
Thursday, 27 June 2024

A delusional and most crazy obsession!

By Stanley Collymore

You ignorant, mother-fucking
and obviously, undoubtedly
vilely dim-witted assholes
with your utterly gullible propensity
for feudal servitude rather crucially
solidly attendant with a very firmly
held and undeniably simply deeply
embedded and clearly pathetically
monarchical sycophancy; actually
evidently can't focus even for two
seconds on the Wales – distinctly
William, Kate and similarly, also,
their sprogs, even when actually
the whole story, is so exclusively
about them, and quite evidently
obviously has nothing whatever
quite discernibly to basically do
with Harry and Meghan clearly
without you automatically, and
distinctively very compulsively
too defaulting to the Sussexes!

Discernibly and obviously so
because the latter, crucially
and quite unquestionably
have and do distinctively generate
much more interest, and genuine
star power about them that even
evidently, simply purblind cunts
like yourselves effectively really
cannot actually resist them. Lol!
Thanks anyway for significantly
and undoubtedly keeping Harry
and Meghan obviously relevant,
and in a manner which literally
and actually glaringly evidently,
you irrefutably effectively don't
or really, can't bring yourselves
to essentially, do the same with
William and his estranged wife
Kate Middleton because simply
even to rather braindead cunts
like you they're fucking boring.
So while actually living in your
clear puerile state of obviously
demented denial you basically
keep on with your compulsive
obsession essentially, of Harry
and Meghan while claiming in
the literal process, of doing so;
it's them entreating relevance.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
27 June 2024.

Author's Remarks:
A typical white British and their quite likemindedly, globally ensconced and equally genocidal inured kith and kin being more than a classic situation of the pot actually calling the kettle black.

Go into any street near you let alone in the one you live in; crucially at the bus stop, train station or discernibly so the supermarket you shop in and generally mention the names Meghan and Harry, either singly or jointly and rather most assuredly everyone evidently than anyone who has actually just emigrated to earth from outer space and that person will instinctively know rather precisely and without any preamble, who you're distinctively referring to.

Then employ the same technique truly to yourself, personally, and it's literally quite obviously that such persons who you're engaging in conversation simply haven't the foggiest idea who evidently are and basically, couldn't give a toss! Get where I'm coming from?

For in reality your ever day lives as you well know yourselves, are distinctively evidently boring and meaningless and thus accounts for your seeking and also deluding yourselves that you basically have all these alleged friends, naturally rather fanciful ones on social media; in effect morons precisely like yourselves.

So you earnestly need people to clearly look up to and here worship even when they evidently don't obviously know of your pitiful existence and truly couldn't really care less. So you need to beat up on the likes of Harry and Meghan who have dumped all that you fancifully in your unrealistic daily life would simply quite literally dearly love to have, and actually be a part of but won't ever be for all the patently obvious reasons, a sound education, viable career and too the requisite intellectual acumen!
The attributes that discernibly mentally liberated figures like Meghan and now Harry, not the fatuous prats like Taylor Swift and yourselves, very undoubtedly have in absolute abundance. So simply go and eat your hearts out while rather fatuously and contradictorily giving to both Harry and Meghan quite aptly the relevance which YOU clearly asininely claim they're after but shouldn't have! And yet you pathetically see yourselves as the Sterling elements of your actual delusional Master Race! Lol!

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