
Sunday 16 May 2021

Europe's holocaust killing of allegedly six million Zionist Yids was a myth then, and should be unlearned? No! What a surprise not, Richard Cohen!

By Stanley Collymore 

Black history has never 
been welcomed in the 
white man's patently 
delusional, and so decidedly biased 
concept of history which distinctly 
in the most dishonest, thoroughly 
and undeniably bizarre, plus too 
in lyingly concrete terms, really 
equates usually, to most whites' 
blatant and rather deliberately 
sanitized version of a fictional 
supremacist, and distinctly so 
white master race genuine in 
all respects, unchallengeable
point of view - and generally 
also let's never forget that in 
the utterly sick, and twisted 
minds of these so egregious 
white charlatans absolutely 
nowt of worth ever existed 
on earth until the pale face 
colloquial and ludicrously,
even by themselves called  
white men: when nakedly 
their skins are really pink
lol, caused them to occur!  

Whites, most significantly, 
who were distinctly the 
last race among homo 
sapiens to emerge on Planet Earth; 
so how all the earlier races, prior 
to whites, and clearly noticeably 
instinctively, and evidently also 
characteristically including my 
very own distinctly innovative 
and, crucially in all of this too 
the unmistakably undeniably 
demonstrably so trailblazing 
Black Race that categorically 
and irrefutably was the first 
ever human race to actually 
appear on Earth, so existed; 
isn't remotely worth in any 
sense analysing such evilly  
shit stupidity coming from
the likes of a categorically, 
quite delusional, deeply ingrained 
racist; Zionist Yid and a Europe's 
holocaust obsessed - yet rather 
ironically a committed white 
supremacist, and an odious 
historical revisionist - who  
in this distinctive mien of  
his is comfortably happy  
and manifestly at home 
just like Richard Cohen 
who is an irrelevance; 
unworthy of mention. 

Richard Cohen's notion 
of history is basically 
nothing more than a
eurocentric book where Africa 
and African Americans have 
never happened and quite  
fittingly therefore in this 
particularly sick, white
pillock, and distinctly 
other white ones too  
precisely in similar 
routine to those of 
Richard Cohen; it  
is crucially clear 
that to such sick  
minds, all these 
such, historical
references: are 
things to be absolutely, and 
totally forgotten. Basically 
acts of negation, that are 
deliberately insulting to 
an authentic history of  
our Planet - and Black 
persons, particularly!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
16 May 2021.  

Author's Comments: 
In Britain, in particular, the history of Black people has regularly been seen and reported in the context solely of imperial history, that equates always to white delusions and falsehoods. As a direct result of this very deliberate and evidently characteristically sick and similarly twisted attitude Black History has quite significantly been delegitimized and thus deemed to be either political or else issues that are just significantly related to perceived  Black grievances. Consequently, there has been this quite obsessive and vile determination by the odious likes of Richard Cohen, to very purposely and egregiously keep Black History as he sees it permanently marginalised! 

So thank you Random House USA in canceling Richard Cohen's contract and blocking all publications by you of this racist crap of his in America. And let's similarly hope that other ethical publishers globally will all readily do the same.

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