
Monday 24 June 2024

The philosophy of Capitalism!

By Stanley Collymore  
Treating people with respect  
and having empathy with  
them crucially makes  
people less able to achieve success in  
a genuinely capitalist-oriented society,  
which of itself obviously only equates  
to solely achieving and exercising the  
power, clearly attendant with it. Quite  
discernibly to those with eyes willing  
to see and actually acknowledge the  
unquestionably aberrant philosophy;  
incorrigibly and irrefutably decadent  
also, immoral concepts, obsessively  
and simply continuously, passed on  
as ethics while compulsively taught  
and drilled into those, at the likes of  
Eton and Winchester; precepts that  
subsequently are massively topped  
up and quite didactically reinforced  
evidently, by Oxbridge elitist unions  
effectively like the Bullingdon Club!  
(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
23 June 2024.  

Author's Remarks:  
Acquiring wealth, of whatever distinctly effectively, essentially, evidently and, in essence obvious dimensions, generally attendant also with power and prestige simply through one's quite undoubtedly innate abilities and have these crucially complimented and rather reinforced by one's hard work, and the conscionable payment of all requisite taxes are truly not only laudable characteristics quite clearly in themselves but should simply be greatly admired, complimented and widely emulated!    
Achieving some or even all of the really aforementioned benefits through rather devious, conspiratorial, very deceitfully engineered, dishonest and exploitative means are neither attributes effectively within themselves nor anything actually remotely to be admired, or obviously be praiseworthily boastful about!

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