By Stanley Collymore
So cavalier, stinkingly odious
and so vermnously evil you
Home Office pen pushers
and likeminded rightwing lap top
xenophobic and vile racist trolls
cowards; bogus patriots the lot
of you, and forever willing to
defend Britain but always so
to the last drop of everyone
else's blood but never your
own. These same Afghans
whom your're now quite
callously purposely and
toxically so egregiously
and wilfully betraying
crucially actually and
genuinely essentially
took what they were
promised, by the US,
its principal lapdog
Britain, plus all the
other imperialistic
white-run; clearly
very delusionally
believing in their
rather ludicrous,
and Master Race
sick, philosophy.
Countries, whose clearly
shameful and basically
toxically, repugnantly
contemptible actions
over the last 20 plus years wasn't
about democracy, or the rest of
their oily flannel, but actually
to really exploit Afghanistan
of its natural resources, for
the primary benefit of the
West's fervid, financially
rapaciously thoroughly
dominating, obsessive
billionaires, plus also
secret paymasters to
these abundance of
vilely corrupt most
rabidly avaricious
evil self-servingly
clearly nepotistic
and malfeasance
clearly in public
office - vile civil
servants linked
indisputably to
basically venal
sick politicians.
Afghans who having believed
what they were quite lyingly
told by these mendaciously
western interlopers essentially did
understandably so, optimistically
hope that their beloved country
would attain, and similarly too
maintain the many freedoms,
which they were rather duly
promised but so regrettably
hasn't happened; therefore
perhaps you vile, ignorant
and xenophobic, crucially
also racist knowalls, who
feel that Britons have no
obligations, whatsoever,
to the multiple Afghans
that very courageously
and quite significantly
too irrefutably placed
their lives on the line
undeniably for them
should put your cowardly
and crucially repulsively
arrogant selves actually
in their shoes for a few minutes.
Then honestly quite simply ask
yourselves objectively if these
Afghans would've, recklessly
put themselves and equally
their own families, in such
mortal danger if seriously
they'd even momentarily
thought anything, rather
vaguely like this, would
really happen to them?
Truly, what a splendid
nation sarcastically is
this United-Kingdom;
odiously treacherous
to the core and quite
predictably likewise
evilly infested, with
its delusional white
master race helped
wholly assiduously
by those Priti Patel
type looney, useful
and coconut idiots.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
18 August 2021.
Author's Remarks:
Like I intimated in this poem it's very easy and thoroughly cowardly too, to be most cavalier about other people's lives and future when you're, rather asininely and ignorantly so, not even remotely in their own or any similar situation; and are both disdainfullly and discernibĺy hypocritically, sitting comfortably behind the keyboard of your personal laptop or computer, or even a mobile phone you're using; and, in marked contrast, literally doing so from some place safe.
Convenient amnesia Priti Patel, or the total disdain on your part for those that you as Home Secretary evidently don't regard as honorary whites like yourself? And how very fortunately, against such animosity at the time from likeminded British whites, the then Home Office, numerous civil servants, multiple politicians, the UK parliament, and the then British PM your refugee parents Priti Patel were begrudgingly allowed to settle in the UK, where you were subsequently so, born! Only to end up being Britain's Home Secretary! No Hollywood director would ever have considered that as a viable film scenario. Too farfetched they would say.
Now you Priti Patel are far more racist and also xenophobic than even that lot back then; among them Maggie Thatcher, that you so publicly and fawningly claim to admire and style your own sick and twisted politics after. Never mind in the least, on your clearly weird and Stockholm Syndrome part Priti Patel, that that racist piece of British government legislation to stop your refugee Asian kind, all with genuine UK passports, from entering Britain was the fastest to be enacted ever within the British House of Commons; and still proudly unenviably holds that record!
Useful Idiots and honorary whites in 21st Century Britain? Who would have thought it! And almost makes apartheid South Africa, in retrospect, look rather enlightening.
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