
Thursday 9 May 2024

Pseudonym Lizzie: the racist Karen cunt vilely infecting London with her toxic presence!

By Stanley Collymore

Back in the 90s Charles Windsor
worked on a book in which he
both literally and distinctly
called his mother cold and distant and
his dad, a bully! Significantly were you
crucially and rather simply essentially
living here on Earth, quite specifically
during that time, Lizzie? Or obviously
similarly so, when the late queen, Liz
Windsor, was evidently alive? Clearly
you naturally were! But simply, more
interesting to quite intelligent minds
as your generally pathetic existence
is of no fucking interest whatsoever
to either myself or them and simply
why should it; Incorporating, as you
do, your simply toxically verminous
and very malignantly egregious life
that you've always, generally lived?
Which prompts this rather obvious
question: were you then, decidedly
and conscientiously quite urgently
calling on Liz Windsor to distinctly
obviously crucially, protect herself
from Charles and urging her most
assiduously as well, to essentially
keep her own distance too simply
and distinctively sensibly actually
away from him as you recurrently
and quite undeniably obsessively
now, are obviously literally urging
this exact same Charles that you
evidently really biasedly perceive
in these two situations as simply
only the authentic victim when it
requisitely, specifically has to do
only, rather obviously, with Harry,
Meghan, and discernibly so their
children? No! You will lyingly say.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
9 May 2024. 

Author's Remarks:
Seems evidently clear to me that your part of London, Lizzie needs to effectively upgrade its armoury of machetes! Maybe, those directly responsible for this task have had other undoubtedly much more pressing issues to attend to and will now rather accordingly rectify this outstanding matter!

As for yourself Lizzie with you consistently writing such odious shit in the Daily Mail - surprise says no one - and giving the undoubted impression that these are your categorically tested and as well unquestionable views, why do you insist on writing under a pseudonym and not presumably have the courage of your own convictions and actually write under you own name? Could it be because you’re a fucking coward? And this utterly pathetic anonymity thing of yours gives you a credibility, which if your identity were well known it wouldn’t otherwise be the case, just like loads of your sort; and those who actually know you and would openly come out and expose you for the fraud and psychopathic fantasist that you effectively are?

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