that 
was deliberately aimed 
at Diana and not unlike 
that of the like-minded 
vile, biological fathers 
and similarly mothers  
of - Long Lost Family?    

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
27 October 2021. 

Author's Remarks:  
Had Elizabeth Mountbatten Windsor lived in a terraced house at let's say No. 42 Belmont Road, Reading, Berkshire, or even a semi-detached one in neighbouring Tilehurst, instead of having several palatial residences and sprawling estates exclusively at her disposal, she and most of her dysfunctional family would long have been in jail on lengthy stretches, and thankful that the death penalty has been abolished in the UK. 

Let' s look at that assertion more closely. By any definition of the term mother, Liz Windsor is and has always been an utterly lousy one and a discernible enabler of her children's wrongdoing; in particular those of her love child, and equally her favourite, thoroughly spoilt and arrogant brat Andrew! 

A more dysfunctional family than Liz Windsor's you couldn't ask for! Multiple divorces - 3 of her 4 children are divorced - attendant in all of their cases with innumerable licentious and adulterous affairs and the resultant bastard offspring.  

Curious though that while the sycophants and brownnosers are claiming that Harry isn't Charles and quite adamant that Liz and Charles should insist on a DNA test where Harry is concerned, the same brownnosers aren't similarly asking for a DNA test on Anne's children. The same Anne who's had more jumps than the horses she's ridden on, including those with her Metropolitan Police guard Peter Cross that she personally notified of her ensuing labour on her way to hospital and again immediately after the birth of her daughter. Leave you to judge for yourself the implications of Anne's actions! And, of course, her affair with Camilla's husband. Nothing like keeping it in the family eh?   

Charles' secretive bastard ones also comes into the equation; round the block Camilla's offspring; and even Liz's own love child Andrew. But these brownnosing sycophants with their selective hatred towards Harry and Meghan wouldn't want any intrusive and certifiably held DNA tests on those they brainwashingly hero worship, would they? 

Add to the aforementioned these Windsors dodgy financial deals, the selling of titles, while claiming to be more sacrosanct than the Blessed Virgin Mary herself! Then factor in their long and close intimate personal relationships with people who were irrefutably paedophiles.  Charles and Jimmy Savile's 32 years old relationship, and the same Charles' equally longstanding one with the paedophile C of E bishop Peter Ball. Not to overlook the fact that Jimmy Savile had the full and unchecked run of Buckingham Palace and all the other Windsor palatial dwellings. 

And, of course, Andrew's close relationship with paedophile Jeffrey Epstein and his trafficker and enabler Ghislaine Maxwell. And coupled with that and the other nefarious activities Liz's enabling of Philip's rampant adultery so she could likewise have carte blanche to do as she pleased. And she damned well did!  

Then Charles' abominable treatment of Diana. Deceiving a naive and very innocent young girl, for that's what Diana essentially was, into thinking that he loved her when clearly he didn't, so that he Charles, could have a bona fide virgin - Diana enforcedly had to have a vaginal test and medical examination and then also provide irrefutable proof that she was a virgin capable of and also eligible - to conceive this arrogant,  narcissistic and odious misogynistic Charles' heir and spare; as frankly though sexually besotted with Camilla Charles obviously, as well as his mother Liz, couldn't trust Camilla in that "trustworthy" department, even though she was also single, as apart from with Charles, Camilla had been well lubricated by others and far more liberally so than that Royal Mail bicyclist's bike chain!  

His mission accomplished with Diana this odious and toxic piece of human faeces, Charles Windsor, dropped all his bogus pretences towards Diana. Imagine how the poor woman felt at this dreadful betrayal. Any decent woman would naturally want revenge, so too would any honourable father, brother or other close relatives. For it wasn't only the betrayal of THREE in her marital bed but also the arrogant and callously  insulting behaviour by Charles towards Diana, as he continued his licentious and public adultery with Camilla even after she got married. 

And no support whatever from the charlatan Spencer family, more concerned with their connections to the Windsors and not endangering these than giving Diana the comfort and support she desperately needed. Now they're the ones wanting to capitalize on Diana's murder and the historical revisionist perspective of it. Claiming Diana was coerced or tricked into giving that BBC interview. A damned lie. Diana acted as she did of her own volition as she got no support from the Windsors or the Spencers, and had every right to publicly tell her story. And intelligent people globally realise that. 

But the deviant bullies that Charles and his family are they couldn't bear the thought of Diana finding love and creating an independent life of her own, and in their institutionally as well as personally racist mindset, with someone who wasn't WHITE. So the Windsors decided that Diana had to be got rid of. And as the de facto leader of this Mafia Klan Liz Windsor was a principal enabler!

And if Liz Windsor of Reading or Tilehurst Berkshire and her family had done what this Elizabeth Saxe-Coburg-Gothe-Mountbatten-Windsor enabled and encouraged that entire family, taking into account we don't have the death penalty in the UK, would all be doing, and deservedly so, long stretches in prison. Which is precisely where Liz, Charles and the rest of them should be. But in class ridden, non-meritocratic and brownnosing sycophantic Britain, at all levels, that won't happen! 

As for William, with his dishonest and PR piffle about Diana, he's no different from Charles and just as adulterous. How about having a DNA test on your mistress' baby daughter William and furnishing the public with the results? No, I didn't think you'd be in agreement with that. Hypocrites do like to dish it out but can't, like the bullies they are, take their own medicine.  

Kate may have severed her relationship with your mistress William but she's not going to ditch you while this monarchy debateably lasts, as Kate is your classic social climbing and inured Stepford wife broodmare, which Charles expected Diana to be, but your mother wasn't prepared to be. That's why she was murdered! 

As with everything I embark on I accordingly, quite meticulously, do my detailed research. And my sources are not only impeccable but also longtandingly trustworthy. So unapologetically I'll categorically state that the late Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales was murdered! And what you personally think, other than an objective perspective of the matter, is of no relevance to me.  

But I'll close with this comment in the Daily Mail, dated 26 October 2021, by a regular commenter calling himself JOHNNY LONGSHOT who also uses multiple pseudonyms. This is what he wrote relative to Netflix's plans to dramatize Diana's death. And I quote. 

"This should not be aired. [And] I hope the [UK] security services bump off the producers of this programme."  

This wasn't just wishful thinking! And I know a threat when I see, read or hear one. That the Daily Mail allowed this comment to pass and it wasn't reported to the police when lesser and rather facile ones are, says it all!

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