
Sunday, 24 November 2024

Stick it Lindsay Graham! And you don't need me to tell you where, you odious Queer!

By Stanley Collymore 

The USA's clearly adept Federal 
Bureau of Investigation (FBI) 
defines terrorism as the 
unlawful use of force and violence against 
persons or property, in order to intimidate 
or clearly evidently coerce a government;
the civilian population; or quite distinctly 
and specifically obviously, any segment 
thereof in the furtherance of political or 
social objectives. Furthermore, for Bibi 
specifically in this case, to be arrested 
by the UK's Government, he'd crucially 
obviously, have to actually literally set 
foot in Britain and simply sensibly for 
him on the actual invitation distinctly 
of the British Government; and really, 
that simply just isn't going to literally 
happen; requisite specifically, to this 
indisputably, distinctively, genocidal, 
power hungry and aptly sociopathic 
and endemically, narcissistic cretin!
However, that moment undoubtedly 
and also specifically, that Benjamin 
Netanyahu is ultimately, truly out of   
power the highly commendable, as 
well as the actually really impartial 
and rather respected Israeli courts 
are crucially going to legally arrest 
him on among other things clearly 
massive corruption charges. So to 
keep himself out of prison literally 
where he rather rightfully belongs, 
Bibi will do all that he actually can 
to clearly, obviously stay in power 
by self- servingly actually keeping 
his vile genocidal war against the 
Palestinian civilians, firmly going! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
24 November 2

Author's Remarks:
There isn't and quite specifically never was any special relationship between the USA and the UK! Let's make that abundantly clear. And this pathetic delusion came from a distinctly half-breed American Winston Churchill whose vile trollop of a whoring mother was an American herself  who loved spreading it sexually around London. 

Churchill desperately needed what he basically considered to be American assistance to help defeat the Germans that Brirain as in WW1 had actually started. And while the USA's President then and his Administration were very partially inclined to helping Britain, the vast majority of the USA's population was distinctively evidently pro German, pro-Nazi and most categorically against European Jews and excitedly in favour of what Das Dritte Reich was genocidally doing, not that different obviously from what the same Americans had done and still do the indigenous North Americans, as their white ilk have done within Australia , New Zealand and Canada!  

However, fortuitously so for Britain requisite to the USA's participation Germany encouraged Japan to attack Pearl Harbour. Interestingly enough the USA's Government and its secret service knew about this but specifically and quite consciously did nothing to prevent the Japanese from doing so. The President's hope being that once the Japanese had done so it would incense Americans who would clearly opt for war. And just as still pertains with the British serfs and plebeians, the American equivalent were all now baying for war. And these are the pillocks that collectively as well as individually like to regard themselves as the epitome of the Master Race! How pathetic can you get?

Anyway after Pearl Harbour the USA did get involve in World War 2, but by that time the demise of Nazi Germany was well on the way, as the Russians had systematically broken the back of the German Nazis and their Axis forces on the Eastern Front and the evidently massive contribution played by over 2 million Indian Armed Forces; over 1 million African ones and the hundreds of thousands of Afro-Caribbean similar volunteers in all branches of the British Armed Forces, and even on the supply ships that ran the Atlantic gauntlet of the quite formidable German U-Boats collectively save Britain's very pathetic ass. But post-war, and still very clearly actually conveniently forgotten.

The Americans any more than the cowardly French and their Vichy Nazi surrogates who surrendered without firing a shot didn't save Britain, any more than Das britishe Freikorps: comprised solely of white Britons, Irish, equally Australians, New Zealanders and Canadians, still home to a multiplicity of Nazi and their Kin, multiple war criminals and their ilk that still in tandem with their descendants infest Canada with their presence to this day! 

This Britische Freikorps were clearly all white volunteers who has their own Waffen SS units along with the Ukrainians. The South Afriican Boers also had their own Waffen SS units too. However when at the end of the war Britain very self- servingly, sanctimoniously and similarly too virtue-signalling set up the bogus Nuremberg  trials where Germany's military personnel but not the high ranking ones that gave the orders but got sanctuary in Canda, USA, Britain and other western stooge countries, were executed and specifically at Winston Churchill's behest nothing was done to Waffen SS killers, far order along with their Ukrainian counterparts who were all allowed to walk free in tandem with Oswald Moseley black shirts and those that then verminously, racially and Nazi inspired infected British society as the Daily Mail lot still do in this 21st Century, having self- servingly now and as the vulturine predators still but conveniently changed their modus operandi to supporting Zionist Yids whom the said Daily Mail irrefutably wanted genocidally got rid of in the 20th Century.

France quite ridiculously, if it wasn't so clearly pathetically insane, was made a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) and a quite globally washed up Britain maintaining its links with the Commonwealth to asininely give the impression of the latter being a British Empire MK 2, does the same, when a wholly transformed Germany would be a more apt country to be a permanent member of the UNSC.

The USA entered WW2 when Germany was on its last legs and had it not done so Russia and the Empire forces would have completed the job they so admirably did without USA participation. But for all that and unlike the former admirable and highly courageous combattants: Russia nor the Empire Forces did charge Britain a solitary penny. But the USA actually lumbered the UK with a monumental war debt that Britain didn't manage to pay off until the crucial initial years of this the 21st Century! And you dimwitted assholes not only claim but boast of a special relationship between the UK and UK? Get real!

I'm British born and voluntarily served in the RAF, not available for World War 2 for quite obvious reasons; but my Dad, other relatives and many of their Barbadian friends voluntarily served in all branches of the British Armed Forces and those who were American did so similarly and commendably in the segregated USA armed forces, just as their grandfathers, uncles and other biological relatives did in the UK and USA Armed Forces during World War1. Not like you pathetic white and bogus patriotic bastards and your likeminded bitches that will bravely defend Britain basically to the last drop of somebody else's blood but never your own. 

As for Queers like Lindsay Graham bravery isn't compatible with honourable, courageous and intelligent male, human beings shoving their cocks lasciviously up the rectums of some equally convivial queer as yourself or having it done to you. In its entire history the USA since 1776 has only had FOUR DECADES of peace and like the intransigent bully that it is has picked fights with everyone globally. So who the hell in their right mind would count on the USA as a special friend and asininely boast that they do have a special relationship with it. Unless, of course, they're feudal sycophants like the clear British ones? And wasn't 1776 a war to rid the emergent USA of this shit?

Pathetically the USA as a "special friend" brings to mind a situation where a young female gets raped, others commendably rush to her help and drive off most of the rapist attackers, and just as the last of that bunch of rapists were about to flee as well, along comes this guy, gives rather minimal help to this young victim, and then subsequently Bill's her for his time and calling for an ambulance. That last guy is the USA. So just fuck off Lindsay Graham, cause it's also you and what you pathetically and odiously as well delusionally and sickeningly represent!

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