
Friday 17 May 2024

Respect must be earned - not arrogantly claimed or expected as a so-called birthright!

By Stanley Collymore

It simply shows how out of touch
with reality this actual Windsor
monarchical family is if they
seriously think, as they rather evidently
do, that their clearly undoubtedly and
obviously too obscene and naturally
pathetic show of nepotism by vilely
actually very literally handing each
other medals, and bogus superior
military titles, and their associate
uniforms, will impress intelligent
folk. Literally no! As such clearly
puerile actions, irrefutably don't,
and the only ones that are quite
that gullibly impressed are very
fatuous serfs; decidedly, social
climbing subjects, and actually
braindead plebeians! But quite
what these rather undoubtedly
obviously selfish, monarchical
actions do demonstrate rather
explicitly; is that there's simply
no cure for clearly sociopathic
narcissism, literally steeped in
generally ludicrous arrogance,
and rather blindingly stupidity!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
16 May 2024.

Author's Remarks:
One would obviously quite honestly like to think that this world is actually full of good people, who quite occasionally do bad things; but then I look at Britain and quickly realise, how unquestionably the opposite undeniably is!

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