
Tuesday 30 July 2024

That irksome, so delusional, white Caucasian surety of their inalienable racial and cultural superiority!

By Stanley Collymore 

Slapping a child playfully on the 
face for quite ostensibly very 
disrespectfully, discernibly 
ignoring an entrenched cultural tradition 
is crucially so obviously distinctly much 
worse, self-evidently, unquestionably to 
those who simply consider themselves 
immensely superior in every effectively 
discernible and conceivable fashion to 
everyone else and specifically so, as is 
the order of the day, those who literally 
are distinctively undoubtedly Muslims! 
However, purposely exploding children 
whom you effectively basically racially 
and culturally dislike, very literally limb 
from limb and simply specifically so if 
essentially that actual figure amongst 
them is only 15,000 children in total is 
quite apparently no big thing, to those 
that simply subjectively biasedly view 
President Erdogan's evidently, literally 
jocular slap very briefly, administered 
to the face, of that erring child; as the 
most odious, egregious, and brazenly 
glaringly malevolent thing to vilely do.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
30 July 2024. 

Author's Remarks: 
Another British MSM propaganda hatchet job; can't have the Israelis looking like the bad guys, eh? And naturally their barbarities and obvious genocidal practices must be supported!

Simply and honestly, happy 50th birthday Emilia Fox!

By Stanley Collymore 

Thankfully, there are obviously 
clearly unquestionably in life 
great individuals, that even 
though one has never personally really 
met them; obviously, don't know them 
personally, and probably simply never 
will; nevertheless, by their overall and 
actually unquestionably also credibly 
deduced public behaviour, irrefutably 
general commitment to the evidently 
distinctly, and discernibly, well-being 
of others, through their clear natural 
behaviour and similarly, irrespective 
also, of their life-chosen profession: 
be this as a naturally conscientious 
politician, quite fervently so looking 
after and also doing their utmost to 
clearly ensure quite the best for the 
constituents, that knowingly of this 
elected them. Similarly, very clearly 
skilled and actually unquestionably 
crucially dedicated, sports persons 
quite assiduously, really doing their 
absolute utmost to be positive role 
models, for those that significantly 
undeniably wish to simply emulate 
them in what they're essentially so 
successfully, commendably doing! 

Or evidently, being a distinctively 
skilled, evidently articulate and 
a likewise, very intelligent and 
rather accomplished thespian, obviously 
employing their innate, and outstanding 
acting skills, for the joyous satisfaction, 
enjoyment and entertainment of others. 
These undeniably, are all in themselves 
vital actions, that quite ordinary decent 
people admire and treasure immensely. 
And it's obviously why, on the occasion 
of you clearly quite fittingly celebrating 
your half century as an unquestionably  
undeniably, and quite positive member 
Emilia, within the literally worthy ranks 
of Homo sapiens, that from this rather 
complete stranger to you but basically 
all the same, an actually, keen admirer 
of yours; you're simply wholeheartedly 
wished but rather distinctively without 
any ostentatious, or sickly pretentious 
fanfare, a truly heartwarming and very 
enduring, unforgettably 50th birthday!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
30 July 2024. 

Author's Remarks:
Please allow me as an ardent fan of yours Emilia, in the Silent Witness series, to very earnestly and sincerely actually wish you a very Happy Birthday on what auspiciously is discernibly and effectively too your 50th birthday, essentially tomorrow Wednesday 31 July 2024. 

Additionally also, wishing you many more birthdays in the future!

Sunday 28 July 2024

The sick, mendacious dissembling of white Caucasians rather irksomely ensconced in their vile state of denial!

By Stanley Collymore  

Does anybody with a modicum  
of rationality, a very distinctly  
discernible iota of crucially  
natural commonsense or a basically  
logical, and obviously working brain  
actually think, that the female slave  
who was effectually Kamala Harris'  
direct biological ancestor, and also  
very clearly, made pregnant, by her  
slave owner, as quite similarly too,  
evidently obviously, multiple such  
Black slaves, quite basically were  
by their white owners; clearly too,  
those ogre rapist Male as well as  
female kin - yes, there were evilly  
surely then, as there still is today  
Karen lesbians - and, specifically  
undoubtedly, obviously every day  
friends, wasn't unquestionably a  
thoroughly, very hapless victim?  
Or do you equally very asininely  
in you clearly steeped racism,  
and specifically conveniently  
disregarding all the clearly empirical and  
crucially very documented evidence still  
actually believe that these Black female  
slaves, simply had a choice; clearly just  
effectively like your present day female  
relatives that actually quite specifically  
rather helplessly get raped by a Jimmy  
Savile type figure or even an obviously  
absolutely, actually complete stranger  
to her! For clearly, if you literally know,  
and, moreover, really care anything at  
all about that malevolently egregious  
and evidently barbaric history and as  
well the dire consequences basically  
of what is generally, euphemistically  
referred to as, Transatlantic Slavery;  
you'd quite undoubtedly, know what  
those Black victims, horrifically and  
irrefutably effectively went through.  
Furthermore, is there not actually  
discernibly and intelligently too  
an undoubtedly considerable  
difference between essentially owning  
slaves, and being the non-consensual  
crucially enforcedly made victim, of a  
rapist slave owner? And, even worse,  
to be virulently castigated for simply  
being effectively a basically multiple  
generations later, crucially proven to  
be simply the biological descendant  
of an enslaved ancestor who clearly  
was actually raped, and distinctively  
also undoubtedly made pregnant by  
her slave owner? Or is such a really  
lucid explanation much too difficult  
and essentially thoroughly complex  
for you racist, gullible and evidently  
brainwashed sort rather toxically in  
tandem with the clearly likeminded  
hacks at the Daily Mail distinctively  
too thick to actually handle reality?  
(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
28 July 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Populist charlatans like Donald Trump and Nigel Farage of this world routinely and as well malevolently play the same game that is based solely on biased and largely also ill-informed ignorance and irrational fears, and areas of dishonesty that they can very readily and without proof obviously exploit. Doing so markedly for their own obviously personal gain!  
However,  they realistically have no fitting solutions to what they're saying and that's why they never venture into specifics. As for Donald Trump he knows that he simply cannot win talking about policies for quite clearly he has none and that accounts for why there are never any specifics in what he's actually saying. So, instead, he readily employs empty promises, odious threats, hate and divisive rhetoric. Quite discernibly he had 4 years in the White House as the President of the USA but effectively really did nothing!  
Make America great is just essentially an empty slogan! And very predictably Trump needs to resort to childish playground and fatuous name calling to obviously deflect from the emptiness of what he's basically both saying and doing! And sadly so, many dimwits have fallen for his bullshit!  
Essentially, and this is really what's clearly important, Trump is running now solely to avoid going to prison. He's been a criminal all of his adult life, and is counting on the fact that if elected as President he will of course have direct control over the DOJ - the Department of Justice and therefore can order his implanted minions to then literally dismiss the Federal charges that have been proven as well as the myriad of others against himself!  
Donald Trump - or should we all resort to calling him by his real name of Donald Drumpf - Trump being used to evidently  deceive the general public in his rather deceitful proselytising of himself as a bona fide American with longstanding links to that country, when his links are nothing of the kind.  
Both his German parents were immigrants to the USA, a country Trump's mother was not that enamoured in living in. At her repeated urgings Trump senior returned to their native Germany, which wasn't then a unified state but a number of separate entities. Trump was subsequently kicked out of his home state for clearly brazen cowardice in not joining the armed forces and banned from returning. After this very stark humiliation Trump Senior managed through bribery to get the USA authorities to let him back into USA. And it was there that his already pregnant wife gave birth to the odious bastard we now know as Donald.  
So all of this macho American crap on his part is just that, and like numerous of his hard-core supporters Donald Drumpf is a first generation American, and only just so. And as they say the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree, as lily livered Donald Drumpf just like his dad is a brazen coward who pulled every conceivable trick to dodge the American military Draft and has never ever served in the USA Armed Forces. And just like several of his hard-core followers are the evident scum who while dishonestly claiming to be Patriots of the USA will heartily and fervently defend that country to the last drop of someone else's blood but never their own! Don't take my word only for any of the aforementioned just use what brain cells you actually possess and do your own detailed research on this odious, racist, populist, KKK aficionado just as his dad was an actual member of the KKK, for yourself.  
Not my business to tell you Americans who to vote for but if you vote for Donald Drumpf you deserve everything you get and the opprobrium of the decent world and is elements of humanity!

The convenient and rather unpalatable too obnoxious usage of OUR Union Jack!

By Stanley Collymore

It's not the least bit proud to
simply see the Union Jack
being flown, actually the
wrong way up and then bandied about
by a distinctly, rather glaringly, odious
bunch of evidently, simply delusional,
fatuously self-important, narcissistic
morons, with self-evidently, basically
far too much testosterone obviously
undeniably, quite discernibly, in their
nether regions, and likewise too few
brain cells to significantly rely upon!
So-called Patriots quite like Tommy
Robinson, that will defend Britain to
the last drop obviously of someone
else's blood but effectively, actually
and most crucially never their own!

And in case you gullible and quite
clearly, thoroughly intellectually
challenged morons obviously
don't actually know it, or puerilely wish
to ignore it, the Union Jack logically is
actually not yours alone and factually,
simply, crucially undoubtedly belongs
to everybody absolutely authentically
and really rather happy to be a Briton
and not uniquely, clearly distinctively
unquestionably vile racist cunts, like
you alone bastard Tommy Robinson.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
28 July 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Quite an interesting phenomenon isn't it that discernibly the surfeit of biological bastards across the length and breadth of the UK who actually don't know their own authentic biological fathers, essentially so, simply because their own biological  mothers, assuming that they effectively know who they really are, actually  knew who got them pregnant, unquestionably clearly specimens for Long Lost Families; not obviously just love having this very distinctly bizarre penchant for obsessive name changing but, just as asininely, quite  basically love deluding themselves that they're so indisputably, but in reality fatuously far more British than those who, in undoubtedly logical circumstances, evidently are. Obviously clearly in essence nobodies desperately trying to be someone, and significantly characteristically failing in that pursuit! Isn't that distinctively the case Tommy Robinson and all you other discernibly, odiously vile, fellow lowlife scum?

Saturday 27 July 2024

Protecting their criminal and graspingly avaricious asses from those they're truly meant to serve!

By Stanley Collymore

The authorities in the UK are
very definitely obsessed
with security! Frankly
from my very own candid perspective
and logical observation, truthfully the
only things which should specifically
and morally be kept secret, and then
only, for a legally specified, requisite
number of years precisely after they
have happened, are matters directly
related to and also quite thoroughly
relevant as well, to the very obvious
security of the United Kingdom; not
measures, evidently concerning the
clear prevention of embarrassment
literally caused through the actions,
whether these are crucially criminal
or very obviously rather immoral, by
the distinctively quite dodgy doings
evidently, by actual members of the
unelected, but specifically imposed
quite unasked for our opinion, upon
every single, genuine British citizen,
monarchic family, very high ranking
politicians, and clearly members of
the largely very nepotistic, installed
British Administration. All of which,
are unquestionably, literally corrupt
actions, very surreptitiously carried
out with the corrupt approval of the
largely hereditarily owned UK MSM.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
27 July 2024.

Author's Remarks:
You simply cannot trust any government to actually tell you the basic truth. Obviously so, because they simply only really tell you what they clearly want you to know, much of which is made up anyway to serve their own distinctly iniquitous purposes and the situations which they're in. Since, crucially, for them, they literally need to always look squeaky clean, simply in order to hold your attention and false trust.

It's the power they're after, not the good of the average individual in the country.

Friday 26 July 2024

Intelligently, it just doesn't add up; does it?

By Stanley Collymore

What's really taking place can only
be sensibly and rather logically
described as a growing cult,
and an obviously invidious one at that, of
British benefit claimants. Rationally how
come that explanation? Here's my own!
Irrefutably the air which we collectively
breathe is actually much cleaner; work
places essentially, no longer use toxic
chemicals and the diets which people
utilize are generally also, much better.
Generally everyone undoubtedly lives
longer, and evidently both health and
safety rules are naturally much more
stringent now than they were before.
Furthermore Human Resources also
have urgently rather clearly clamped
down on rabidly, malevolent bullying
and attendantly its often malevolent
noxious sexism; and equally, usually
generally office unpleasantness has
actually now become an undeniably
distant and crucially effectively fast
approvingly retreating phenomenon.

While also accompanying all this
working from home is not only
evidently increasingly going
on but has quite discernibly, clearly
become a rather popular situation
with many; while very additionally
to this, the four day week is quite
undoubtedly now a clear popular
outcome. Yet, quite crazily more
sick days rather effectually than
normally before are distinctively
unquestionably, very discernibly
being generally, registered daily,
weekly, monthly and essentially
collectively, annually! Obviously
the pertinent question sensible
people are asking is how come
this is actually allowed Britain?

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
26 July 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Pointing the finger at the aged population is grossly unfair, since the majority of this generation effectually paid their dues for decades during their actual working lives and will be lucky, most of them, if in return they receive anything or very much before their evidently shuffle off their respective mortal coil.

Rather it's the increasing number of lazy, bone idle and feckless morons, who are brought up believing they can really have whatever they want for nothing, that really constitute the actual problem. Cretins that take everything that they can dishonestly get their sordid and grasping avaricious hands on, while callously and recurrently giving nothing back in return. And most sickeningly get away with it because they evidently know that they can!

The pursuit of Happiness!

By Stanley Collymore

The road to personal happiness
can sometimes be undeniably
and evidently very perilously
unexpectedly long, irrefutably arduous,
discernibly unpredictable, and actually
rather distinctively accursedly plagued
with numerous difficulties. But clearly
with patience the benefits crucially of
such a journey, literally obviously and
also very irritatingly pockmarked with
numerous, unquestionably obviously
and distinctly, actually unpredictable
difficulties although evidently simply
long, and seemingly unending is not
infrequently, thoroughly beneficially,
and simply very likewise delightedly
enhanced by an effectively crucially
and actually, handsomely rewarded
bonus of irrefutably and essentially
justifiable expectations specifically
acquired, through the very stoically
held approach of patiently waiting!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
25 July 2024.

Author's Remarks:
There's only one inevitability in Life, and that is Death! Happiness, meanwhile, is like breathing, it's instinctive and either happens or it doesn't. And if you have to explain what Happiness is, then it's clearly obvious that you’re effectively deluding yourself and others regarding what it actually is. For like breathing you don't have to prove it's actually there or really occurring.

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Simply and unequivocally pure evil!

By Stanley Collymore

Women giving birth then literally,
quite physically dumping their
newborn babies undeniably
rather conveniently wherever and also in
whatever circumstances, which actually
they really distinctively deem necessary
is unquestionably as far as I'm crucially
personally concerned, a monstrous act
of nasty, inhuman barbarity; regardless
of wherever these locations, which are
really intentionally chosen, specifically
are! Abandoning babies: very solely as
a woman, a male or crucially jointly as
a couple, in parks; sickeningly, leaving
them to effectively roast, in dreadfully
hot, and clearly airless, cars; basically
very unimaginably so, distinctly going
on holiday and too leaving essentially
totally vulnerable babies on their own
and all this crucially evidently with so
many resources and clearly essential
help available - it's undoubtedly, quite
evidently, basically incomprehensible
that such so-called parents still quite
simply just can't truly find the time to
deal with the vital task of undeniably
totally sensibly caring for a newborn
life which obviously they were rather
irrefutably significantly instrumental
in individually creating and basically
essentially brought into this world! I
guess, when all is undoubtedly said
and done, cell phones, social media
along with dating apps and the like,
are truly evidently, greater priorities
to such discernibly, very thoroughly
braindead, simply selfish and really
similarly, self-servingly narcissistic
and evilly, psychopathic imbeciles!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
24 July 2024.

Author's Remarks:
A mentality quite entrenched across white dominated, Western society that children are both usable and similarly disposable! And therefore, evidently as such, abortion and Planned Parenthood haven't actually worked as intended, and unquestionably discernibly not such evil persons as are referred to in this poem.

But the problem goes wider with children in many cases simply a marketing and as well a PR commodity. If in doubt of that, just take an objective and honest look at the British monarchy!

Furthermore, most people who are willing to adopt simply want infants that they can deceitfully, dishonestly and simply, clearly fatuously also, pass off as their biological offspring. And additionally actually want such children to be very healthy, often of the same ethnicity and not addicted, as their biological parents were, to alcohol or drugs!

All this put into perspective, the very vast majority of children in the clear adoptable category still end up in care homes where they invariably stay until they're 18 years, become adults and are obliged to leave.

Realistically, the intelligent options would be, if one doesn't want children, to simply use contraceptive methods, abstain from having sex, becoming sterilized or having a partner(s) who are azoospermiac crucially obviously in the case of a male or actually as a female, sterile or apparently sexually responsible and not have children that she doesn't crucially want but is basically too bone idle to truly do something positive about her situation.

But whatever the circumstances are being so barbarically hideous to a young and a very defenceless infant is beyond words!

Since from my personal perspective the only justifiable reason for any female quite uncaringly giving up a baby that she has carried full term and subsequently to that process had delivered but for her is unquestionably, deservedly unwanted, is if she’s been raped and in that barbaric process made pregnant. Even then, there are legal provisions in place to deal with the rapist, if known, and for the woman or girl who has been raped and thus enforcedly made a mother to morally be rid of that child without employing barbarous actions against a quite innocent child, like rather callously disposing of it in a dumpster or some such receptacle as if it were nothing but rubbish. Unwanted by the mother, yes; and understandably so, but that infant is still a human being and, furthermore, quite innocent of the process that caused it to be born.

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Nigel Farage and company, Reform hugely popular? So were Herr Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party!

By Stanley Collymore

Unquestionably two men: Adolf
Hitler and Nigel Farage, both
of them quite distinctly of
Germanic origin, Hitler's antipathy and
very undeniably, calculated retribution
were discernibly, rather genuinely and
committedly also the actual outcome
from a very logical and truly impartial
perspective also very understandably
based on the distinctlvely undeniably
malevolent, and egregious treatment
of the German people, very distinctly
and crucially collectively as a nation,
evidently following their terrible loss
of World War I; and that barbarously
quite vindictively introduced, and as
well clearly gloatingly implemented,
quite naturally, principally by Britain,
of the spitefully Treaty of Versailles.
What, therefore, in marked contrast
then to Herr Hitler's unquestionably
noble endeavours are those clearly
in any kind of realistically objective
comparison rather relative to Nigel
Farage's own, distinctively bigoted,
thoroughly warped and discernibly
undeniably, self-serving activities?

Popular! You openly and evidently
literally bleat about Nigel Farage
and Reform, his company quite
obviously masquerading as a political
party! But what, of his newly acquired
constituents? For I really much doubt
that this evidently narcissistic moron
will actually really engage much with
the basically quite ordinary everyday
residents of Clacton; since basically,
Clacton was rather brazenly used by
Nigel Farage as an actual conduit to
obviously, secure his cherished seat
within the House of Commons. And
from my logically objective, actually
earnest, and crucially also impartial
observation, what the UK, and most
specifically England, frankly require
are MPs, who're simply prepared to
categorically: honestly and morally
significantly, dedicatedly represent
their constituents rather than vilely
clearly use them and the locations
that they unquestionably distinctly
live in, in quite legal parliamentary
terms, to distinctively significantly
and essentially undeniably pursue
their personal and simply devious
ambitions, which actually, is what
those, of the questionably odious
ilk of Nigel Farage are essentially
and evidently undoubtedly doing!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
23 July 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Precisely just like the snake oil operators in the supposedly good old USA, Reform’s operatives across Britain have not only clearly taken full cognizance of such lowlife, narcissistic and psychopathic scum but have themselves become just like them; in essence fully knowing that in class infested, discernibly feudal in mindset and quite overall not the least bright where such brainwashed scum are evidently concerned; these Reform operatives and bandwagon aficionados are essentially earnestly of the belief that they’re onto a good thing, if only temporarily so on the part of those that are leading them by the nose.

Essentially, not that different in reality from the Nazis and what they distinctively did throughout the 1930s and well into the 1940s. The basic difference being between them and this Reform lot is that in Germans’ case they were acting in response to what disastrously happened to them following the Treaty of Versailles. While in the case of the UK, and very much unlike the case of Germany, the Britons effectively involved with Reform and unquestionably morons with limited or no commonsense who essentially love to jump onto populist bandwagons, as they obviously can’t think for themselves, and love nothing more than others doing that task for them!

The philosophy of the much inured, entitled British tax-avoider!

By Stanley Collymore  
When all is clearly seemingly lost  
through fair, democratically held  
and rather unquestionably, also  
actually won national general elections,  
then immediately and literally fervently  
crucially call upon the quite knowingly  
dishonestly held but actually critically  
all the same lyingly utilized, distinctly  
discernibly and quite unscrupulously  
readily embraced simply and equally  
widely disseminated Tory, Daily Mail  
and obviously right-wing sound bites  
to essentially, comfort yourselves; if  
you're rather specifically of the Nazi  
and unquestionably, non-egalitarian,  
rather hereditarily, self-entitled kind!  
(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
22 July 2024.  

Author's Remarks:
The kind of governmental system quite clearly that the monarchical, in tandem with their distinctly hereditarily and evidently, likemindedly opulent kind, and, of course, the social climbing elements in the UK and also those who financially and criminally do use the tax system for their own quite nefarious ends want to unchangeably see consistently carried on in Britain, as they willingly and actually exploitatively, readily get the likes of you to believe as well as accept that taxes are not in the least for their evil and rather avaricious sort; just your kind. And why? Simply because they are essentially the brains and equally the requisite expertise after all, who do keep Britain and provide you with work. Unconvincing reasons to anyone with an unquestionably functioning brain; but in your particular cases they know they've no worries on that score, as evidently such a category of person doesn't apply to you!  
Overall then, a rather typically, obviously clear case of do as I say but not as I do!

Monday 22 July 2024

The sleight of pernicious deceitfulness!

By Stanley Collymore

Plenty of political parties have deputy
leaders, and even actual leaders,
who haven't been elected as
MPs to their actual national parliaments,
and crucially specifically in Britain's very
own case the House of Commons. And
very noteworthily also, there have been
literally multiple fallouts over the years
really involving leading figures in UKIP,
the Brexit Party, and undoubtedly now
Reform, entities in which Nigel Farage
has undeniably been prominently, and
evidently intensely involved. And both
intensive, and also objective research
have clearly categoricallly found, that
the actual one common denominator
simply unquestionably very obviously
in all, of these rancorous altercations
has basically been Nigel Farage, who
is himself not only rather well known,
but is also, crucially notorious in fact
as literally having a marked personal
detestation for generally, sharing the
limelight with anyone. And obviously
it's undoubtedly high time for others,
rather than undeniably very sensible
and unquestionably, quite intelligent
people to discernibly and effectively
objectively, start asking themselves
why this odiously, self-evidently too
distinctly clearly narcissistic moron
is so very ill-equipped, to effectively
build and far less so quite distinctly
and categoricallly also truly fittingly
very genuinely, distinctively sustain
any really, discernibly longstanding
personal and undoubtedly crucially
significantly political relationships!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
22 July 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Reform is not an authentic political party but effectively a limited company with two shareholders: Nigel Farage obviously and his sidekick Richard Tice. Actually, right up until just after the recent General Elections Ben Habib was, in effect, the deputy leader of this rather discernibly registered limited company literally masquerading as a bona fide political party.

With the attainment of 5 seats in the UK's House of Commons basically because of the plethora of UK morons wanting to truly punish the Tories, Nigel Farage very clearly after 8 previous attempts quite obviously over several years managed at last to get himself elected in a quite former Tory seat on a protest vote. So did Richard Tice. And in true form Nigel Farage got rid of Mr Ben Habib!

Unfortunately, there are significant numbers of men and women who actually enter UK politics, not necessarily for the potential or actual good they can and should do for their constituents, and not just simply for the ones that voted for them but rather everyone among the plethora of inhabitants who actually live there; but in actuality never do any such thing! And principally so because a significant number of those who run for and get elected to the House of Commons are virtually nothing more than snake oil charmers, who effectively undeniably have no real interest in those they’re supposedly meant to represent. And quite honestly the reason there are in parliament is to further their own interests, those of their family members, the quite myriad of mistresses that they have and even their bastard children by such women.

And they essentially get away with this sort of behaviour because Britain is simply and quite undoubtedly a cast-iron feudally mindset country ensconced as it does happen in the 21st Century. An entity that likes to boast about its past and how great they were when barbarity effectively was the order of the day and people distinctly knew their place. And to be quite honest with you nothing has effectively changed since then; while the prats who keep this feudal system going, discernibly and also quite pleased with themselves, like the half-wit children that they generally are, kid themselves that they’re very important and special for what they’re doing. And it’s distinctly this mindset that Reform has tapped into and like the odious and very malignantly egregious scum that they are, will make the most of it while the going is good!

Idiots never learn; they just simply multiply physically in numbers!

Is it simply selfishness, narcissism, hypocrisy, stupidity, or odiously clearly all of these?

By Stanley Collymore  
Why is it acceptable for your  
bigoted morons as well as  
their parents and equally  
likeminded kin to honourably and also  
unquestionably be actually emigrants  
from Britain, and therefore effectively  
undoubtedly be clearly immigrants in  
other people's countries; and notably  
so, actually outside the region that is  
known as Europe but distinctively on  
your part it's totally unacceptable for  
other people, and simply specifically  
if they quite obviously don't look like  
you and are effectively self-evidently  
racially different; exactly, just as you  
yourselves quite unquestionably are  
to the literally numerous indigenous  
peoples of the plethora of countries  
which your lot have actually brutally,  
barbarously, and readily genocidally  
taken from them, while distinctively  
arrogantly, and similarly exclusively  
continuing to usurp their drastically  
reduced numbers, even within their  
own crucially indigenous countries?  
Yet you find it so abhorrent to have  
such people that you've odiously,  
clearly undeniably malignantly  
and also obviously egregiously abused  
and unquestionably, very evidently still  
carry on doing so with, clearly wishing  
in reverse to decidedly, naturally move  
to the countries that you've voluntarily  
left but on their part essentially purely  
as immigrants, and quite distinctly so  
not as vile conquerers and barbarous  
controllers like your lot very dastardly  
did over several centuries and clearly  
rather arrogantly have actually rather  
indifferently still literally consistently  
keep on indulging in as and crucially  
when it unquestionably clearly takes  
their very odiously sick fancy, as the  
basically controlling masters in your  
own actually indigenous homelands  
that they still undeniably, essentially  
whether directly or effectively by de  
facto means they obviously control.  
While in quite marked contrast, you  
this obviously maligned immigrant,  
basically simply want a safe haven,  
albeit clearly enforcedly so on your  
part, in the urgent, aforementioned  
circumstances, in any aptly foreign  
land simply for yourself and family.  
(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
21 July 2024. 
Author's Remarks:  
The first modern Britons who lived about 10,000 years ago were Black, a ground-breaking DNA analysis of British oldest skeletons has revealed. The said skelton having been revealed more than a century ago in Gough's Cave in Somerset, England. 

People, however, who rather essentially came from continental Europe first did so after the Ice Age and settled in very diverse parts of Britain. Ever since then Britain has continuously been occupied as newcomers who arrived discernibly mixed and evidently inter-married with existing residents.  
The Celts originated from the areas in and around what we know as Greece; while the Angles, Saxons and Jutes only arrived after the 5th Century BC. Afro-Romans were in Britain for Centuries and in Medieval Britain Blacks were not only prevalent but quite unquestionably made massive contributions in a great diversity of fields to Britain itself. The Norman's who were actually ethnically Scandinavians who'd usurped France and actually taken it over didn't arrive in England until 1066, and the Angles and Saxons, effectively German, Danish and Dutch of origin didn't have any genuine impact other than that allowed them by the Normans!  
The list and actual numbers of people who over the years have migrated to Britain for a diversity of reasons, from literally escaping their many barbarous internecine pogroms to doing the same in relation to escaping Europe's odious holocaust is equally phenomenal. So the asininely held notion by braindead and intellectually challenged morons that Britain and specifically England is a homogenous country and is quite naturally white Caucasian and should revert to being so are just silly prats, and as my research has shown are for the most part the descendants actually of undeniably pogrom and distinctively European holocaust escapers.  
Which brings me to this crucial point of today's refugees and immigrants. Any person with a conscience and the real awareness of facts knows why they're coming here; and good luck to them I say. For how does it square with cretins who want an all-white Britain and also as well equally so Europe but evidently see nothing wrong with their kind really holding on clearly to the very obviously and rather unquestionably, genocidally acquired and even simply delusionally Terra nullius acquired countries clearly like Australia, and equally attendant too New Zealand, Canada and literally also the USA that they have hold of and very obviously undoubtedly have no wish of ever handing back to their indigenous owners, yet freely allow more of their scum kind wanting an all-white Britain and Europe to live and even settle in all these countries that don't belong in the very least to them.  
So dream on pillocks, I say and it might be well for you to take cognisance of the fact that you were clearly over there in their countries before they chose to do the same in what you quite distinctly, and most idiotically as well, hypocritically do want to claim as countries that should and must be exclusively yours. Frankly, don't hold your collective breath on that one!