
Thursday, 21 November 2024

Cut this rather lying crap narrative, please! Liz Windsor and taxes weren't compatible entities!

By Stanley Collymore 

Liz Windsor didn't volunteer to pay 
any taxes and had to be shown 
the big stick before she very 
forcibly did the right thing and reluctantly 
agreed, to cough up some cash! I distintly 
remember, that after the fire at Windsor 
the state was first asked to actually, foot 
the bill for the repairs. Clearly, the then 
government bravely refused, and aptly 
crucially insisted, that as the owner of 
Windsor Castle, Liz should pay for the 
repairs herself. Quite compelled to do 
so, Liz then for the very fist time ever 
then opened up some of the Windsor 
apartments actually to the obviously 
generally fatuously, vile sycophantic 
public; so in the end the money that 
she required discernibly came from 
the public essentially! Plus added to 
all of that Liz Windsor was actually
credibly too, named in the Panama 
Papers when they were irrefutably 
indubitably rather advantageously 
leaked; clearly and really showing 
most indubitably, that she had her 
money selfishly and safely hidden 
offshore to avoid paying taxes! So, 
it's an own goal, literally pleading 
the vile pathetically alleged plight 
of multi-billionaires sitting pretty 
on inherited wealth. Since it's the 
little man and woman that are in 
evident financial trouble; not the 
likes, of the Windsor billionaires!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
21 November 2024. 

Author's Remarks:
These sycophants that worship and likewise make up pathetically admiring and puerile, idiotic stories about the Windsor family all have utterly meaningless lives and literally love nothing better than living in their own and similarly concocted fantasies so these deities they've created out of the Windsor dynasty have to be endowed with their simply and clearly requisite outstanding financial prosperity; so how they get and where they then self- servingly stash their money, is from the sick perspective of these inured morons, very clearly and effectively nobody's business but their own! Never mind these serfs own quite evidently penury situation! 

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