
Thursday, 31 October 2024

The hypocrisy and vile double standards regarding Emma Atkinson are sickeningly asphyxiating!

By Stanley Collymore

Found happiness with a convicted
burglar? Nice one Daily Mail! So
are all the other fathers of the
bastard sprogs, of serial unmarried mother
fully prepared to actually seriously step up
to the plate to care for and pay as well for
their bastard offspring? Truly, just asking
on behalf of the crucially, genuine British
taxpayers, not the usually loud mouthed
but utterly and discernibly quite fictional
ones, to any evidently, normal intelligent
person, other than their rather garrulous
and utterly braindead selves that simply
through the liberal auspices of the Daily
Mail rather repetitively, equally similarly
and clamorously too, as well as literally
boringly also; routinely go on about the
UK's distinctive hard earned taxes, and
by assertion their quite commensurate
but in actuality their fake contributions
just as fucking-well, specifically bogus
and actually delusional as themselves
and everything else which they clearly
stand for, according to them, similarly
fraudulently going to all these savage
immigrants and by implication totally
unwanted non British occupants and
not the true blooded indigenous, and
unquestionably actually hardworking
subjects undoubtedly rather fictional
like themselves! A basically odiously
egregious assumption, that the Daily
Mail, its rather evidently racist hacks
and the MSM so sedulously support!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
27 October 2024.

Author's Remarks:
An unmarried mother of 5 kids, clearly heavily pregnant with her sixth bairn, a heavy smoker and personally a forthcoming grandmother at 38 years old, through the courtesy specifically of her 17 year old daughter. Quite evidently so not actually a discernible, tax paying member of the community but quite evidently a rather significant, state benefits recipient. A modus operandi evidently passed off to her pregnant daughter, which effectively simply means that clearly this woman's offspring will obviously become the next generation of state benefits recipients, which all these hypocritically and equally maladjusted commenters on this rag, the Daily Mail, encouraged by that very same purportedly news comic, routinely lay at every opportunity they can malignantly devise at the door of everyone real or imaginary but clearly don't look like them, as scrounging, or grifting "immigrants", while wilfully refusing to really lambasting those who a truly are, because in reality they're their own kind, as well as clearly many both specifically and significantly within their own ranks. While Emma Atkinson's close association with a convicted burglar is rarely mentioned, and if it is, is treated as evidently highly insignificant!

Wednesday, 30 October 2024

You Meghan haters are clearly the sorriest lot of losers conceivably! Absolutely unhinged!

By Stanley Collymore

The problem for these serf sycophants of
Kate Middleton and the feudal, British
monarchical system is that Kate
doesn't get any attention or leverage without
you actually prime assholes mention of the
unquestionably cleverer, very intellectually
accomplished, crucially competent and a
discernibly more able, mentally liberated  
African American woman, plainly clearly
so quite distinctly by name Ms Meghan
Markle; literally, rather than the fatuous
bone idle; distinctively, simply workshy,
and plainly, obsessively stalking social
climbing Stepford wife Yid broodmare,
Kate Middleton; who, beastly, from the
start really of their very first encounter
with each other, and wholly, cognizant
of the aforementioned; very obviously,
on her viciously, and actually odiously  
jealous part; most instinctively began
a simply vicious media campaign did
Kate Middleton, vindictively against a
completely innocent, Meghan Markle.
And evidently disabusing the truth on
a discernibly, outright falsehood, that
Meghan had made her cry and rather
equally lyingly then self-centredly too
hatefully perpetuated it in the bought
and paid for fawningly royalist MSM!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
29 October 2024.

Author's Remarks:
An additional caution to Manisha Koirala who the Daily Mail rather exaggeratedly describes as a successful Bollywood star, ostensibly so because this Asian clown, quite evidently has nice things to say about Kate Middleton. Truly, please get off your knees woman fully bearing in mind what Kate's marital ancestors that so very prodigiously provides her with the clearly obscene wealth and undoubtedly discernible privileges that she so bounteously makes full usage of and garnered, clearly significantly as well from your purposely ruined country India!

Equally please try and sensibly remember that it wasn't actually Kate Middleton but evidently some simply underling secretary of hers, who wrote and sent you that reply letter to yours!  

As for you being exaggeratedly proclaimed by the Daily Mail as a Bollywood star; a number of my genuinely Asian friends who are clearly authentically into things culturally of their own rather puzzled by the Daily Mail's very fulsome of you, candidly said they'd previously literally never heard of you! Why am I not surprised by that? Lol!

Tuesday, 29 October 2024

USA elections - don't count your political chickens before they're hatched!

By Stanley Collymore

Donald Trump has no policies
and what he and his ilk glibly,
glaringly and very gloatingly
pass off as such are firmly based on and
deeply entrenched in hatred, arrogance
and the clearly delusional myth of white
supremacy! Evidently then obviously no
wonder that he unquestionably attracts
rather intellectually challenged, gullible,
dimwitted and literally demented cunts
generally, and, similarly so, pathetically
self-professed celebrity ones, basically
like the South African deeply ingrained
apartheid moron Elon Musk and rather
similarly as well, the distinctly Franco/
German pillock, discernibly and risibly  
masquerading himself pathetically as
the discernibly, quintessential "native"
Britisher and clearly crucially national
saviour, Nigel Farage: a vile charlatan
extraordinaire; but very realistically in
the cases of Elon Musk, Nigel Farage
and very obviously the evilly rampant
multiplicity of others rather distinctly
like them, this simply irrefutably KKK
and Nazi German aficionado Donald
Drumpf, alias Trump, would crucially
in my honest opinion, simply benefit
the entire world enormously, actually
by their literally permanent absence,
attendant similarly with the removal
of this malignantly egregious scum;
as per the equally very undoubtedly
toxically verminous ones, like Adolf
Hitler, Josef Mengele, distinctly too
Benito Mussolini; evidently Antonio
de Oliveriera Salazar and Joseph R.
McCarthy: reprobates of humanity!

Candidly, and honestly, what
Donald Trump and also his
equally thick aficionados
describe as policies are basically puerile
and discernibly calamitous non-existent
realities that vilely embody his and their
racist hatred of others, compounded by
their actually, contemptuous arrogance
and obviously, phenomenal intolerance
of everything, that doesn't aptly comply
with their distinctly intransigent narrow
mindedness, and actual stupidity! And,
were Donald Trump, literally effectively
to be really elected he will surely again
tank the economy, basically as he truly
did first time around. And as a British/
Barbadian, and Afro-Caribbean citizen
with several generational and multiple
authentically USA born, literally raised
and significantly, consistently actually
crucially, gainfully employed and also
positively contributory citizens - aptly
so the very phenomenally late Shirley
Chisholm actually constitutes one of
them - very obviously, unlike many of
these distinctively, evidently odiously
and very vitriolically chattering white
European, racist, glaringly immigrant
scum - I quite distinctively hope, that
you toxically mother fucking pillocks
voting for Trump get burnt, far worst
this time around so I can essentially
evidently gleefully say, "told you so"!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
29 October 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Honest elections reveal the true polling views and intentions of the actual voters. So-called polls on the other hand as well as ludicrously hyped purported pundits discernibly reveal in actuality what the minions of those with their own specific vested interests want to aptly think and likewise hope you go along with it!

And were it not for my several American family members, friends and the genuinely discernibly decent Americans that live in the USA, my clear response to the discernibly toxically verminous swamp of those infesting that country, would be quite simply take the plethora of nukes that you have, and would rather you were the only ones to do so, congregate solely in Florida, Texas and the other so-called red states, quite assiduously play Russian roulette amongst yourselves with these same nukes and blow yourselves fucking well to Kingdom come. As no intelligent person would miss you purblind cunts! Are you hearing me loud and clear Donald, apartheid immigrant Elon Musk and snake oil charlatan Nigel Farage?

Sunday, 27 October 2024

Just another Daily Mail clickbait piece of tripe!

By Stanley Collymore

It's pathetic that people get so
involved in what isn't their
business, and literally
most specifically even when they personally
haven't met nor know the individuals singly
or collectively, as rather unquestionably is
simply the obvious case with William and
Harry! Frankly and quite discernibly there
are a lot of nutters who with their clearly
meaningless lives, actually love nothing
better, than to literally hate others most
assiduously, and similarly continuously.
So here's a logical positive suggestion!
Why don't you actually cease with your
stupid acrimony of others and instead
specifically, and generally concentrate
rather on your own individual families?

(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
27 October 2024.

Author's Remarks:  
That said by me, many of you can't actually do so either honestly or realistically, since simply in all honesty a huge surfeit of you either don't know or can't realistically say who your actual biological parents and consequently therefore your genuine relatives are simply because you are effectively discarded bastards; literally left to the beneficent mercy, kindness and actually even altruistic mercy of those who essentially took you in, crucially raised you as one of their own, obviously often without disclosing to you what your real origins truly are; and what really in effect they obviously had in essence simply essentially done for you! Quite apart of course from all you other literally unquestionably and similarly conceived bastards duly left solely to the financial burden of the taxpaying public and a roof over your head, courtesy of some state provided home or other similar services- cum- facilities until you reach the age of majority!    
So come on, all you odious haters of Meghan and Harry, even hypocritically and clearly quite ironically stating in your simply numerous and likewise also repetitive media comments, that you have siblings or other close relatives who you haven't spoken to for years - here's clearly your very golden opportunity, since you clearly love to crave attention, to relate why this is so, and consequently, essentially allow members of the general public, that have never met you or know what you're realistically like, to rather randomly dissect, openly vitriolically condemn you, as well as assiduously, quite ill-informed about you or why you don't actually speak to that "relative" at all, glaringly and consistently also carry on vociferously with their fatuously and self-evidently hateful castigating of you!  
I thought not! As you're fucking-well evidently hateful and in every conceivable regard pretty attention seekers, with discernibly, spitefully, meaningless lives, and accounts for why you have so much free time on your hands. What a pity then that Long Lost Lives cannot legally give the general breakdown of who and what you effective are and the toxically verminous swamp from which you initially emerged!

Saturday, 26 October 2024

Bloody well grow up and get yourselves productive lives!

By Stanley Collymore
To all you aficionados of the  
private company Reform  
posing and distinctly  
masquerading as a political party, this rather  
dubious entity, quite clearly, has no policies  
that make any sense!  And, furthermore, is  
virtually simply an evident nonentity; with  
really five MPs in the House of Commons  
which it got for the first time just recently.  
So it's a complete waste of time, actually  
exaggerating or bragging about them as  
you toxic, racist, xenophobic, and inbred  
little Englanders, simply discernibly sick  
empire loyalists, and also literally Brexit  
morons vilely do. For In reality your sick  
clearly entrenched delusions of Reform  
becoming, the bona fide government of  
Britain would take Reform, obviously at  
the very least about 40 years to literally  
achieve; assuming of course it actually  
lasts that long! Remember UKIP, led by  
the same distinctively Franco/German  
charlatan Nigel Farage, masquerading  
so ostentatiously, and unquestionably  
deceitfully, as the quite quintessential  
Englishman; which, very self-evidently,  
he's undeniably not! So, where exactly  
is UKIP now? Thus, in actuality, voting  
for Reform in any capacity, effectively  
either locally or nationally, is basically  
undoubtedly, obviously demonstrably  
quite crucially a very wasted vote not  
engaged in by those Britons with any  
distinctly robust intellectual acumen,  
however they feel, but quite evidently  
so by distinctly, clearly diehard white  
supremacists, too stupid to basically  
realize this is not Britain in the fifties  
and sixties of the 20th Century but in  
actuality the UK now, in a discernibly  
so modern enlightened 21st Century.  
(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
26 October 2024. 
Author's Remarks:  
The only people that you totally, quite moronic and unquestionably purblind idiots succeed in persuading to your odious points of view and continue to do so exclusively are yourselves!  
Curiously, and quite interestingly, just ask Nigel Farage to sensibly explain to you very gullible and braindead idiot why he has, and still rather tenaciously hangs on to his European Union passport as undeniably the Franco/German immigrant descended "Brit" which he is, if he's such the quintessential, clear Englishman he likes to pretend that he is; and if the said European Union is such a thorough and wide ranging menace to all your quite distinctive personal liberties as "proud Britishers"? Yet for all that he, who evidently disingenuously but marginally so successfully managed to get you morons out of the EU as a consequence of Brexit, still so tenaciously, along with his estranged German wife: as Nigel Farage is a long known odiously serial adulterer, that he quite unquestionably is, his current mistress and his lawful children, quite likewise hang on respectively to their own EU passports and citizenship as does Nigel Farage himself! Which poses the very obvious question from me: how much dumber can you pillocks possibly be? You've been literally used, and continue to be, by this vile financial charlatan for his own obnoxious purposes; end of story! Which you're too bloody stupid to realistically see!

Monday, 21 October 2024

One's adult attire should reflect one's own personality not other people's vile aspirations!

By Stanley Collymore 

Generally speaking when one 
quite odiously and clearly 
unprovoked laughs at  
others it's generally because they're very  
insecure, and thus lack self-confidence!  
And such persons should, undoubtedly,  
look inwards at themselves. And good  
luck with that! Quite freely, and equally  
unapologetically, people very evidently  
have a right to and accordingly should  
very non-harassed be clearly at liberty  
to simply wear what they want and do  
feel truly comfortable with regardless  
of whether it's very fashionable or not  
as simply intelligent persons sensibly  
do whoever they are; actually without  
unwarrantedly too, having others and  
especially those they have never met  
don't know or would actually not care  
to if truth be told; obviously, dictating  
to them how they should really dress  
or look. Since quite self-evidently the  
actual people that fixate on stuff like  
this, can and ought really to from my  
honest perspective aptly get stuffed!  
(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
20 October 2024.  

Author's Remarks  
To the obsessively acquisitive controllers and the gullible, intellectually challenged morons, with no real lives of their own posh, evidently unknowingly to them, realistically means fake. So these presumably posh ones will evidently wear clothing and likewise utilize discernibly bogus accents to seek and try to differentiate themselves from everyone else.  
It's all about vanity and them quite ostensibly actually wanting to obviously appear superior in the process! In reality it's all clearly a load of utter bullshit! As these evidently wannabes and chavs actually burp, cough and distinctly fart like the rest of us, despite their irrefutably and ludicrously pathetic behaviour of actually deliberately wearing the labels of their rather personal clothing distinctly on the outside of their actual clothing so these, unquestionably to anyone who cares to know, are identifiable!  
And how about this no-brainer! Why distinctly don't the grotesquely fat, unquestionably ugly individuals that in marked contrast discernibly make the rear ends of both elephants, as well as hippopotamuses look amazingly attractive and who invidiously and most clamoroursly in their obsessive and vitriolic condemnation of Meghan, regarding everything from her bodily shape to the clothes she voluntarily chooses to wear, demonstrate with actually authentic photographs of themselves what, in their truly sick and totally, sinisterly racist mindset, what classic beauty and evidently quite impeccable dress sense, as exemplified by their own quite amazing bodily structure and breathtakingly beautiful dress deportment actually is; and, as such, should therefore undoubtedly always be discernibly liked! I thought not! Lol!  You totally ingrained and pathetic losers!

J.K. Rowling - A distinctive rarity! A white British woman of phenomenal integrity!

By Stanley Collymore 

Good on you lass! You have so much
respect from me as you obviously
don't mince your words and, as
well, clearly and discernibly stand for what
you honestly and firmly believe! Moreover,
you're not the least bit inclined to literally
desist from, or just as obviously actually
afraid also to literally stand your ground
regarding what you genuinely believe in
regardless of how very asininely odious
specifically vicious, or really vitriolically,
toxically verminous you're undoubtedly
clearly undeniably, unjustly challenged!

In essence, you're evidently a strong
independent lady in your own right
who simply very certainly doesn't
need a thoroughly meaningless title or gong
in this the 21st Century to actually farcically
delineate who and what you essentially are
since like all literally, right thinking persons
you're distinctively, actually sensibly aware
that such simply, rather unethical trophies,
neither merit consideration nor effectively
automatically, specifically transform such
gloating recipients of them into decidedly
commendable and ethical human beings!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
20 October 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Feudally oriented and likewise pompously maintained, simply archaic, and meaningless, as well, gongs and titles don't prove anything remotely intelligently to anyone with even the most negligible of integrity!

A concept very difficult to get across actually in largely feudal ensconced supposedly 21st Century, sycophantic, immeasurably lowlife, and thoroughly pathetic, delusively, racist, empire loyalists and Brexit Britain!        

Self-obsessed attention seekers!

By Stanley Collymore  
Isn't it about time that these clearly  
immature hacks throughout the  
mediia, crucially start calling  
these actually imbecilic clowns by a more  
appropriate name, rather than discernibly,  
specifically, and very idiotically, basically  
describing them as influencers; actually  
whatever that asininely implies? Rather  
personally, as I quite specifically, really  
see them: distinctively, odiously vanity  
obsessed morons, without either jobs  
or any discernibly noticeably relevant  
qualifications, and clearly influencing  
an equally braindead and undeniably  
easily persuaded flock, of effectively  
gullible sheep! Prats unquestionably  
therefore a much more fitting name!  
(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
20 October 2024.  

Author's Remarks:  
These so-called influencers and their equally, clearly intellectually challenged followers and likewise admirers are actually sad, effectively vanity obsessed people thoroughly in need of both physiological and psychiatric treatment!

Sunday, 20 October 2024

The seemingly alluring but realistically dire exploitative nature of the UK's monarchical family!

By Stanley Collymore 

The British monarchy has rather
routinely clearly successfully
exploited the mass media,
simply invariably through bribes from the
huge amounts of unearned, inherited, tax
exempt and too, taxpayers gifted millions
donated by discernibly quite subservient
and literally class obsessed governments
to convince the quite gullible, effectively
easily manipulated equally undoubtedly
braindead, thoroughly exclusively, quite
intellectually challenged surfeit, of very
indoctrinated and sycophantic, literally
feudal mindset of simply plebeian serfs
that their distinctly all-white Caucasian
family members and, similarly, staffers
are somehow special and also superior
to all others, when in actuality the very
unremarkable Windsors crucially with
their clearly, July 17th 1917 convenient
non German name change, are literally
nothing more than the aptly continuity
of clearly unaccountable power, social
injustice, and amoral, grotesque greed!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
20 October 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Windsor fans need to remember that 30% of British children do currently live in poverty, which in actual figures amount to over FOUR million in actual figures, according to figures submitted by the Child Poverty Action Group as well as Save the Children and other quite deeply involved charity groups! Meanwhile, these multi-millionaire windsors, courtesy of their murderous robber baron ancestors do have 23 enormous palaces, castles and grand estates that discernibly, encompass 800,000 acres of land.

Meanwhile, Sandringham also theirs but in actuality not state owned, stands on 20, 000 acres of land and is itself almost as big as Manchester, with its 28,000 acreage. Equally, Balmoral likewise owned by them stands on 50,000 acres of land and is itself almost twice the size of Manchester.

Similarly your feudal masters and mistresses have over 700 servants at their back and call and all of whom are distinctly pristine white courtesy of the late Liz Windsor who clearly demanded and got her way in1968 when the then government was drafting the British Relations Act, that she specifically wanted not only herself and her family but likewise hers and their entire staffers exclusively exempt from the Race Relation Act. Liz not only got her way, but those demands of hers are still in vogue as I write this 20th Day of October 2024. Imagine then what a shock it must have been for all of them and their vile plethora of palace flunkies and sycophants when Harry turned up with an African American female whom he quite evidently loves and wanted to marry. And why from Day One, the Daily Mail was categorizing, with the blessing of the Palace, Meghan as being "Outta Compton"! Quite easy to then understand if you've a fucking functioning brain in your head and care to use it why it is that Meghan continues to get all this very unwarranted grief. For if you don't want a Black cleaner per se how the fuck are you going to tolerate a perceived by them Nigger relative by marriage and her piccanninies?

Added to all of the above they don't pay any inheritance tax like the rest of us; determine what tax they want to pay on the Duchies they run and collect all the income from but which actually belong to the state and on top of all that own the seabed and all the wealth therein around our British shores; that does include the oil and revenue also from the plethora of commercial wind farms that pay the monarch massive rent. And should any of us die and not leave a will and no one can be traced as a next of kin under the actually lucrative bona Vacanti feudal system still very much alive in 21st Century Britain all such money and property goes principally tax free currently to Charles and William. Not a bad life eh? Especially when like now billionaire William in tandem with his also equally workshy wife Kate, you're two of the laziest cunts on Planet Earth! At least Charles makes an effort!

The delusional assumption of being white Caucasian and therefore omnipotent!

By Stanley Collymore

Israel and the USA specifically
have done their very best to
try and actually carve up
the Middle East to suit their needs over the
last 50 years! Iran, however is undoubtedly
a different beast as they've simply already
discovered. Poke it and you will inevitably
discover that realistically it's no pushover.
And obviously, what these white, western
oriented master race morons undeniably
and simply, quite unquestionably should
stop and crucially consider, is really this.
The days of white Caucasians of simply
whatsoever tribe they do deign to align,
or assign themselves, specifically with;
effectively carving up the world, to suit
themselves; and to Hell, with everyone
else who doesn't think and literally act
like them, or essentially, knuckle down
to their quite self-evidently, thoroughly
selfish and really discernibly, arrogant
demands are undoubtedly over. And if
you white racist, Nazi and xenophobic
Westerners crucially want to instigate
World War 3 then bring it on! As there
are collectively effectively more of us
numerically than they are truly of you.
No matter how many nukes you have
between you! And if you want to slice
off your nose, to spoil your face; well,
that's your fucking problem, not ours!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
20 October 2024.  

Author's Remarks:
In succinct and unapologetic phraseology, simply fucking well grow up! The world belongs to all of us inhabiting it not exclusively white Caucasians who were the last element of Homo sapiens to effectively emerge on it!

Wednesday, 16 October 2024

The Windsors are no different from any other organized crime Mafia!

By Stanley Collymore 

Ask yourselves, if you're capable 
of thinking lucidly that is, why 
they truly call themselves 
the Firm, when effectively the boss of them is 
hereditarily the Head of State of our country? 
Then ask yourself also, if any of them would 
simply voluntarily change from their lives of 
consummate privilege and self-entitlement, 
to go and literally live in the real world? And 
surely as night follows day, the true answer 
would be a big, emphatic no! These, largely 
inbred and simply intellectually challenged 
clowns literally get away with far too much 
in return for what they clearly questionably 
and quite minimally contribute back to the 
country. For starters they actually have far 
too much money which crucially is simply 
exclusively unearned; basically, clearly far 
too many luxury homes maintained at the 
taxpayers' expense, and the vast majority 
of their relatives are obviously personally 
workshy. I'm not jealous of them, as both 
my qualifications, and literally as well my 
personal income have all been obviously 
rather assiduously, and actually provably 
earned through my own, distinctly innate 
and discernibly persevering, capabilities! 

And even having worked considerably 
outside of Britain, principally so in 
Germany educationally, I've still 
voluntarily contributed financially to the UK's 
income and specifically the NHS that I once 
worked in, as a nurse; and very unlike many 
of you rather gullible Nazi and distinctly far 
right morons I do quite proudly specifically 
regard, and obviously always will, and with 
current, outstandingly medical institutions 
like East Surrey Hospital with its distinctly 
Impeccable, all-round expertise, and aptly 
organizational skills crucially in vogue as    
one of England's, astutest inventions, our 
NHS! So tell me, quite truthfully, what the 
hell do we rather realistically need with a 
quite feudal mindset; criminal, hereditary 
and self-serving mafia family exclusively 
as the progenitors of our British Head of 
State; as evidently opposed to someone 
of genuine, meritocratic ability; in what's 
unquestionably a modern 21st Century? 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
14 October 2024. 

Author's Remarks: 
They're so unethical that they just don't really believe that any rules or laws apply to them, and what's so invidious in all of this is simply that the stupid monarchists very undoubtedly do let them get away with their rather odious behaviour through consistently making risible and pathetic excuses for their evidently quite perceived as feudal masters and mistresses!    
Meghan wore some expensive earrings given to her by the same Middle Eastern lot which routinely in the past and still to this day still shower Britain's monarchical lot with bribes; and most notably, but not exclusively so, we all know about Charles and his carrier bags literally filled with undeclared Middle Eastern cash, a state of affairs but not the only one that has conveniently been swept under the proverbial carpet. But although the earrings gifted to Meghan came from the very same sources that have customarily and basically still massively bribe this Windsor Mafia, it is undoubtedly solely Meghan's fault! Lol! 

But, of course, she is now a rather convenient whipping horse to beat for all the Intellectually challenged hacks who need to put Meghan in every story, whether or not it has anything to actually do with her; quite pathetic really! With failed and incompetent so-called doctors getting in on this financially lucrative act: equally so, purportedly as well body language experts, and trolls clearly from behind their keyboards. And it does beat me that British, American, Aussie and likewise Canadian women who are some of the most obese and ugly specimens on Planet Earth, even without their hideous tattoos, are invariably giving Meghan grief for being, according to them, an ugly woman. And is it why Aussie men intimately prefer their sheep and Foster's Beer to their Sheilas? Please, take your blinkers off, or simply disprove my argument by posting a genuine photograph of yourselves on any of my sites. 

Yes there are unquestionably some beautiful women in Britain and I know this from rather personal experiences but there are far more totally obese and discernibly ugly ones; and as for the men jumping on this same odious bandwagon, do take a hard look at yourselves with your pathetic beer bellies before you take to criticising anyone, let alone Meghan. 

And if you really want to see quite genuinely beautiful women, take a trip over to Germany, where even in their pensionable age their women look quite alluring! 

Take a tip from me the lot of you, have your feudal monarchy if that's what you want but though I'm British and more so than many of you clowns claiming to be quintessential Brits and proselytising yourselves as such, your wanting a monarchy and even craving for a return of your pathetic sovereignty over people who frankly couldn't give a shit what you toxically verminous scum think, take my advice and endeavour, hard as it is, to actually get a life! Instead of allowing yourselves to be used by the Windsors and the MSM, notably so the Daily Mail as clickbait; writing the same shit repeatedly under multiple pseudonyms. As if folk like me don't detect that! Get real!

This is why the acquisitive rich stay rich!

By Stanley Collymore 

Nothing lasts forever and really it's 
about time that the Windsors' 
reign ended; and not just 
in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Bermuda,  
the Bahamas, St. Lucia and similarly too the  
Turks and Caicos Islands; likewise Jamaica  
in addition literally, to Antigua and Barbuda  
St. Vincent and fittingly the Grenadines the  
Virgin Islands and the UK itself! Discernibly  
so, as these purported royals have actually  
milked the taxpayers dry long enough; and  
actually, simply with their unearned wealth  
because of who they quite purportedly are,  
are undeniably multi-billionaires. And most  
truly, quite exasperatingly in addition to all  
that inherited income, obviously on which,  
unlike everyone else, they crucially pay no  
inheritance tax; effectively rather routinely  
taking the biscuit euphemistically literally,  
as they've all been simply unquestionably  
so virtually invisible to the public recently  
yet the Crown Estates income which they  
have full jurisdiction, and distinct control  
over while having the constitutional right  
to determine how much tax they actually  
pay, which invariably, is quite literally the  
actual absolute minimum which they do  
care to pay have rather discernibly more  
than doubled their income this very year.  
Yet for all that the British government  
has found it necessary to give the  
current monarch an extra £45  
million Pounds of taxpayer’s money. However  
in spite of all that, Windsor Castle, obviously  
owned and equally exclusively controlled by  
the reigning monarch, basically in this case  
Charles Windsor; literally significantly in an  
advertisement rather recently for a cleaner  
is very distinctively offering the successful  
candidate a yearly income obviously much  
lower, than the obligatory, and compulsory  
minimum wage which evidently is now the  
standard norm, within the United Kingdom.  
(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
14 October 2024.

Author's Remarks:  
And there are actually numerous monarchical sycophants hounding and vitriolically as well abusing those who rightly condemn this vile and odiously exploitative state of affairs; and in so doing asininely claiming that whoever in essence gets the job will be valiantly serving the interests of the United Kingdom - beats me that one, as I cannot see how in any real and sensible fashion it does -  and distinctly also its undoubtedly a  huge feather in the successful candidate's cap to be working for the country's hereditary monarchy and will as well open doors, otherwise closed to them, quite spontaneously.  
Ah well, I suppose so if you're stuck in a kind of 15th Century feudal system and much too ignorant and fatuously sycophantic to actually realize that this is distinctively unquestionably the 21st Century!