
Sunday 13 October 2024

How dare a Prime Minister decide which pictures he wants in his home and office!

By Stanley Collymore 

What PM Keir Starmer is doing is 
not erasing history but simply 
remembering it for what it 
actually was! And in effect, you racists and 
empire loyalists are the actual ones trying 
to erase history, or distinctly rewrite it by 
simply trying to either basically ignore it 
because it undoubtedly clearly irks your 
racist sensitivities quite unquestionably 
of what Gladstone crucially undeniably 
was: quite evidently, a central figure to 
his father's, own slave trade, activities. 
Or really in addition to that purposely 
distort his own clear actions, towards 
slavery. Obviously Gladstone wasn't a 
champion for freeing slaves since his 
primary focus was compensation for 
the owners of slaves, a situation that 
all, subsequent British governments, 
effectively, and very happily carried 
on very instinctively paying to these 
slave-owners' multiple descendants, 
until 2016; while actually during all 
of this clearly the slaves themselves 
nor their families, and descendants, 
evidently and actually categorically 
undeniably, got absolutely nothing! 

And while you ignorant, as well as 
poorly informed mother fuckers 
were/are happy for that to be 
the case, even although such beneficiaries 
like David Cameron, his wife, and equally 
others simply like Benedict Cumberbatch 
among multiple others evidently weren't 
born at the time, and didn't actually own 
slaves, but are basically the descendants 
of slave owners; cunts like you are up in 
arms undeniably, whenever the issue of 
rectifying this rather odious travesty, of 
racist injustice, is commendably raised! 
Gladstone discernibly, actually used his 
father's slavery connection and equally 
political relationships to become Prime 
Minister and effectively benefit Britain 
at the obvious, and really dire expense 
of Africans, Indians and actually other 
indigenous peoples, quite distinctively 
like the discernibly genocidally, vastly 
reduced indigenous peoples evidently 
like the Aborigines, Maoris, obviously 
the Caribs, and similarly also the now 
essentially made extinct, at the hands 
literally of Europeans the Arawaks of 
the West Indies just as very distinctly 
so, the Tasmanian Aborigines too did 
meet their fate. And not forgetting of 
course the indigenous inhabitants of 
the continent simply unquestionably 
and quite arbitrarily renamed North 
America. So I'll candidly suggest you 
get hold of some truly reliable books 
on these distinctively, quite relevant 
subject matters and actually start by 
reading them, and not self-evidently 
as is your wont customarily literally 
endear yourselves to your historical 
discernibly, revisionist propaganda! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
13 October 2024. 

Author's Remarks: 
Perhaps you dimwitted, brainwashed, quite totally braindead, gullible and distinctively intellectually challenged morons would very much in addition to the unquestionably so, totally odious and toxically verminous scum you hail as heroes, like similarly as well to have No. 10 liberally adorn with portraits of Adolf Hitler, Josef Goebbels, Oswald Moseley, Marshal Philippe Peton, Benito Mussolini, members of the Windsors who collaborated with the Third Reich; other members of the British hierarchical elite, likewise also the Blackshirts, avid members of Das Britische Freikorps Waffen SS and similarly also their Ukrainian counterparts, and quite obviously not forgetting of course, the then owner and essentially the staffers and hacks of the Daily Mail! 

No matter how much you cunts yearn for it the British Empire isn't coming back and in case you didn't know the descendants today of those enslaved Blacks and  evidently othe non-white know what you did to their own flesh and blood ancestors, are themselves not as docile as their forebears were and as such are quite ready to take you on if you, keyboard warriors, cowardly as fuck, start any shit. So you can't win! So go get yourself a meaningful life, assuming of course that you actually know how to do so. Since all of the accusations you level at us are in effect discernibly reflections of your own pathetic lives; which you can't face up to and so very readily transpose onto others you distinctly and delusionally hate. 

What's the difference of Germans not born during World 2 and  thus consequently had no part in it, compulsorly onglingly paying compensation evidently quite exclusively to the Zionist Yid relatives of those who rather supposedly died in Nazi death camps, some of them also receiving compensation simply because their ancestors were obliged to give up keeping slaves in the Caribbean, and as well excessively get this money invariably too in association with the discernibly large amounts undoubtedly of Weidergutmachen Compensation, given only to their kind, yet no Gypsies, so-called Rhineland Niggers or any other victims, their families or offspring get nothing; just like the slaves their children or their descendants? You don't have to have a Mensa IQ to work that one out!

And just imagine the furore there would be if any German government changed the law and allowed statues, portraits and the like of Adolf Hitler, Josef Goebbels and othe rather prominent Nazis to be erected and put very openly on display inside Germany.  And it's quite clear from where and from whom all this fucking vitriolic condemnation would undoubtedly come from - BRITAIN! Quite infested with a bunch of kiss-me-ass and delusionally demented morons!

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