By Stanley Collymore
An elected government that
pledges its own allegiance
to any unelected head of
state is not remotely in
in my honest opinion
a democratic representation of that
country. Since any such allegiance
not only should but must equally
crucially also, and constantly be
to the people, who are basically
the authentic, sovereign entity
constituting a real democracy.
Furthermore all true patriots
so distinct from the odiously
boasting and evil ridiculous
fake ones: lyingly, bragging
how totally dedicated they
always are to purportedly
defend Britain but falsely
in their hypocritical plus
hyperbolic rant refusing
quite deliberately to say
that this bogus chivalry
of theirs is routinely to
the last drop distinctly
of someone else's own
blood; but never their
family's, nor crucially
and very importantly
to them all their own.
Because as the loathsome
cowards that they are
and will always be,
none of them ever voluntarily
come forward to enlist in far
less so, readily serve in any
specific detachment of the
British military. Still they
are unquestionably, the
worst egregious and in
addition quite twisted
and distinctively sick
sadistic warmongers
and utterly fawning
hereditary royalists
plebeians, infecting
our environmental
firmament with an
inevitably over the
wholesale enterity
of Britain with the
vile malevolent toxicity that
is so characteristic of their
presence; and equally an
increasingly so, and too
the questionably, valid
relevance, or fittingly
the retention, as it is
of a truthfully clear
and disunited also
"United Kingdom"
A monarchy versus a republic
shouldn't be the the salient
question that one ought
to be asking in relation to Britain.
Rather the pertinent alternative
I think is whether it's basically
commonsensical, desirable or
intelligent; specifically, right
or intellectually bright now
in the 21st Century, for any
unelected, hereditary, and
incestuously in-bred; also
a largely significant, plus
the definitively so, Kraut
foreign Klan to crucially
be imposing themselves
in a distinctly medieval
way and discernibĺy so
without the legitimacy
of a basic, transparent
re democratic process
and doing so with the avid
assistance of likeminded
wholly unaccountable,
thoroughly self-serving, social
climbing morons and utterly
brainwashed and earnestly
sought after much needed
relevance pot-bellied old
male white gits and also
disgustingly obese, and
vile, ugly, menopausal
female Karens still, in
their rabid delusions,
dwelling in a bygone
era which they were
definitely never any
part of; and pitiably
similarly searching
themselves fittingly
pathetically for any
iota of relevance in
their unrewarding lives;
and from my personal
perspective and also
any betterment too
for Britain; every
vile one of these
morons will be
doing normal
Brits a super
service, just
lethally to
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
2 May 2021.
Author's Remarks:
So much for freedom of speech and freedom of expression, which quite clearly is distinctly a one way street when it comes to these patently right wing, brainwashed, brain dead quite intellectually challenged, discernibly royalist brownnosing and manifestly cynically manipulated by rightwing rags like the Daily Mail's obsessively controlled click bait trolls.
Well, I've some very important news for you deadbeats! Hiliary Mantel is a woman who has achieved something in her life, and quite crucially on her own merits. Something that evidently none of your cherished Windsors has ever done or is currently doing apart from Harry, who noticeably because of his unquestionably love marriage to Meghan Markle: a Black American woman, and categorically different from the Stepford wife broodmare type that social climbing tarts like Kate Middleton pathetically ensconced themselves into, your inured racism, that you're so ludicrously in denial of, and that you can't handle, has turned you into the compulsively pathetic and toxic morons you always were but significantly you can't detach yourselves from.
And the same useless stigma that is so apparent with the Windsors patently sits well with yourselves; rendering you quite instinctively as repulsively nothing more than Pavlov dogs: most of your sort won't have a clue what I am referring to but you can Google it, and additionally to the above also the dog whistle trolls to rightwing, Nazi, Fascist rags and websites.
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