By Stanley Collymore
I don't believe for a moment
in the divine rights of any
human being, let alone
hereditary monarchs.
For it's an outmoded, medieval,
repressive and an inequitable
concept, and practice, which
has no place whatsoever in
this 21st Century. And also
its a flat out lie. So, if you
really consider yourself
either as, or else desire
to be, a spokes-person
for the British people
or merely a segment
of our population -
as apart from expressing your
personal point of view as an
ordinary citizen or subject,
take your pick, of the UK,
which you clearly have
every right to and that
unequivocally, I most
conscionably so and
admittedly respect!
First rid yourself of your
exclusively privileged
and vile, hereditary
status with all of ts attendant
sick sychophancy, evidently
directed towards, yourself;
your parasitical claims on
the public purse together
too with the multiplicity
of distinctly, numerous
other visibly, relatedly
one-sided benefits, so
customarily derived:
by you, from simply
being the consummate and
also the avid, hereditarily
self-serving and devoted
acquirer, in every bit of
this; when, undeniably
to all those with clear
eyes, which logically
do want to properly
see, it sensibly then
would be a perfect
beginning for this
ineptly overrated
plus so cossetted
lot first to really
practically earn
a proper living
and, positively,
totally endorse
the sane ethos
of Democracy
linked firmly
to a virtuous
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
1 May 2021.
Author's Remarks:
As a highly intelligent, well educated, essentially multifaceted, discernibly mentally liberated; a distinctly proud and additionally quite consummately unafraid Black man - truly unafraid of anyone or anything, and that also includes Death itself: which actually is an inevitability to all of us. So why then fear something that you simply cannot dispense with?
Why not more sensibly embrace and welcome its inevitable presence, and in the meantime make the very most beneficially and rather productively of what life itself has to offer as I've been so intelligently and practically from my birth been encouraged to do and have always fundamentally done throughout a most fulfilling and also rewarding life.
Not a pseudo or fraudulent one as so many you characteristically warped nerds with your distinctly delusional master race notions born actually of your own myriad inadequacies, and ludicrously linked to a skin pigment which you had nothing to do with or could you remotely have played any part in doing so. And in itself taking into account the noxious exaggerated importance that you morons attach to it, is quite pathetic in the extreme.
All the more so as a preponderance of you white, old, overweight, ugly, menopausal Karens; your distinctly likeminded male and frequently too cuckolded and clearly azoospermiac male equivalents, and similarly also what offspring that you obligingly so share among yourselves, don't really know or even have any realistic clue who your biological fathers are! The likes, for example, of staunch racists like Andrew Pierce and also Michael Gove. It doesn't deter them however, from quite idiotically peddling their blatantly asinine white supremacist and master race narratives.
And incredibly so to gain traction for this and much hoped for relevance in their dotage years too you speciously have all the basically washed up has-beens of the grotesquely old, patently ugly, fat, wrinkly and discernibĺy too ugly ilk of the odious likes of Andrew Neil and Jeremy Clarkson jumping on any convenient bandwagon that will accord them, however fleetingly, the relevance, which they're obsessively in pathetic demand of.
A laughing stock, not necessarily they alone if anyone outside of Britain has ever heard of them, but what's rather clearly symptomatic of Britain, to the rest of the world, and equally anyone inside of the UK who's endowed with a functioning brain and intelligently knows how to use it.
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