
Thursday 30 May 2024

Does American Airlines culturally automatically ignore smelly white Caucasians flying with them?

By Stanley Collymore  
When did sniff tests essentially  
become crucially mandatory  
at international and rather  
specifically so USA airports? Obviously  
and essentially comprehensively does  
anybody, with a truly functioning brain  
who isn't racially bigoted and likewise  
quite odiously vile with that approach  
to life, honestly obviously believe that  
these distinctly eight Black men, who  
were not travelling together, basically  
didn't know or weren't even aware, of  
each other before this racist incident  
to which they were very humiliatingly  
subjected, occurred; and furthermore,  
were physically, and also individually  
seated, in naturally different parts of  
this actual AA plane they were in, all  
undeniably, suffered simultaneously  
from very noxious body odour while  
literally, none of the attendant white  
passengers rather, very significantly  
on obviously the same plane didn't?  
It's ludicrous to simply believe such  
nonsense, and I'm very delighted  
obviously that those individual  
Black passengers very malevolently and  
evidently egregiously treated, as clearly  
they were, are unquestionably crucially  
and discernibly, obviously undoubtedly  
collectively and effectively, essentially  
suing American Airlines for the rather  
racist manner, in which basically they  
were so arbitrarily treated! For this is  
significantly, clearly not one of those  
oft, anecdotal stories cited by inured  
racists and simply delusionally what  
they frequently subjectively see as a  
distinctly, clearly frivolous complaint  
about merely, supposedly imaginary,  
unfair treatment; but aptly obviously  
and quite crucially, literally evidently,  
an assuredly, unquestionably clearly  
solid clear-cut case of rabid racism!  
(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
30 May 2024.  

Author's Remarks:  
A clear case of bigoted racial profiling. For what are the actual odds that 8 individuals who were not part of a group together, did not know each other and significantly were not seated together or even in the vicinity of each other all rather noxiously smelled the same and quite coincidentally were all Black! Yet evidently not one person on that same plane from another background or a totally different race to these 8 Black men smelled obscenely! Personally, you'd really literally have to be either racist yourself or downright quite gullible or stupid to simply believe that pathetic hogwash! 

There's unquestionably nothing wrong with American Airlines, that a global, Lockerbie solution cannot put right! After all odiously and clearly malevolently contrived actions must carry their punitive consequences!

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