
Friday 30 August 2024

Pillocks with meaningful lives is the ludicrous equivalent of paedophiles forsaking their key pastimes!

By Stanley Collymore 

The Daily Mail and its white racist 
kind, which clearly likemindedly 
and financially it discernibly 
very eagerly panders to, readily fall into the 
parameters of this poem I'm writing. Harry 
was undoubtedly, with his mother's family 
for the genuinely rather rational reason of 
obviously literally attending the funeral of 
his maternal aunt's husband and nothing 
more. The said family that quite crucially 
naturally consists of people, that fittingly 
sensibly, generously and equally actually 
rather evidently, distinctly genuinely love 
and care about him and not the Windsor 
one that very callously cruelly forced his 
mother into a divorce; having previously, 
and obviously very cynically used her as 
a rather convenient Stepford wife brood 
mare, for their own egregious purposes! 

Likewise, pathetically stripping her 
of all official status, simply to 
placate her philandering 
and serial adulterous husband Charles who 
evilly, basically wanted to keep her at arm's 
length! Similarly also in terms of these vile 
Windsors, the exact same family, that very 
racially distinctively constructed a second 
best persons situation, evidently distinctly 
and literally specifically for Harry, Meghan 
and their mixed race family, solely kindled 
by rather transparent, blatantly delusional 
and demented, white supremacist racism. 
Yet concertedly, really expected the same 
Harry and Meghan, to effectively do tours 
to places they patronizingly didn't want to 
go to. So significantly therefore and from 
my truly distinctive objective perspective 
Harry's real family is unquestionably and 
realistically the Spencers and discernibly 
most certainly, quite distinctively not the 
useless, literally fucking racist Windsors! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
30 August 2024. 

Author's Remarks:
One of the specific reasons why the Daily Mail and other UK media actually keep churning out these racist and meaningless, endless articles! These so-called writers and journalists of theirs evidently lacking any notable qualities or simply real news, fill their pages obviously with literally glaringly repetitive content to actually monetize their euphemistically referred to as work and as well, quite primarily, cover their bills! And rather essentially for them the Daily Mail and their ilk would never allow Harry to be discreet, as he is self-evidently worth too many clicks to them! 

As for the Windsors it's expectantly hoped that these self-entitled mother fuckers reap the very same whirlwind that the Romanovs did! Fingers firmly crossed! 

And likewise in terms of propriety I prefer a man of the cloth supposedly to keep his counsel, and nor like this asinine, purblind cunt DAN TANSEY who conducted this service, and evidently really seeking relevance for his fucking pathetic self to gossip about his congregation. And I wouldn't in the least be surprised if he's not another literally  fucking sick, Church of England PETER BALL

After all these Windsors are well known for their odiously vile, very sick and distinctively intimate relationships with very serial paedophiles of the notorious ilk of Jimmy Savile, Rolf Harris, Bishop Peter Ball, discernibly as well undeniably Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell and similarly the rest of such toxically, vile slimeballs like themselves!

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