
Saturday, 1 June 2024

Boris Johnson's response in the wake of Donald Trump's court convictions!

By Stanley Collymore

Boris is moving increasingly far
right in a desperate attempt to
become relevant and similarly
make more money irrefutably
from actually, doing so! Quite
significantly also because he
has clearly, closely observed
Nigel Farage who has rather
quite evidently simply shown
exactly, how rather profitable
such vile self-interesting dog
whistling really is for himself.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
1 June 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Listening to let alone heeding the advice of both Boris Johnson let alone Nigel Farage is simply akin in my view to asininely lauding Jimmy Savile and Jeffrey Epstein as worthy of sainthood and equally also how any decent person should behave.

And while there are a significant number of pillocks who will listen to and even believe the utter crap they're saying; there are, thankfully, millions of intelligent folk who sensibly won't give these two morons the time of day!

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