By Stanley Collymore
When Cuba voluntarily invited
the Russians into their own
sovereign country it was
highly noticeable that the USA had a
nervous breakdown and threatened
immediate nuclear war in response
unless, of course, the Russians did
leave! So actually, literally, logically
and naturally ntelligently speaking,
why then does anybody and rather
specifically the USA clearly expect
Russia to be more tolerant of USA
intrusion directly on its doorstep?
Unless, you are unquestionably, a
consummate, self- entitled, bully!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
28 November 2024.
Author's Remarks:
And while on the discernibly quite hypocritically and bullying subject of the USA, sycophantically aided and abetted by NATO, similarly and rather quite specifically how many countries realĺy did the Bitish Empire, effectively significantly Britain do the same during its lengthy reign? So simply why this sanctimonious virtue signalling where Ukraine is concerned? Go ask the Daily Mail!
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