
Wednesday, 19 June 2024

Interesting how mud never ever sticks, with favoured members of the Windsor family!

By Stanley Collymore  

Assuredly as night follows day
today it's evidently, positive
Windsor family coverage
with lots of quite puerile and irrefutable
praise unquestionably for undoubtedly
actually ostensibly manufactured and
purportedly, essentially close, familial
relationships. However, actually mark
my words! Obviously, by the very end
of the week and clearly with clickbait
responses unquestionably minimally
financially, continuing unabatedly, all
these distinctively obtuse, Daily Mail
and other similarly undoubtedly very
unremarkably distinctly sycophantic
monarchical rags fatuous praise, of  
this discernibly undeniably Windsor
dysfunctional family, along with the
memories evidently of a waity Kate
Middleton spuriously rather cancer
stricken, yet reposing conveniently
fit, on that balcony of Buckingham
Palace with her children, will quite
clearly, be appropriately forgotten!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
18 June 2024.

Author's Remarks:
For those of you like the simply gullible sheep you self-evidently are who're very obviously as directed quite undoubtedly singing the rather questionable praises of Sophie Windsor, yet effectively rather in essence taking the opportunity to so characteristically let off your distinctly vitriolic and racist venom at Meghan in effect spurred on most asininely in your rank stupidity by an article that literally has nothing to do with her and actually doesn't effectively undoubtedly just for once mention her name, should simply go and look up the "Sophie tapes" and truly acquaint yourself with the person whose bandwagon you're now eagerly jumping on!

None of you have any truthful or really a truthful idea of what any of the Windsor family members are actually like unless you either closely work with them on a daily basis, actually personally socialize with them routinely; and consequently, hand on heart, can truthfully state that you know all or obviously some of them personally. All else is either undeniably plain speculation, fantasy or essentially rank stupidity on your part!

Besides, any intelligent person basically and evidently knows - but your sort with your endemic stupidity, clearly wouldn't factor into this equation obviously - that most people are actually on their rather best behaviour when they consciously know there are cameras about and they are likely to be photographed. And very evidently in this unquestionable regard, the Windsors who you sycophantically bow, scrape and tug your forelocks too in this a supposedly 21st Century modern but in essence still a largely entrenched feudal Britain, aren't any different!

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