
Saturday 29 June 2024

Simply say farewell to intellectual ability and commonsense and a hearty hello to rampant stupidly!

By Stanley Collymore  
Sensibly, intelligently and also  
very commendably securing  
an obviously, distinctively  
necessary and worthwhile meaningful  
education, rather than most fatuously  
and rather vaingloriously in your own  
narcissistic evocation, of quite rabid  
ignorance; by asininely, and likewise  
tenaciously, quite stupidly asserting  
that education and, very specifically  
too, schooling aren't of any genuine  
importance really and, as such, and  
basically discernibly simply without  
it, numerous well-known celebrities  
have undeniably financially and too  
societally, evidently managed to be  
extraordinary successes obviously  
naturally effectively miss the point.  
And here's a simile to really prove  
my point. Any fertile female and  
fecund male, can undoubtedly  
simply discernibly and unquestionably  
cohabitatively breed, and senselessly  
have children; a distinctly sexual act,  
however, which does not, essentially  
or automatically, literally make them  
appropriate or really worthy parents.  
And self-evidently, clearly ignorance  
equally attendant with illiteracy and  
actually wilful stupidity, fall into the  
same amoral and asinine category!  
(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
27 June 2024. 

Author's Remarks:  
Why exactly is it that in what's basically ostensibly the most modernized century in mankind's actual history significant numbers of the world's effectively ever growing population are very studiously eschewing the opportunity to obviously, and in my view, essentially undoubtedly avail themselves of an education? Not everyone has the intellectual acumen, I know, to literally be an Academic, brain surgeon or such like; or even have the wish to go into higher education. But clearly, when even some quite fatuous parents, along with their own offspring, irrefutably see no need of an education of any sort, it clearly does actually beggar belief.  
But the real substance is that basically everyone has a brain and if it's actually not actually utilized, it's not that difficult to see how unscrupulous self-entitled and vile, toxically verminous scum can very easily and readily utilize such persons for their own malevolent and evidently also thoroughly egregious aims! Sadly but evidently discernibly history significant numbers of the world's ever growing population are very studiously eschewing the opportunity to obviously and in my view essentially and undoubtedly avail themselves of an education! Not everyone clearly, has the intellectual acumen to literally be an Academic, brain surgeon or such like or simply even have the wish to go into higher education. But clearly, when even some quite fatuous parents, along with their own offspring, see no need of an education of any sort, it clearly, as I’ve previously expressed, does actually beggar belief.  
And to then go on, on the part of these very obvious imbeciles, to stupidly say, that the likes of Taylor Swift shows that an education isn't required, or distinctly relevant, and they too can become like her. Your choice of course but making loads of money in currently fad situations proves nothing of substance! You can lose money just as easily as you make it.  
But the real substance is that basically everyone has a brain and if it’s actually not really utilized it's not that difficult to see how unscrupulous self-entitled and simply vile, toxically verminous scum can rather easily and essentially most readily utilize such persons as yourselves for their own malevolent and evidently also thoroughly egregious aims!  

Friday 28 June 2024

She will be there! A truly remarkable recovery for Wimbledon, discernibly!

By Stanley Collymore  
Naturally Kate Middleton will be  
undoubtedly well enough for  
Wimbledon. After all, she  
simply loves a "work commitment" that  
essentially involves a premiere, garden  
party or a sporting event. Therefore by  
her unquestionably, going to Trooping  
the Colour was something she simply  
had to really do, wasn't it? To actually  
pave the way, for Wimbledon! Frankly  
to those with objective eyes and very  
willing to see the obvious undeniably  
quite transparent wasn't it? However  
with all that actually, temporarily set  
aside just imagine as it will logically  
evidently occur, to loads of sensible  
people who can effectively think for  
themselves, that literally essentially  
pending situation, quite requisite to  
the Wimbledon farce of undeniably  
being literally caught on camera at  
a sporting event but actually being  
off work sick at the same time! It's  
a situation clearly, which irrefutably  
too has unquestionably happened  
before really, to mere commoners;  
the discernible difference actually,  
however between them and rather  
effectively what Kate Middleton is  
likewise doing is they were simply  
and clearly, summarily sacked for  
unquestionably actually cheating.  
(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
27 June 2024.  

Author's Remarks:  
When you're dealing with very fatuously prime idiots that simply, self-evidently have no noticeable respect for themselves and obviously quite clearly can't see the truth that’s evidently and distinctly, undoubtedly staring them in the face; and which very unquestionably is quite inimical to their best interests, you either totally ignore them or effectively exploit and naturally, self-serving use them for your own spurious and undoubtedly beneficial aims; and this, crucially in the latter case, is basically, clearly evidently, distinctly and simply precisely, what Kate and her lot are cheerfully doing! So all the more idiots the load of you toxically verminous and discernibly, undeniably vile, feudally-mindset, sycophants!  
Bluntly and most unequivocally stated, it’s my undoubted belief that Kate Middleton is distinctly taking the piss! Simply doing so because she knows she can and simply with morons like yourselves will obviously get away with it! Quite unquestionably so it’s literally the classic, characteristic behavioural exposition of the rather obsessive, sociopathically inured and compulsive social climbing narcissist which quite literally Kate most emphatically is; and who clearly having ultimately after her “Waity” debut effectively gained access to the discernibly sumptuous life-style, that she’s been so characteristically and simply industriously after, literally virtually from her childhood days, and ultimately acquired; is consequentially far more imperious in her conduct than those who were actually born, raised and virtually steeped into this apparently self-evident, quite delusionally assessed and also essentially significantly believed superior human and societal status they unquestionably have and most luxuriously and inviolably enjoy. And most expressively so on Kate’s part than those who were actually born, raised and fully steeped in this essentially quite surrealistic existence of theirs; encouraging them to distinctly believe, they were automatically of a vastly superior status to their supposed inferior minions. A state of affairs in which literally indubitably Kate Middleton is discernibly in her acquired element!  
Personally, from the very outset my natural instincts then, and still unquestionably have of their very own intractable disposition rather convinced me that discernibly there is nothing cancerous – actually, remotely 
or literally preventatively about Kate Middleton’s purported medical condition! Any more so, than I basically am effectively stricken with the bubonic plague; which I most categorically am not. And while everyone of us is entitled to the requisite privacy of our own distinctive medical situation; being a discernibly high-profiled public figure, supported by the taxpayers in the manner that Kate Middle and her acquired family are, to crucially and very selectively pretend to be ill, effectively taking months off from essentially carrying out so-called duties which bear no resemblance whatever in reality to the kind of genuine work that conscientious Britons – not the undoubtedly sycophantic morons, who assiduously live off the dole and hold these people up as effectively demi-Gods because their own lives are so fucking meaningless and unproductive, other than producing their bastard offspring; or having done so as the now clearly dried up post-menstrual obsequious, sycophantic cunts which they effectively now are – and only appear fit for “duty” when it suits her purpose and is nothing more distinctly than another god-damned freebie, just isn't cunting well on from my perspective as a taxpayer!  

Enough is enough! Either keep your allegedly secret ailment that way and forego the benefits of the British public purse, or else categorically give cast-iron proof of your alleged serious illness; allegedly CANCER! You can’t and mustn’t have it both ways.

Thursday 27 June 2024

A delusional and most crazy obsession!

By Stanley Collymore

You ignorant, mother-fucking
and obviously, undoubtedly
vilely dim-witted assholes
with your utterly gullible propensity
for feudal servitude rather crucially
solidly attendant with a very firmly
held and undeniably simply deeply
embedded and clearly pathetically
monarchical sycophancy; actually
evidently can't focus even for two
seconds on the Wales – distinctly
William, Kate and similarly, also,
their sprogs, even when actually
the whole story, is so exclusively
about them, and quite evidently
obviously has nothing whatever
quite discernibly to basically do
with Harry and Meghan clearly
without you automatically, and
distinctively very compulsively
too defaulting to the Sussexes!

Discernibly and obviously so
because the latter, crucially
and quite unquestionably
have and do distinctively generate
much more interest, and genuine
star power about them that even
evidently, simply purblind cunts
like yourselves effectively really
cannot actually resist them. Lol!
Thanks anyway for significantly
and undoubtedly keeping Harry
and Meghan obviously relevant,
and in a manner which literally
and actually glaringly evidently,
you irrefutably effectively don't
or really, can't bring yourselves
to essentially, do the same with
William and his estranged wife
Kate Middleton because simply
even to rather braindead cunts
like you they're fucking boring.
So while actually living in your
clear puerile state of obviously
demented denial you basically
keep on with your compulsive
obsession essentially, of Harry
and Meghan while claiming in
the literal process, of doing so;
it's them entreating relevance.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
27 June 2024.

Author's Remarks:
A typical white British and their quite likemindedly, globally ensconced and equally genocidal inured kith and kin being more than a classic situation of the pot actually calling the kettle black.

Go into any street near you let alone in the one you live in; crucially at the bus stop, train station or discernibly so the supermarket you shop in and generally mention the names Meghan and Harry, either singly or jointly and rather most assuredly everyone evidently than anyone who has actually just emigrated to earth from outer space and that person will instinctively know rather precisely and without any preamble, who you're distinctively referring to.

Then employ the same technique truly to yourself, personally, and it's literally quite obviously that such persons who you're engaging in conversation simply haven't the foggiest idea who evidently are and basically, couldn't give a toss! Get where I'm coming from?

For in reality your ever day lives as you well know yourselves, are distinctively evidently boring and meaningless and thus accounts for your seeking and also deluding yourselves that you basically have all these alleged friends, naturally rather fanciful ones on social media; in effect morons precisely like yourselves.

So you earnestly need people to clearly look up to and here worship even when they evidently don't obviously know of your pitiful existence and truly couldn't really care less. So you need to beat up on the likes of Harry and Meghan who have dumped all that you fancifully in your unrealistic daily life would simply quite literally dearly love to have, and actually be a part of but won't ever be for all the patently obvious reasons, a sound education, viable career and too the requisite intellectual acumen!
The attributes that discernibly mentally liberated figures like Meghan and now Harry, not the fatuous prats like Taylor Swift and yourselves, very undoubtedly have in absolute abundance. So simply go and eat your hearts out while rather fatuously and contradictorily giving to both Harry and Meghan quite aptly the relevance which YOU clearly asininely claim they're after but shouldn't have! And yet you pathetically see yourselves as the Sterling elements of your actual delusional Master Race! Lol!

Blinkered! Fatuously racist! And very thoroughly mentally fucked up!

By Stanley Collymore

Oh dear! The fatuous adulation
once again for those actually
with blonde hair and simply
blue eyes, even quite asininely by racist
Karens and likeminded Gammons who
simply discernibly essentially logically
nor actually ever realistically naturally
have these very characteristics! Truly
quite sensibly, where unquestionably
and undoubtedly have the intelligent
world population basically seen this
evidently, puerile obsession before?
Transparently it didn't work out well
in Europe in the 1930s and likewise
obviously the 1940s, did it? So who
says that it actually will specifically
in France where illogically it clearly
is really, being resurgently mooted
by the very idiotic far right, equally
openly praised by their surrogates
across Europe and similarly, most
thoroughly too and very idiotically
by the descendants of the literally
same rabid, and actually toxically
verminous scum, who as Oswald
Moseley's, Blackshirts; attendant  
undoubtedly with the Daily Mail's
owner and staffers, and similarly
specifically, all the other gullible,
likemindedly vile morons across
the entirety then and discernibly
self-evidently now, infest Britain
with their evil fascist, and racist
presence. But really should war
obviously, break out again; they
will most happily in their bogus
and unquestionably undeniably  
hypocritical patriotism actually
defend this United Kingdom, to
the crucially evidently last drop
esssentially of someone else's
real blood, but never their own!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
27 June 2024.

Author's Remarks:
There's always some dishonest excuse for bigotry even though discernibly the results are always the same. But unquestionably and most pathetically, the fatuous, clearly lowlife and rather intellectually challenged that distinctively and self-evidently, rather unfortunately, inhabit and clearly corrupt the decent elements of humanity actually never learn, as characteristically they very obviously haven't the capacity nor literally the intellectual acumen to do so!

More chance evidently of Lord Lucan riding Shergar in the UK Grand National!

By Stanley Collymore

Very people get to be exorbitantly
or even basically, ordinarily rich
by being actually nice. And so
most of them consequently are utterly
ruthless, in their obsessive pursuit of
even yet more money! This clearly is
discernibly, actually no discernment
of ostensibly purported jealousy on
the part of unquestionably, rational
and simply intelligent persons, and
quite certainly evidently simply not
distinctly the case, on my part! But
clear, and truly indisputable, reality.
Then self-evidently the lot of these
rich men and women, distinctively,
quite irrespective of however they
effectively, obviously came by the
money they're basically garnering
quite assiduously, rather naturally
try every trick within their book of
rampant deception to simply pay
no taxes whatsoever, or basically
as little as possible that they can
naturally amorally keep avoiding!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
26 June 2024. 

Author's Remarks:
When did you last unquestionably see a dead billionaire, man or woman, simply undoubtedly, and specifically similarly buried in all their pomp and ceremony but with the waiting vultures of worms and other leeches earnestly keen to in essence basically, ravenously and very unceremoniously, actually indifferently devour such a once self-important and equally self-entitled billionaire's simply now lifeless body, from this discernibly now new status of his or hers, actually carry on controlling their billions? Food for thought as the worms would rather obviously say; if they gave a damn!  

Servitude doesn’t equate to nor ever will realistically to Intelligence Travis Kelce!

By Stanley Collymore

Unlike you Travis Kelce, I would
never contemplate let alone
actually bow to another
human being; moreover, since literally
even those I love, thoroughly respect
and admire immensely are evidently
discernibly much too intelligent and
genuinely mentally liberated to ever
expect, or want me to do so; simply
no matter who and what they really
are or the given situation they're in.
Even my God Himself, knows that!
As it's not errant arrogance, on my
part, but very essentially, endemic
commonsense. Furthermore also,
many of these evidently so-called
traditions that I'm risibly aware of
and undeniably see are obviously
and literally undoubtedly, nothing
more than petty obsequiousness
of the highest degree, effectively
fatuous servitude by any rational
interpretation! Quite crucially, for
me, you literally earn my respect
by your distinctively and actually
irrefutably conscionable actions
and evidently not through rather
distinctly unwarranted, asininely
birthright citations, undoubtedly
invariably granted because your
daddy did successfully, actually
shoot into your mum's Stepford
wife fanny his expected sperm!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
26 June 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Enjoy your transient moments of "fame" attendant with the attention and clearly fatuous publicity you crave Travis Kelce as you'll likewise unquestionably simply like the others be yesterday's man.

Incidentally do you know what your real effective number actually is requisite to this puerile, clearly licentious trollop? Not that it actually matters to anyone with a very meaningful life and functioning brain!  

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Blinkered! Racist! And very thoroughly mentally fucked up!

By Stanley Collymore 

Oh dear! The fatuous adulation 
once again for those actually 
with blonde hair and simply 
blue eyes, even quite asininely by racist 
Karens and likeminded Gammons who 
simply discernibly essentially logically 
nor actually ever realistically naturally 
have these very characteristics! Truly 
quite sensibly, where unquestionably 
and undoubtedly have the intelligent 
world population basically seen this 
evidently, puerile obsession before? 
Transparently it didn't work out well 
in Europe in the 1930s and likewise 
obviously the 1940s, did it? So who 
says that it actually will specifically 
in France where illogically it clearly 
is really, being resurgently mooted 
by the very idiotic far right, equally 
openly praised by their surrogates 
across Europe and similarly, most 
thoroughly too and very idiotically 
by the descendants of the literally 
same rabid, and actually toxically 
verminous scum, who as Oswald 
Moseley's, Blackshirts; attendant  
undoubtedly with the Daily Mail's 
owner and staffers, and similarly 
specifically, all the other gullible, 
likemindedly vile morons across 
the entirety then and discernibly 
self-evidently now, infest Britain 
with their evil fascist, and racist 
presence. But really should war 
obviously, break out again; they 
will most happily in their bogus 
and unquestionably undeniably  
hypocritical patriotism actually 
defend this United Kingdom, to 
the crucially evidently last drop 
esssentially of someone else's 
real blood, but never their own! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
27 June 2024. 

Author's Remarks:
There's always some dishonest excuse for bigotry even though discernibly the results are always the same. But unquestionably and most pathetically, the fatuous, clearly lowlife and rather intellectually challenged that distinctlvely and self-evidently, rather unfortunately, inhabit and clearly corrupt the decent elements of humanity actually never learn, as characteristically they very obviously haven't the capacity nor literally the intellectual acumen to do so!

Straight out of the Age of Empire!

By Stanley Collymore

Being British is infinitely much
more than rather fatuously
and clearly pathetically
also waving flags, that itself is simply
attendant with all the other outdated
nonsenses! How for instance, about
wanting, and really truly insisting on
essentially having clean rivers; well-
funded and crucially actually rather
properly functioning, and societally
progressive programmes that truly
benefit not just specifically in need
deprived communities but likewise
in that same quite distinct process
actually and very comprehensively
simply doing the same discernibly
for the whole, of our own country?
Instead, what I see and heart with
this irrefutably puerile jingoism of
crucially intellectually challenged,
pathetically gullible and basically
unquestionably, really thoroughly
inured, essentially monarchically
obsequious morons, who clearly
as the quite fatuously dim-witted
idiots they very palpably, gullibly
are; obviously rather ludicrously
cheerfully but idiotically, always
exude purported style obviously
crucially, over actual substance!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
25 June 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Poor William Windsor: simply another full week of "work commitments" evidently involving entertainments, banquets, parties and gift sharing. While in the interim Waite, Kate, aka Saint Catherine saves her good days for the upcoming Wimbledon tournament. Kings, Princes Emperors and their spouses -  so nice they have each other to play dress up with!

Tuesday 25 June 2024

A good expose of modern day pomposity!

By Stanley Collymore

Jim Ratcliffe and fellow media
poser John Caudwell both
individually, and jointly
don't give or care a rat's ass about the
UK and simply flip flop like all of their
sort to suit their respective business
interests. Jim Ratcliffe, obviously by
the way, is crucially a non-Dom with
all that it sinisterly, and repugnantly
means for the tax affairs of Britain!
At the actual time of writing, viable
research is being obviously carried
out, on John Caudwell's tax status,
but it won't be that least surprising
if it is not similar, or even identical,
to buddy's, John Ratcliffe. So here
we go again! The party, which one
supports truly isn't responsible for
rising inflation but unquestionably
undoubtedly very instinctively can
and will take credit when inflation
literally goes down. But of course
the actual opposite, is undeniably
true for the parties these fatuous
clowns very conveniently choose
to desist from financially backing
for the most far-fetched reasons!

These two morons seemingly
financially relevant but with
a marked paucity when it
comes to true intellectual acumen aren't
realistically, giving genuine support to a
very gullible, Keir Starmer or the Labour
Party but are patently, and brazenly too
literally amorally, buying influence. And
truly absolutely, as anybody with a half
functional brain can clearly see simply
self-servingly, effectively want to have
the proverbial foot, undoubtedly in the
expectedly, winning camp; as they are
crucially quite worried about Labour's
evidently purportedly keenly intended
clampdown literally on tax avoidance
loopholes while undoubtedly, fittingly,
strengthening workers, crucial rights!
Thus obviously, Messrs Ratcliffe and
Caudwell's rather sudden conversion
from being quite irrefutably, life -long
Tories to effectively adopting Labour
principles while quite incredibly also
distinctly becoming: unquestionably
eager members of the Labour Party,
distinctly rather plausibly, do qualify
for the odium aptly levelled at them.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
24 June 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Seemingly to the intellectually challenged in the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn: one of the most distinctively morally principled, perceptibly conscientiously hardworking, distinctly selfless; a most consummately positive MP and hardworking individual on the behalf of all of his constituents, totally irrespective of whether they voted for him or not, as it distinctively always should be; and, moreover, irrefutably one of the most astute, intellectually commonsensically, as well as evidently enlightening, and rather positively forward thinking brains, very evidently so, in the Labour Party -  who has always very obviously earnestly and assiduously, truly worked for the betterment, clearly of his fellow British citizens and the discernibly wider international community, while aptly in doing so has very unquestionably been a thoroughly ongoingly progressive figure in his undoubtedly, so beloved Labour Party; an organisation to which he had distinctly quite altruistically given so much, yet has been fatuously, contemptuously and most treacherously actually debarred from this simply same, very Labour Party!  

The actions decidedly and principally of a disingenuous, deceitful and a very effectively thoroughly dishonest back stabbing Judas more interested in his own evidently self-serving interests than any actually genuine principle one could effectively possibly or honestly name. But quite specifically in Jeremy Corbyn's case a total derogation literally, of everything that's decent and honourable; and simply so because money, and lots of it, actually matters rather significantly, to these Zionist Yids like Keir Starmer and his ilk; whether it's the actually ongoing Wiedergutmachung Compensation Scheme still very asininely rather handsomely discernibly paid out to the spurious descendants of questionable Yids exclusively, never mind in the actually least bit that there were significantly other victims of Europe's odious holocaust, and actually none of them, specifically the Gypsies that lost considerably far more of their people than the incessantly mentioned figure of allegedly six million "exclusive worthies", and significantly to this day, haven't received a single Euro or Deutschmark between them!

But, of course, this actually disingenuous victim syndrome is very good for business as well as the clear acquisition and exercise of actual corrupt political power, and equally its attendant influence, in every respect. A state of affairs obviously of which Jeremy Corbyn has always perceptibly been really evidently rather cognizant of, and as such has not only vociferously but undoubtedly likewise in every commendable fashion as the decent, honest and altruistic person that he is, assiduously striven to combat. And very obviously why these lovers of money that perceive it as their definitive God have as well, and still are, been clearly diametrically opposed to this honourable man Jeremy.

Someone, who for most of his life has in honest aversion to what has been going on, has publicly and quite unequivocally, been discernibly opposed to the evident, and unquestionably, genocidal practices vilely perpetrated against the Palestinian people, essentially within their own undeniably indigenous homeland; no different from what distinctively was practised against the Aborigines in renamed Australia!

Jeremy Corbyn has crucially campaigned and quite emphatically worked against this. So as such very effectively according to Starmer's  mantra, Jeremy Corbyn once evidently very useful like the Windrush Generation evidently, to a vaingloriously power- hungry wannabe PM of Britain, Jeremy Corbyn is discernibly similarly, and specifically superfluous now to all requirements, and evidently requisitely so as far as Keir Starmer and his odiously toxic ilk are concerned. So literally bring on the appropriately monetarily needed, rather transitory also, Conservative turncoats of Messrs John Caudwell and Jim Ratcliffe!  And with the appropriate closed door deals naturally and quite slimily effected,onwards them for this duo and others like them towards seats discernibly obviously and as well waiting in the House of Lords!

Monday 24 June 2024

The philosophy of Capitalism!

By Stanley Collymore  
Treating people with respect  
and having empathy with  
them crucially makes  
people less able to achieve success in  
a genuinely capitalist-oriented society,  
which of itself obviously only equates  
to solely achieving and exercising the  
power, clearly attendant with it. Quite  
discernibly to those with eyes willing  
to see and actually acknowledge the  
unquestionably aberrant philosophy;  
incorrigibly and irrefutably decadent  
also, immoral concepts, obsessively  
and simply continuously, passed on  
as ethics while compulsively taught  
and drilled into those, at the likes of  
Eton and Winchester; precepts that  
subsequently are massively topped  
up and quite didactically reinforced  
evidently, by Oxbridge elitist unions  
effectively like the Bullingdon Club!  
(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
23 June 2024.  

Author's Remarks:  
Acquiring wealth, of whatever distinctly effectively, essentially, evidently and, in essence obvious dimensions, generally attendant also with power and prestige simply through one's quite undoubtedly innate abilities and have these crucially complimented and rather reinforced by one's hard work, and the conscionable payment of all requisite taxes are truly not only laudable characteristics quite clearly in themselves but should simply be greatly admired, complimented and widely emulated!    
Achieving some or even all of the really aforementioned benefits through rather devious, conspiratorial, very deceitfully engineered, dishonest and exploitative means are neither attributes effectively within themselves nor anything actually remotely to be admired, or obviously be praiseworthily boastful about!

They should all go away for good. Problem truly solved!

By Stanley Collymore  
These Windsor taxpayer funded  
holidays simply serve no real  
beneficial purposes, other  
than clearly evidently for this specific  
family! Therefore, the money utilized  
in facilitating them, should obviously  
crucially and logically also evidently  
beneficially literally realistically and  
discernibly, essentially employed in  
a meritocratic manner, distinctively  
undoubtedly and similarly crucially,  
in the NHS, while quite additionally  
the UK actually earnestly strives to  
also be quite discernibly, a fittingly  
veritable, equitably democratically  
administered contemporary state,  
and unquestionably so a Republic.  
Also, money garnered elsewhere  
and both dubiously and clearly  
questionably crucially in the  
possession of the Windsors but rather  
rightly, quite genuinely belongs to the  
British public and State must literally  
now, be actually, transferred instead  
unquestionably, from its undeniably  
so-called Crown Estate acquisition;  
where very unwarrantedly and also  
exclusively it simply very fatuously  
goes clearly automatically to quite  
so-called daft birthright hereditary  
and a discernibly solitarily entitled  
person to an obviously, essentially  
actually unquestionably genuinely  
respectable institution undeniably  
like Reading University, located in  
Berkshire, England; to actually be  
responsibly, and very beneficially  
used on irrefutably, appropriately  
valuable research effectively like  
Diabetes and Cancer - medically,  
two of the UK's imminent killers!  
While practically, and essentially  
appropriately the elitist Windsor  
Klan can undeniably, be fittingly  
rather suitably simply allocated  
council houses clearly enabling  
them to basically see and really  
also physically experience; just  
precisely how multiple ordinary  
British families discernibly live!  
(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
23 June 2024.  

Author's Remarks:  
Whatever you unbelievably quite puerile sycophants undeniably rather fatuously think, Charles Windsor, unquestionably like all of us, is quite evidently a mortal human being! Even so he is specifically in a privileged position exclusively only on the vile and quite delusional notion of birthright, essentially automatically accorded, and most unwarrantedly so, privileges and a self evidently, equally self-entitled lifestyle that the obviously vast majority of the British population, not even in their wildest dreams could ever aspire to, but which automatically and very unwarrantedly in my view he effectively, both obviously commands and also demands.  
Consequently, while many in the UK do have considerable difficulty even clearly managing to secure a medical, whether with their GP or hospital, appointment, Charles has no such problem. People, that invariably engage or have done so for years in what logically minded and intelligent persons regard authentically as work, distinctly from this customary Windsor glad-handing and undoubtedly profusely hand waving, then returning in carefully choreographed comfort as on their outward journey back to their unparalleled luxurious dwellings. Yet in blunt terms these ignored patients that are contemptibly ignored, actually keep on paying their taxes, and if retired have punctiliously done so in the past. So in your very fatuous fawning over Charles do spare a thought during your odious sycophancy regarding your discernibly indoctrinated, perceived automatically societal superiors like Charles Windsor for them! Every family has its tragedies and aren't exempt from them as clearly we're all human beings whatever some people's jaundiced perceptions are!!  
Charles' decision to go to Australia, as he also changes his itinerary, is clearly a matter for himself. But his journey in marked contrast to other travellers to Australia will be in comparative luxury! A taxpayer funded government aircraft with every conceivable luxury, including a double bedroom and essentially also no having by him to queue for the loo.  
So as I perceive it the only beneficially results of such Windsor trips are really for the family's commercial brand, or as they perceive it the Firm! So effectively and most sensibly the practical option I think would be to actually lengthen the trip so there would essentially be more rest days for Charles enabling him as it was clearly originally envisaged for him to then quite obviously naturally visit all the requisite countries. It's not crucially actually as if Charles will effectively be terribly missed here in Britain decidedly during that time; for a month or two.  
Failing any of the aforementioned what then is the specific purpose of having a Head of State - even distinctly a literally constitutional and certainly an obviously unelected one - actually living thousands of miles away, who feasibly can't even visit?

Upcycling versus recycling of clothes? Really go get a fucking meaningful life!

By Stanley Collymore  
Going by what you braindead cunts in the tabloids along with your equally dim-witted pillock commenters have to say and would like for intelligent folk like myself, who can and do think for ourselves, to literally follow suit, I, according to what your evident supposition of effectively what I did this morning, and is essentially a routine habit of mine, recycled my underpants, after naturally first washing them of course. So stop all this fucking crap about Kate Middleton recycling, or whatever similarly fatuous term you choose to use, her outer garments or even her knickers, assuming of course that she wears any, since they quite naturally wouldn't be seen, and since she can't for decorum sake publicly show them so rags like the Daily Mail and semi-literate hacks can't boast or fully pontificate about them, this vain woman more than likely chooses not to wear any!
This successful, social climbing stalker now side-lined by her husband and vilely using cancer as the excuse for them to publicly and unembarrasingly reshape their, in all meaningful respects, dead marriage: a full blown divorce, or the kind of dishonest relationship that for over three decades Liz and Philip conned their gullible sycophants with, about how devoted they were to each other, while living totally physical and also sexually separate lives except for the sickening, masquerading pretence during official public engagements of how ostensibly devoted they were to each other, like a present day Eamon Holmes and Ruth Langsford, while milking all the sympathy they can get, hence Kate's six months disappearance and ebullient, belatedly tanned reappearance; absolutely completely at odds visibly, whatever lame excuses the gullible, discernibly sycophantic and evidently, clearly pathetic serfs choose to render up for what Kate has done, with someone unquestionably as well as characteristically, essentially in all respects, undergoing chemotherapy treatment. But that's your problem not mine! Someone, who lives in the real world and doesn't take things simply at face value; and don't sublimate myself into thinking, let alone believing, that they are such things as birtright or very equally people that without any actually particularly outstanding intellectual acumen or notable achievements are effectively superior to me because they either have quite considerably less, or no noticeable melanin in their skin tone, or are ridiculously born "royal".  When no such thing sensibly exists.
So I shall carry on sensibly wearing the clothes, which on account of my own pleasure or of necessity that I need, as and when it suits me; employing my own common sense on these matters and not being dictated to by the foibles of others. In the meantime, you lot out there can do whatever you like, allow yourselves to be controlled by the actions of those you worship, or quite literally go about completely naked as far as I am concerned!  
(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
22 June 2024.

Author's Comment:
Human beings routinely, and distinctly evidently so, actually cull graceful deer and basically also obviously other very intelligent animals but other than really quite catastrophic wars, crucially don't do the same with themselves! Literally why this discrepancy; and if there's ever obviously a change of heart who clearly more feasible for such treatment really than simply white Britons obviously and their genocidal kin globally? You clearly know the sort I mean! Lol!