
Monday 19 August 2024

Social media per se isn't the problem; it's the people who abuse it that unquestionably are!

By Stanley Collymore
That then is actually the principal  
thing those of us who obviously  
sensibly support and believe  
in a genuinely civilized society should all be  
earnestly trying to fix. Since the real odious  
actors in this very chillingly dangerous and  
asinine drama across the globe, and rather  
specifically, throughout our western world,  
are the truly demonically sick and toxically  
verminous, evilly, lowlife scum; discernibly  
quite specifically and undeniably too from  
all aspects of society that try to make you  
hate other people; and clearly, specifically  
so even those whom you've literally never  
met are clearly unlikely ever to do so and  
most distinctively, essentially don't know!  
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
19 August 2024.  

Author's Remarks:
There are none more dangerous than those that delusionally believe they're infinitely more clever than everyone else, when effectively their rather rampant stupidity and abysmal ignorance, quite obviously, of reality are undoubtedly transparent to everyone with a functioning brain, but rather discernibly not themselves for clearly irrefutably, obvious reasons!

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