
Saturday 21 August 2021

Afghanistan: A graveyard of empire!

By Stanley Collymore 

An example of selfishness, 
greed and arrogance and 
the epoch of the United 
States of America its toady Britain 
and other white allegedly master 
race Europeans, tiresomely long 
and completely too self-serving 
experiment, with creating and 
fostering puppet regimes that 
not only don't remotely have 
the expected confidence, far 
less so the ordinary respect  
and basically, significantly 
too, not even crucially the 
most rudimentary, of any  
authenticated legitimacy 
attained from their own 
population, whom they 
ruthlessly use; but also 
never ever practically 
sensibly tried to walk  
after having literally 
been fittingly taught 
how to avariciously 
crawl in the craven 
interests clearly of 
their white master 
controllers; as did 
the supine regime  
that was properly 
ousted, in puppet 
Afghanistan fully 
through the very 
gallant stance of 
a strong Taliban. 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
21 August 2021. 

Author's Remarks: 
The white purported western nations have no right, legal obligation, far less so any moral rectitude to consistently and invariably unwarrantedly interfere in the domestic affairs specifically of Global South countries. 

For in excess of 500 years now you've either individually or collectively abused the rights and lawful entitlements of other people most unscrupulously and without a hint of regret; and additionally done so too most egregiously for your own self-serving ends, while dishonestly claiming to do this for the benefit of world security and human cohesion, when nothing could be further from the truth. 

Whatever you've achieved for yourselves beneficially is almost without question or exception at the dangerous and callously destructive expense of others; and that includes even your rarely acknowledged mistakes. So why don't you step aside or, more preferably so, allow other people and nations to carve out the existences they genuinely want; mistakes and all. You in the West have done so; so what's the difference in allowing other people who don't look like you, or want to be like you, to do the same? What's the difference? Other than your vile and evilly delusional white master race obsession? And if there is one, please explain!  

And most ironically the United States Constitution and its inherent laws do specifically state that no foreign troops, even from countries friendly with the US, should ever be based on US soil, and that includes USA colonies; so why then does the USA feel it has an outright obligation - obsession more likely - to coerce or euphemistically persuade other global nations to have its armed forces on their soil indefinitely and often continuously for several decades? Even when doing so entails ethnically cleansing indigenous peoples from their longstanding indigenous homelands! What brazen and blatant hypocrisy on the US's part! 

The Black Chagossians case is a prime example of this. In the early 1960s the US wanted a military base in the Indian Ocean and settled on Diego Garcia the largest of the Chagos peninsula islands, never mind they were all inhabited with indigenous Chagossians. But, unlike the Falklands that Britain went to war with Argentina over, the Chagossians are Black, not white. Britain cowed quite willingly to the US demands and the Chagossians were totally and comprehensively ethnically and most brutally cleansed from their indigenous homeland; and, over 60 years later, are still stateless. Even though the International Court has ruled that what Britain  did was a crime against humanity and the Chagossians  must be allowed to have their country back. However, every consecutive UK regime has ignored the court's ruling and so far got away with it.

Meanwhile, the USA has its state of the art  and all-purpose nuclear base on Diego Garcia; Britain avariciously pockets the rent from it; and the Chagossians are banned from returning to their own homeland but unlike the white Falklanders don't have an automatic right to residence in the UK, even though they are British Citizens; unlike the Falkland Islanders, who categorically from the last census, two thirds of them do not regard themselves as British. Yet they can happily go to, live, work and stay indefinitely in Britain without any restrictions but the Black British Chagossians can't.  

Why? The Falkland Islanders are white, but the Chagossians are Black. And the United States supports this travesty of justice! What sickening bullies these supposed defenders of democracy and human rights are! A bloody joke, if it wasn't such an awful tragedy. Yet intelligent people are supposedly meant to jump on the west's bandwagon and vitriolically condemn the Taliban because these western hypocrites say so! 

One doesn't have to like the Taliban to understand their point of view, but at the end of the day it's their country not yours. And just as you wouldn't like anyone coming into your house or country and telling you what you can or can't do, why should the Taliban in Afghanistan? 

And to arrogantly claim that the Taliban is barbaric, let me pose a few questions to you and your white master race, or gullible sort. Who initiated and systematically carried out the Transatlantic Slave Trade; the two Holocausts at the start of the 20th Century in what was clearly then the German colony of Southwest Africa  now independent Namibia, where over 82% of that country's indigenous population was ruthlessly wiped out; two Holocausts that simply preceded just by a few years the one in Europe, that you whites only concern yourself about, but was initiated by the same nation of white people? Significantly who nuclear bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki? And the global list of white atrocities is hugely immense and also quite widespread; and sickeningly at this moment in time still recurrently goes on.  

Activities all carried out specifically and exclusively by whites who then ludicrously claim to be the guardians of morality, democracy and the rest of it. And it hasn't escaped me, if it has you, that the only apologies and huge compensation given continuously and up to now, and continuously 76 years after your own World War 2  ended, were and are to fellow Europeans and no one else; this notwithstanding that these white and ongoing recipients of this rather unceasing largesse, which is not available to anyone else, who were themselves similarly crucially horrendously treated victims of the same European holocaust: Gypsies and Black mixed race French citizens perceived as Rhineland Niggers, got then and still get absolutely nothing in terms of compensation; or long and quite overdue reparations. Nor have the Namibians; or the descendants of enforced Black Caribbean, and as well African American slaves! 

Yet whites of the likes of former UK Prime Minister David Cameron - who is absolutely quite resolutely against the Black descendants of the enforced slaves of the evilly Transatlantic Slave Trade era being compensated - is also very hypocritically ongoingly with his wife, both of them in their own right, receiving huge compensation for the loss, awfully occasioned to their slave owning ancestors when, with the passing of the Slave Emancipation Bill into law in the House of Commons their white ancestors had to give up their chattel - property in other words - as my and several other Black slave ancestors were designated, even though these same white slave owners were quite massively compensated at the time; and financially in today's terms that would amount to trillions of Pounds Sterling. Naturally, the freed slaves didn't get a single cent between them. 

So don't come the old flannel about it all being a long time ago. But then it always is when you whites are in the wrong! So simply, why don't you just take a step back, or several preferably and then distinctly and very seriously reflect on your own rather egregious barbarity - all you evilly, likeminded white men and women - and bloody well begin the process of growing up! Assuming  you can manage the latter.

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