
Monday 3 May 2021

The hatred goes on from the Union Jack flag wavers - a deluded sad bunch of racist losers who simply don't get it!

By Stanley Collymore 

There you asininely go 
Daily Mail: clickbait,
and financially too, 
winding up again 
your so vilely manipulated trolls 
Whatever turns you sick lot on
I suppose! But, let's face facts! 
As much as you, your fellow 
right-wing rags; manifestly 
trolls and cynically liberal
media imitators do really 
hate it, practically Harry
and hot spouse, Meghan 
are effectual superstars 
that very transparently 
and unquestionably so 
have demonstrably in 
all respects distinctly 
clearly evidenced by
a weighty multitude 
of devoted fans and 
additionally global 
admirers basically 
accepting that this  
truly unconcealed 
love and poignant 
appreciation both 
for Harry and too
Meghan has nowt  
whatsoever to do 
with their British 
and meaningless 
titles as deluded
class- ingrained 
and ludicrously 
too, white Brits 
stupidly think; 

and crucially the pair of
them will continue to 
rake the money in 
much to your chagrin and 
frankly there's nowt that
any of you: pathetically 
brainwashed and also 
similarly brain-dead 
racists, such unreal 
vitriolic trolls and 
demented haters; 
the significantly 
embraced fully
taking in also  
a menagerie 
of pedigree 
morons of  
the evilly 
very compliant Coconut
and most avidly House
Nigger - Useful Idiots
variety; but even so 
none of you can do
anything, about it. 
Bloody annoying 
to the lot of you
I know! Totally 
fantastic; and I 
greatly love it! 

Brexiteers predictably
and bearing in mind 
who and what they 
stupidly are really
messed up big time! Evidently
like his mother, Diana Harry 
is and always was far more
gifted and equally popular 
than his noticeably, bland
father; and unmistakably  
obviously, totally useless
and firmly pretentiously 
fundamentally haughty 
bone idled lazy brother 
William. So how is this 
for a turn around, you 
status quo adherents? 

Racist Brexiteers ludicrously 
comprising pot bellied, old 
white men, coupled with
the women equivalent 
of menopausal, physically quite 
grotesque; also visually rather 
revoltingly obese and starkly 
ugly Karens has-beens quite 
despairing and pathetically
seeking relevance, in their 
dotage; and similarly also 
other likeminded, British
scum all daftly believing 
you can freely generally  
firmly keep Harry down
by dishonestly and most 
unwarrantedly abusing
his Afro-American wife 
and mixed race family.  

But you were manifestly 
wrong! And what you
have actually done - 
now that the intelligent global 
world has unmistakably and
critically seen you for what 
you repugnantly are - is to 
strike a match that will in 
essence become the very   
precursor of a distinctly 
flammable torch that'll 
inevitably and so aptly 
herald, this inevitable  
demise of wha's such
a tired, pointless and 
medieval, hereditary 
British monarchy. That like 
the puerile quite addictive 
junkies that you patently 
are, you undeniably, for 
sure, are unrelentingly 
hooked on! To which I 
unapologetically, add:  
your delusions, quite 
rabid racism equally  
and vilely conjoined 
harmfully with your
egregious hate filled 
suppositions are fast 
reaching a timely end. 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
3 May 2021. 

Author's Comments:   
Crassly jumping to very far-fetched, ludicrous, delusional, distinctively unsubstantiated, and even outright lying conclusions is for significant numbers of white Britons, of all ages and classes, in tandem with their non white Useful Idiots the only basically mental exercise that any of them are truly capable of indulging in. And is as constructive to themselves or the rest of humanity that bothers to quite curiously take any notice of them, as passengers on the Titanic standing on the decks of that clearly doomed ship and asininely challenging the iceberg to do its worst. 

That latter scenario, of course, didn't happen. However today's Britons are so insanely narcissistic and toxically idiotic, that they've quite literally and proudly in their insanity, taken their inimitable art of rank stupidity to an entirely new and implausible level! 

Effectively projecting their own very egregious and sickeningly fraudulent sociopathic reality on to others.

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