
Wednesday 6 October 2021

Liberty, Equality and Fraternity in Britain? Not a snowflake in Hell's chance!

By Stanley Collymore 

The former French President 
Nicolas Sarkozy was aptly 
criminally investigated, 
charged; tried in court, properly 
convicted, and promptly jailed 
for his proven malfeasance in 
public office; in distinctively, 
simple terminology actually 
corruption. And it distinctly 
all occurred within France
a key EU member country. 
However, simply nothing 
of the kind - and actually 
I'm essentially referring 
to lawfully tackling, the 
so significantly corrupt 
politicians, their vilely
unsurprisingly; rather 
likeminded, distinctly  
relentlessly, criminal 
and privileged elites.   

That contagiously infest the 
entire complement of the 
UK's sick establishment, 
including its so-called 
forces laughably of law and order 
that entail the police; the Crown 
Prosecution Service, the circuit 
of unaccountable magistrates; 
and likewise so the judiciary; 
and similarly the hereditary 
fixated Middle Ages outlook 
plus outmoded counterpart 
equivalent which the lot of  
them very sycophantically 
either hobnob with or else 
freely, kow-tow to; would 
even remotely so, happen 
in the United Kingdom or
now, in Brexiteer Britain.  

For with all of these largely 
white, wholly repugnant 
and stupidly ingrained 
charlatans it's straightforwardly 
for them all a basically routine 
matter of naturally scratching 
each other's backs, while also 
pre-emptively ensuring, that  
each accusation against any  
of them, will literally never 
ever get off the ground, far 
less so carry any influence 
whatsoever were there to  
be, in their collective and  
totally self-serving case a 
most unfortunate leak of 
any harmful allegations.  

Yet these are crucially the  
same visibly privileged 
but distinctly, corrupt 
morons fervidly aided and abetted 
by Britain's serially brainwashed, 
discernibly lowlife, distinctively 
and manifestly, unquestionably 
intellectually challenged quite 
unaware of their endemically 
instilled stupidity, plebeians; 
who laughably claim the UK  
to be this dominant country 
of impartial justice, shared
equality and naturally law 
and order. Really? Exactly 
who're they trying to kid? 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
5 October 2021. 

Author's Remarks: 
Every regulatory body in the UK is without exception comprised of quangos, or whatever you feel like calling them, whose members are not democratically elected or publicly accountable but are in essence consisting of members whose positions are wholly attributable to the worst aspects of cronyism, nepotism, the old boys and old girls public schools network, fixated social climbing addicts who'd do anything, even criminal, to attain their self-serving ambitions notwithstanding their visible incompatibility with such appointments, and likewise most palpably their demonstrable lack of the requisite skills, competence, integrity and experience required; or, for that matter, any knowledge regarding the positions they're after or actually hold, far less so the basic IQ to properly function in the roles they've been given. 

None of that matters though as the deeply ingrained and egregious inequalities of Britain's entrenched class system itself reinforced by the plethora of gullible, brainwashed, intellectually challenged and clearly braindead participants, wholly ensures that this pernicious class system atop of which luxuriously and arrogantly sits an outmoded, hubristically entitled, grotesquely privileged and hereditary, Middle Ages mindset monarchy and its extended dysfunctional family members, is firmly kept in situ simply in order to retain, perpetuate and actively self acquire for these brownnosing acolytes to the British monarchical system the totally meaningless - other than to these kinds of pathetic Britons, their Useful Idiots, and specifically their expatriate kith and kin in places like genocidally stolen and delusional Terra nuliius countries like Australia and New Zealand and with a few in their younger days assiduously casting couch hopping sluts like the now distinctly proverbially and literally old cow, my apologies to that mammal, has-been Joan Collins living in the USA - gongs and titles that their craven and embedded sycophancy to this British monarchical mafia Klan family convinces them will constitute the most distinctive personal achievement in their pathetic and meaningless lives. 

These British quangos were never intended to, or are they ever as presently constituted going to address the relevant issues like inequality, racism, xenophobia or widespread corruption across Britain, as such moral issues were never and still aren't their remit. For instance, are we ever going to see the Charities Commission investigate if they condescend to do so, let alone do so objectively, the dodgy dealings surrounding Charles Windsor's charities, or more aptly for them shove these issues under the carpet, pretend they didn't happen in the firm belief that as time goes by you idiots will obviously forget about them. 

Or the press council ever morally tackling the toxic and deliberate incitement by the far right and Nazi press and the likemided electronic media in the UK to horrendous acts of racism, xenophobia and hate crimes? Or the Crown Prosecution Service,  Scotland Yard and the Metropolitan Police even going through the motions much less so seriously investigate the rampant paedophilia which they know of within the UK but principally exists in the hierarchy of Britain's so-called Christian churches and the country's monarchical family? Don't hold your breath on any of this as it'll never happen! After all these high officials have readily bought into Britain's entrenched class system and aren't willing to do anything remotely moral or even legal that will jeopardize them getting their cherished titles or gongs! 

Which brings me to the point of this poem and Nicolas Sarkozy's conviction. We know that the current Tory regime aided and abetted by Keir Starmer's Labtories want to entice drivers from an EU they claim to despise to come to Britain and help out with a crisis that Brexit created and in many other spheres is exacerbating. No chance!  

But in the wake of Nicolas Sarkozy's trial and conviction, something that would never have happened if he was British and had done exactly the same things as the vast majority of snouts in the troughs British politicians routinely do, why don't intelligent Britons, of whom there are still some, campaign to have those same French judges seconded to Britain to sort out the absolute shower of ineffectual prats who call themselves judges and law and order officials in the UK?

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