
Tuesday 8 October 2024

There were Blacks in Britain long before the Angles or Saxons ever set foot here!

By Stanley Collymore

Most whites in Britain, essentially  
delusionally, see themselves as
Anglo Saxons when obviously
essentially they simply aren't, and even
when simply misguidedly and basically
clearly ignorantly, obviously assuming
the Angles and Saxons were actually
just one people; when, self-evidently
they simply and undeniably weren't
but were undoubtedly two separate
and also quite disparate tribes who
although Germanic in origin, were
undeniably diametrically opposed
and actually hostile to each other.
Arriving in eastern England quite
variously so and very specifically
after the Roman's had effectively
left England in 450 AD! However
with the conquest of England by
the Normans in 1066; obviously
England essentially came under
new governance actually by the
Normans rather distinctively in
that process, forcing the Angles
and Saxons to quite discernibly
in proverbial terms literally bury
the hatchet rather conveniently
between themselves. French in
essence did become the ruling
language and while in parts of
the country a crude, Germanic
patois and rather arguably the
quite perceived forerunner of
English was spoken, French in
effect was the ruling language
and the origin of the language
now known as English simply
began in the 15th Century. In
actuality just under 600 years
ago! So, because of England
and UK's crucially, barbarous
colonialism, naturally gained
global notoriety! So distinctly
please stop, simply shouting
through your dimwitted asses,
that distinctly, because you're
white, you're quite indigenous
to these British shores as you
essentially are not! European
pogroms, Nazi, World War II,
escapees and the list literally
of you, very ungrateful scum
that either your ancestors, or
yourselves, were undeniably
distinctively given sanctuary
in Britain when you actually
most needed it and crucially
no one else cared are really
the most odiously toxic very
verminous rather vitriolically
condemnatorily, vilely racist
odious, xenophobic scum to  
infest, not just simply Britain
but undeniably so wherever
on Planet Earth you literally
and obviously, odiously go!

Advertisements are obviously
essentially about aspirations
and how best, to encourage
them! Women, specifically, want to look
good and smell good, and therefore the
advert is simply enticing them to do so
by essentially saying, buy our product
and you too, could discernibly, be like
this; even though crucially, very deep
down inside, these women and other
potential buyers, simply know if they
basically have a functioning brain in
their head, that it's all really a myth!
So what's the problem here, with all
you racists, living literally cowardly
in your serious state of racist denial
as if sensible people, didn't know! A
quite genuinely portrayed state of a
mixed race marriage that really got
your racist asses in a spin; and that
evidently simply, has nothing really
to do with the product itself; which
Heinz or any other company come
to that, is simply producing, selling
or promoting! And unquestionably
quite firmly put by me, if obviously
that's simply your fucking problem,
then actually keep it to yourselves,
share it with like-minded cunts, or
preferably very urgently seek and
obtain psychiatric help as actually
you're in dire need of it! Basically
if I personally, essentially want to
buy something that rather clearly
is appealing to me and I think the
price is a really good offer, I don't
fundamentally care, if the models
and actors, in the advertisements
are evidently: Black, Pink, Brown
or undoubtedly, vividly, Sky Blue!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
8 October 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Who the fuck with a functioning brain, or even a brain itself, purposely switches on their television set or any actually similar transmitting device simply to watch ads of any kind and then vociferously complain that there were clearly no advertisements with people like themselves in these ads? Do the Australian, NZ, Canadian and American TV channels show ads featuring principally indigenous peoples of those countries that were genocidally taken from them? Literally not the case. And why should they when in effect now other people are living in these said countries who the advertisers want and need to target. And I'll bet you that many of these mother fuckers, bastards galore, racist Karens, Kevins, and Gammons with actually known kin in Australia don't complain when they go there and see almost exclusively that their advertisements are rather undoubtedly and simply wholeheartedly white Caucasian oriented.

Britain isn't now and never was a basically all exclusive white Caucasian country with an indigenous population like Australia, NZ and North America. And for the benefit of you intellectually challenged, braindead and dim-witted gullible assholes; thoroughly unquestionably the very first settlers in what's now known as Britain, after the island emerged from the ice age were from Africa, don't just take my word for it, go check it out, and as the very oldest discovered skeleton in Britain plainly shows. And actually go check too, who the actual Romans were. Ever heard about who the Nubian elements of the Roman forces were, or the numbers of Blacks across Britain in the Elizabethan period? There are many similar instances I could draw to your attention but prefer to let you illiterate and evidently uneducated prats search them out for yourselves.

In marked contrast many whites in the UK, including the genuinely few of Anglo and Saxon stock, are immigrant descendants. The primarily Nubian Romans were in Britain for nigh on 500 years and brought many innovative and productive developments to Britain. They left voluntarily in AD 409. The first Angles and Saxons, separately as two very distinctly Germanic tribes, first arrived in England, nowhere else across Britain, in AD 449. Hardly what one can call as being indigenous to Britain! And their merger only became a reality in the 15th Century and very much so because of the presence of the actual presence of the Normans, who quite clearly and effectively controlled ALL of England! And while they didn't invade Scotland they nevertheless had a profound effect on that country, evidently culturally and through the clearly and quite effectively, feudal system they introduced into Britain!

Most whites in Britain therefore and quite specifically in England are very immigrant descended: Danes, Jutes, Normans, Angles Saxons, Huguenots and the rest of them, a quite melting pot when you include all those let in from the centuries ongoing pogroms across Europe and of course similar detritus from World War 2, whose offspring like Tom Bauer, literally proselytising himself as the most quintessential of Englishmen under his changed name as Tom Bower, very equally so Nigel Farage, distinctively French and Germany ancestry, and Boris Kemalalias Johnson born in the USA of Turkish ancestry with his own grandfather having been the principal advisor to the Ottoman Emperor that clearly advised the latter to attack Britain on behalf of Germany in World War 1, but his grandson, an immigrant to the UK, did in effect become its Prime Minister. Yet you crass bastards, many of whom don't even know who your real biological fathers or even mothers are, hence the obsession with and popularity of Long Lost Families have the bloody nerve and audacity to denounce people who don't look like you, but whose ancestors and even themselves through their own blood sweat and tears, along with their plundered wealth made Britain what it became.

Check out while you're at it the altruism of 1 million Indian Armed Forces, the same total from Africa, hundreds of thousands of Afro-Caribbean Armed Forces also, and whose people: Barbadians, Trinidadians and Tobagans, likewise Guianese, Jamaicans and other CARICOM states members that quite actually voluntarily collected and paid for the construction of RAF planes in Britain while serving valiantly not only in the British Armed Forces but on the supply ships that ran the gauntlet of the lethal German U-Boats to bring much need food and supplies to a very besieged UK.

All this while the Daily Mail, quite equally so Oswald Moseley and his odious Black shirts, numerous members actually of the British white elites including several in the British hierarchical families and those evidently of the Windsor ones were all in bed with Das dritte Reich! While, of course, there was too Das Britische Freikorps comprised exclusive of white: Britons, Australians, Canadians and New Zealanders along also with their Irish counterparts, and who constituted their very own German Nazi controlled Waffen SS unit, similar to the ones comprising Afrikaans and Ukrainians. And all this going on when the USA stoically pro-German looked on and did nothing to help Britain, until quite belatedly when at the behest of Germany, Japan did attack Pearl Harbour and forced the hand of the USA to enter World War II, but made Britain pay through the nose for its rather questionable participation. A debt that the UK only managed to pay off in this first quarter of the 21st Century. No such actual demands for payment though from India, those participant African countries or my fellow Afro-Caribbeans, whose valiant and clearly altruistic contributions are obviously conveniently so forgotten and very much buried as surplus to requirements.

And now you mother-fucking assholes have the bloody gall, as the pseudo immigrants of the European detritus that you kiss me as well are, to get on your bloody high horse and claim that there are too many non-whites - I'm being polite here as those aren't the words you do use - in British advertisements. That Britain is a white man/ woman country and as such only whites should be in such ads. So bring on again the racist OXO type advertisements of the past! With no Niggers, Coons or Half-Castes in sight!

It's a shame the same consideration isn’t given to the history nonsense taught in British schools depicting all Blacks as slaves and pushing "European features" as the standard of beauty. How do you suppose little Black kids feel? They’ve been marginalized for years! And there are far more mixed race marriages than you care to imagine or actually want to accept. So take the blinkers off and accept reality.

Not every child in the UK is white and brought up as you want to delude yourselves as well in a supposedly, perceived traditional two parent family. In fact the norm now is very much to the contrary of the aforementioned! Very much I’d add to the contrary; and all you have to do is take a little time out and check or observe those with their prams and buggies on British streets and no wedding rings on their fingers. Equally, if you care to you can likewise check the official government and Civil service figures. Which clearly puts your racist and delusional nonsense where it legitimately and logically belongs, in the contemptible bin of racist delusional, muck spreading. And ask yourself this honest question, as I’m absolutely sure many of you are firmly ensconced my aforementioned criticisms, the fucking hypocrites that you are, why, as I’ve asked earlier in these remarks, do you think that Long Lost Families is not only necessary but similarly a vitally important and popular TV programme?

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