
Monday 13 May 2024

Etiquette? Bogus pretentions, more like!

By Stanley Collymore  
Basically this so-called concept  
of etiquette is nothing more  
than silly and  purportedly  
posh people from their effectively sick  
mindset and quite dementedly flawed  
interpretation, of what life is generally  
all about, either stating, or essentially  
undoubtedly very invariably dictating  
from their skewed, and quite twisted  
interpretation of reality, actually what  
normal people must do and likewise  
also, how they must behave, relative  
to the former naturally spouting this  
nonsensical crap! But none the less,  
very intrinsically, regard themselves  
as basically superior, in every social  
regard, affecting the lives of others!  
(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
12 May 2024. 

Author's Remarks:  
Am I missing something? I significantly ask this specific question as I was truly always under the absolutely very actual and distinct impression that essentially the literal process of eating was simply created to keep living: whether humans or animals, alive, and not to discernibly impress those who have bugger all else really to do it would seem, but to watch others doing it and, obviously, find fault with how they're going about it!  
How, for instance, can removing corn from the cob and placing those contents in a dish and from which you then proceed to eat the same corn be ever classed as eating corn from the cob. Really! Wouldn't it be simpler just to go to the supermarket and buy a can of corn from which the cob is already removed? Utter fucking pretentious stupidity by totally braindead and clearly delusional, social climbing cunts!

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