
Wednesday 29 December 2021

Some people are just born quite unbelievably thick - like Natalie McGonigle!

By Stanley Collymore  

How could what you Natalie 
McGonigle did, arbitrarily 
yanking, and not simply 
the once but actually distinctly so 
on two quite separate occasions, 
the hijab off the face of a fellow 
female employee at Morrisons, 
the well known and evidently 
obvious distinctively popular 
corporate food store that the 
both of you duly worked for
and, furthermore, crucially 
in your specific capacity as 
one of the Morrisons' then 
actually trusted employee 
team leaders who equally 
fully aware, of Morrisons 
clarifying company rules
assuring mutual respect,
among all its employees; 
haughtily assert, in your  
rather asinine and lame 
excuse, when insultedly
you were then reported 
by this harassed victim, 
of your vile assault that 
you were fairly having,
a quite harmless laugh.  

But when Morrisons justly 
sacked you for your very 
racist effrontery to your 
fellow employee you then Natalie 
McGonigle, boldfacedly had the 
sheer and fucking audacity to 
white privileged preference 
arrogantly, take Morrisons 
to this industrial tribunal 
for risibly, a supposedly 
unfair dismissal. Justly 
you lost your petition;
yet it didn't deter you 
though from lyingly 
and vilely claiming 
fake, mental stress 
as a crucial factor 
duly responsible, 
for an abnormal 
lapse sadly, into 
unusual racism. 

The problem with male, white 
morons, and their female 
equivalent Karens, is 
that they're actually, brought up to 
believe that they're superior over 
everyone else. However, clearly 
these braindead pillocks really 
can't take it when it's crucially 
and rather unquestionably so, 
wholly proven, that distinctly 
they're not. Thus predictably 
that then naturally becomes 
essentially the primary and 
clearly also the discernibly 
fittingly firmly established 
source of their evil racism.  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
29 December 2021.  

Author's Remarks:  
Morrisons acted quite properly and correctly in my opinion where this bullying, racist and quite dimwitted nerd Natalie McGonigle was clearly concerned. What a stupid and rather arrogant thing on her part to do. 

You should never touch or interfere with someone else's clothing, and as well regardless of what that item is, without their express permission to do so. Abrogating that rule not only shows very poor judgement, it's also obviously done to either humiliate or bully the person at whom this rather perverse behaviour is directed at. It also doesn't excuse such vile conduct  to say, when as the bully you clearly are, when you're called out or rarely reported that the offender was "just having a laugh", or simply "messing about"; or even most egregiously that the picked on victim "has a chip on their shoulder" or "doesn't have any sense of humour". Since anyone with even half a brain undeniably knows that this sort of behaviour is actually  unacceptable.  

How would you personally and also distinctively Natalie McGonigle feel or like it if someone, and specifically so a workplace acquaintance or even a stranger assaulted you by actually pulling down your blouse in clearly open company and then telling you that you looked much better without a bra on? 

Or yanked down the trousers which you were wearing and declared that you'd be far more attractive wearing a skirt? And when having been quite insulted in this blatantly disgusting manner you correctly so reported the matter to the fitting authorities; your terribly sick and similarly distinctly twisted abuser readily employed the same deceitfully and so disingenuous tactics which Natalie McGonigle used to try and save her pathetic, racist and evilly manipulative ass. Then sickeningly adding insult to her gross injury, did Natalie McGonigle, despicably and so distinctively as well, arrogantly take Morrisons to an industrial tribunal; for what she ludicrously, somehow, regarded as her unfair dismissal.

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