
Saturday 13 July 2024

I never once doubted her cynical appearance for a single moment!

By Stanley Collymore

Funny isn't it that one of Kate  
Middleton's good days just  
happen to coincide with  
the Wimbledon's men's final rather than  
such an occasion very naturally, simply  
happening on let's say a weekday visit,  
for example, to a discernibly societally  
established food bank, local charity; a  
hospital, hospice, or essentially some  
such unquestionably quite ostensibly  
to Kate Middleton; undeniably, simply  
aptly boring event, cum organisation!  
(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
13 July 2024.  

Author's Remarks:  
Of course Kate was always going to be at Wimbledon; was that ever in doubt to anyone with a functioning brain in their head and who effectively knows how to distinctly and actually efficiently use it?  
Kate Middleton was perfectly fit and as well wholly and very preferably capable of attending the Trooping of the Colour, which was distinctively a premeditated precursor to her Wimbledon jolly both of these events clearly deemed by Kate as celebratory and elite occasions. But to this discernibly, absolutely ultra-lazy, social climbing cow making the effort to go to a normal charity, food bank, a hospital, children's cancer ward - taking fully into essential consideration logical and similarly sensible account of all the lying palaver about Kate having cancer - that she unquestionably does not have, never has done and is truly nothing else but a dishonest sympathy puller ploy on this naturally, clearly distinctly, evidently egotistically and quite deeply ingrained, vain prat's part - or even a hospice!  
No, of course not! Since such relatively very basic engagements are perceived by St. Katie, the elevated one as simply beneath her exalted dignity! All this too notwithstanding the fact that her bogus treatment, if it were actually real, ought to been finished several weeks ago, but is still asininely and rather persuasively being used to con all the fawning serfs and likewise as a very conceitedly false premise, so Kate can sit on her actually simply opulent, rather lazy ass at home, clear courtesy of your paid for opulence and basically do sweet fuck-all! Unless, of course, it's undoubtedly a high profile engagement and she can be the clearly expensive clothes horse she discernibly likes to be or it's unquestionably a truly, high-profile, upper crust, societal jolly!  
Laziness evidently consolidated really, as ever since her very literally crucially effective stalking of William obviously got her into the Windsor monarchical family, Kate Middleton's commitment work wise has been woefully poor!

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