
Monday 27 September 2021

An overture of love or actually a duplicitously coordinated concert of improbable harmony?

By Stanley Collymore 

Someone overtly making a
sexual proposition to you
and, however earnestly 
or fervidly this overture might 
dramatically be employed, is 
really by no stretch of even 
the most fanciful imaging, 
a realistic declaration of 
commited love; and, as 
such, most especially 
so, when the person 
crucially involved, 
in this essentially 
unusual, kind of 
is perceptibly 
a thoroughly 

That they possibly clearly  
sexually fancy you goes 
quite literally without 
saying; but that of itself is not and 
can't ever realistically be a truly 
viable and genuinely seriously 
truthful explanation for what 
they're saying and obviously 
crucially desperately trying 
their very best to distinctly 
and literally convince you 
is irrefutably the case; let 
alone act as a persuasive 
explanation, discernibly 
to what they're actually 
very hellbent on doing.  

For since when has pure 
and clearly unbridled 
lust on its own been 
actually the complete epitome 
of love, caring or unqualified 
devotion; much less so in all 
of this, the very stimulating 
and fundamentally too, the 
cathartic exposition, itself 
distinctively causing, any 
sensible individual - and 
hopefully, that sincerely 
and rather intelligently 
also seriously includes 
you - to desist from so 
recklessly then being 
this signally singular 
and actually regular 
person: who clearly 
should very readily  
and distinctively in 
full, wholly realize 
and distinctly also 
totally accept that 
what this whacky 
stranger is plying 
you with, doesn't   
reasonably carry   
a factual basis of 
genuine realistic 
expectation; nor 
any known, and
right validation.  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
27 September 2021. 

Author's Remarks: 
Realistically every new generation of Homo sapiens is by and large essentially expected to be an improvement on their immediate predecessors, and most of them sensibly realizing this do embark assiduously on achieving this largely universal ambition; realizing, of course, that such an approach and its commendable application can, overall, only be overtly and longstandingly so be consummately much better for the entirety of humanity.  

Alas, though,, significant numbers of those ludicrously in their well known and entrenched bastardy asininely assuming that by the divine grace and authority of God Almighty, that neither they nor their likeminded and expatriate kith and kin: all of whom in their sick and twisted minds are quite risibly, to everyone but themselves, supposedly and exclusively Anglo-Saxons, don't have to either accede to or accommodate such noble principles.  

Since those who're born into their world of mythical master race and distinctly white supremacy exceptionalism are, accordingly, permanently exempt from such mere mortal calculations and actions. 

And where are most of these totally inured, thoroughly entrenched racist jerks and rabid xenophobes to be readily found? I think that logically and intelligently you already know the answer to that specific question; assuming, of course, that your own deduction is parallel to my own.


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