By Stanley Collymore
Hey! What exactly is with
all this rapt obsession of
yours, about dying; and
why precisely are you: hardly what
anybody would seriously consider
as an elderly person, so curiously
afraid of it happening? When for
the love of God and significantly
also everything else which is so
sane to articulate reasoning it's
a natural phenomenon, clearly
and unavoidably so relating to
every individual who is living.
Whether it is an innocent and
newly born infant or the aged
codger, who has been around
impressively, for a long time!
Clearly then, there's no likely
escape of the Grim Reaper's
notice or final adjudication
and the only leeway that there is,
is whether you should earnestly
top yourself or else desperately
go barmy till what'll clearly be
so characteristically too, your
inevitable, earthly expiration.
This choice is implicitly your
very own unquestionably, as
you can quite literally opt to
look at life in more realistic
terms or rather pathetically
carry on worrying yourself
to death, totally avoidablly.
Here's a far more preferred
option: face facts! You're
here now; but before
you came the calculus has always
been the same. Furthermore ask
yourself directly, where exactly
were you prior to your arrival
on Earth? Do you consciously
remember or even truthfully
know? I honestly don't think
so! And neither, I resolutely
suspect, would anyone that
you did seriously decide to
ask such a question of ever
actually be authoritatively
in a discernibly certifiably
safe position, to positively
provide you with a viable
solution if not the precise
answer to what is clearly
a mystifying conundrum.
So do enjoy life; not however
at the malicious expense of
others. Anyway, you don't
require a brain to readily react like
that. And besides this world which
we live in is critically pathetically
already savagely inundated with
serial, and hugely imponderable
numbers, of such persons - both
individually as well as crucially
collectively, egregiously and too
malevolently, bringing absolute
hardships to as many people as
they actually can. You however
must always think, sensibly act
and react in very positive ways
which will most constructively,
also assuredly as a result quite
speedily cause you to perceive
how swiftly the inevitability of
death will disappear from your
thoughts to be then delightedly
lastingly replaced, by personal
exuberance conjoined with an
encouraging impetus to others.
So when death actually comes
and you are finally gone what
a wonderful legacy to pass on.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
31 May 2021.
Author's Remarks:
With well argued, quite inspirational, crucially logical and thoroughly convincing arguments that still hold compelling sway with me to this very day, I was persuasively taught and encouraged from my earliest childhood never to fear anyone, anything, and most importantly not Death - which it was cogently and very humorously explained to me is inevitable; so why be afraid, much less so be absolutely petrified, of something that is wholly unavoidable and, moreover, isn't ever likely to change?
Rather, why not sensibly inculcate Death's dichotomy into the fabric of my own existence on Earth and, accordingly, by doing so appropriately make the most beneficially for myself and also constructively for others while I'm actually here; I was encouragingly and lovingly advised to do. And that is exactly what I've always done and shall happily continue doing so!