
Friday 4 October 2024

Could Kate Middleton be any more desperate for attention, using a genuinely cancerous, dying girl for her self-serving PR?

By Stanley Collymore

Exactly no genuine concern! And
it's so pathetically sad that Liz
and quite specifically those
around her, didn't even generally realize that
Kate Middleton was quite simply, obviously
rather cynically using Liz as a pawn, in her
requisite PR battle, which self-evidently to
essentially diligent and literally intelligent
minds but actually rather unquestionably
and evidently too, not the very braindead
ones of effectively inured sycophants, in
her discernibly relentless and noticeably
fatuous struggle to evidently but without
any coherent or significant success, get
the better simply, of Harry and Meghan!
But actually, in all this, one must clearly
ponder, and rather evidently discernibly
unconvincingly, with all this puerile and
basically contrived, childish embracing,
when for effectively 12 plus years after
having discernibly simply compulsively
stalked William, obviously successfully
bagged him; and similarly wangled her
way quite fortuitously into the Windsor
family klan; basically apart from being
naturally workshy and undeniably also
characteristically bone idle, this Karen
of the white Caucasian species clearly
didn't go around hugging, and actually
most professedly 'warmly' and simply
publicly embracing obvious strangers
as Meghan, rather empathetically did;
and by these evidently, same noxious
sycophants was actually condemned
as it wasn't, they all shouted, suitable
behaviour! But now, with Waity Katie,
who is known for saying, that wasn't
her sort of thing now very desperate
for relevance as she is categorically
more and more, actually revealed by
her vile behaviour, as the lazy social
climbing and quite self-entitled cow,
that rather distinctly she happens to
be, it's okay to break protocol, claim
these identical hypocrites regarding
Meghan rather naturally really doing
her own thing; versus a distinctively
worried Kate, grasping for publicity!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
4 October 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Such clearly pathetic and vitriolic responses by the Kate Middleton sycophants to people who're genuinely criticizing Kate Middleton for not really doing anything for cancer charities bearing in mind she has very supposedly been stricken by cancer herself! Lol!
And this in the actual wake of her rather tacky "oh woe is me" cancer commercial! And why is her choreographed hug of Liz, self-evidently not a general or genuine emotional act from Kate in all the previous years she's been in the Windsor family, and clearly something rather obviously that Kate wasn't renowned for even mildly or infrequently doing prior to the actual emergence of Meghan into that distinctively dysfunctional Windsor family, now suddenly all the rage really on Kate Middleton's part? And with that discernibly fake hug blatantly distributed all over Instagram and the like! Reality? Desperate PR as usual for the very increasingly irrelevant Wales!
Liz wasn’t brought to public awareness or any prominence either because of her cancerous ailment or who she is, and apart from her family members, close friends and those at the hospital: effectively the medical, nursing and other clinical staff, where she was or is still having her treatment,, no one else would have actually heard of her or have any inkling who she was. But now with her being specifically searched out  by the flunkies at Kensington Palace and found suitable for their own cynical purposes on behalf of Kate Middleton, she’s being quite callously and cynically brought to public prominence for the vainglorious purposes and sickening redemption of bone idle and workshy Kate Middleton! In short PR rejuvenation!
Nothing but actual and endemically pathetic virtue signalling, since Kate could have quietly gone, if any of this crap was mildly genuine, to the hospital where this girl is or was being treated as a patient; specifically spoken to the requisite medical and other staff involved as well as other cancer patients there at the time and done so in a normal, reciprocative manner as a supposed cancer patient herself. But that was never on; as there was always the awkward possibility of Kate being asked about her own cancer travails; which would be as far-fetched as me not having been anywhere near the Antarctic but all the same boasting about how I had done and in the process came quite close to death because of the icy conditions there. But when asked by someone or persons who had to be descriptive and specific about what I had encountered there, embarrassingly couldn’t because I’d never set foot in Antarctica and those who essentially had would know straightway that I was lying. Know what I mean?
So this was never the plan of Kate’s Kensington Palace flunkies or herself; as apart from being too risky it would show her up to be a liar. And that simply just wasn’t on! So instead the public got what they saw and were intended to. Liz, of all the millions of cancer affected people and specifically children across the UK being arbitrarily and most conveniently chosen and simply for PR purposes. And all conducted in an environment those doing this orchestration were fully au fait with and not a hospital where they wouldn’t have the same control.
Virtue signalling as I previously called it at its most sickening and literally, rather advantageous and furthermore fittingly put in a well-choreographed and utterly self-serving situation for Kate Middleton. Liz has at the most, it’s stated, 3 years to live and could be dead within 6 months; but there are suggestions that she could be sent to the USA for innovative treatment there but which would be awfully expensive as it’s highly unlikely, as there’s no guaranteed success, that the NHS would pick up the financial tabs, for a diversity of natural reasons. So how about Kate, having used this girl for her own advantage, paying for it out of the millions that she has access to married to William who on inheritance alone has garnered well in excess of a billion Pounds Sterling, and on which unlike everyone else in Britain, including these sycophants of there, he’s paid nor entitled to pay any inheritance tax?
Didn’t think so!  And Liz will of course die in Britain. For having just been another Useful Idiot sycophant like myriads of other across Britain she will have duly served her purpose for the enhancement of her perceived, societal betters!

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