
Saturday 31 August 2024

Diana - The dark forces of the Windsors behind her death!

By Stanley Collymore 

Diana was murdered! Henri Paul 
the chauffeur of the car she 
was in was not drunk or 
on any drugs. Diana's surviving bodyguard 
who quite obviously was in the passenger 
seat actually next to Henri Paul somehow 
quite miraculously survived. Yet ironically 
Henri Paul, very obviously with a seatbelt 
on and similarly very crucially both Diana 
and Dodi quite naturally in the rear of the 
car, as is still actually, normal customary 
practice during travel in a car with rather 
simply several people in it, and evidently 
in an era, clearly when seatbelts weren't 
either compulsory or basically attached 
in the rear of any car then, as irrefutably 
they clearly undoubtedly, are now in the 
21st Century; and, basically put, Diana's 
murder was literally in the 20th Century.
Yet Diana and Dodi, discernibly without 
compulsory seatbelts, in the rear of the 
car that they were travelling in together 
most incredibly so literally significantly 
along with Heni Paul their driver clearly 
died in that obviously simply contrived 
car crash but distinctly and very oddly, 
Trevor Rees Jones: simply specifically 
and undeniably, the duplicitous secret 
service agent and Diana's speculative 
guard essentially survived expectedly. 

Think on it rather seriously! Diana's 
supposed bodyguard: a member 
of the UK's security services, 
incredulously and so miraculously survived 
totally unscathed in a car crash actually so 
horrendously awful that crucially everyone 
else in that car basically apart from Trevor 
Rees Jones himself simply succumbed to 
the vagaries of death, quite automatically. 
Believe such utter crap if you're obviously 
both fatuous enough to, and undoubtedly 
unquestionably too evidently gullible and 
intellectually challenged to literally do so. 
That's your prerogative naturally but that 
doesn't specifically simply automatically 
translate it into a very realistic or logical 
truth! A situation rather compounded by 
this simply salient fact, that the security 
guard assigned to Diana and effectively 
in the same car at discernibly the same 
time and obviously, rather miraculously, 
survived has unquestionably had a gun 
both psychologically, and determinedly 
physically also, evidently pointed at his 
head now for years subsequent to that 
calculatedly Windsor-executed murder 
actually of Diana, Dodi and Henri Paul! 
Hence the convenient memory loss of 
a lying conspirator Mister Rees Jones!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
31 August 2024. 

Author's Remarks:
Claiming that Diana's murder was attributable to a freak car accident, is as plausible, as evidently quite asininely claiming that the equally actually calculatedly, unquestionably carried out murders of President John F. Kennedy his brother, Bobby and Dr. Martin Luther king were themselves very unfortunate accidents.

Diana Spencer was distinctively murdered, and unquestionably so, at the behest of a distinctly discernibly self-entitled, very assorted criminal, money laundering and gongs for sale providers outfit; an undoubtedly, categoricallly essentially delusionally and a distinctively intrinsically also racist, white supremacists outfit obviously deeply embedded and endemically inured in the actual worst kinds of paedophilia activities, obviously not caring in the least that clearly some of their principal colleagues, the likes of Jimmy Savile,  Bishop Peter Ball, Rolf Harris, Jeffrey Epstein  etc are gone, even though scum evidently like Ghislaine Maxwell live on! 

Britain is unquestionably still an actually deeply embedded and an obnoxiously dispiriting class-entrenched society with its self-appointed elites and their preferably personally regarded, clearly even by themselves as serfs and plebeians very happily as the controlled sycophants which they irrefutably are, discernibly adore the feudal and medieval environment they're clearly ensconced in rather than a modern, evidently meritocratic, inspirational and distinctly a 21st Century world. Little wonder then that this quite outmoded and vile monarchical outfit has so much sway! 

Rest in Peace Diana! And my commemorative thoughts of you are sincerely conveyed on this day 31 August 2024; twenty seven years to the actual day you were brutally murdered actually at the behest of your evilly and quite discernibly toxically verminous ex-husband and your senior in-laws! 

Friday 30 August 2024

Pillocks with meaningful lives is the ludicrous equivalent of paedophiles forsaking their key pastimes!

By Stanley Collymore 

The Daily Mail and its white racist 
kind, which clearly likemindedly 
and financially it discernibly 
very eagerly panders to, readily fall into the 
parameters of this poem I'm writing. Harry 
was undoubtedly, with his mother's family 
for the genuinely rather rational reason of 
obviously literally attending the funeral of 
his maternal aunt's husband and nothing 
more. The said family that quite crucially 
naturally consists of people, that fittingly 
sensibly, generously and equally actually 
rather evidently, distinctly genuinely love 
and care about him and not the Windsor 
one that very callously cruelly forced his 
mother into a divorce; having previously, 
and obviously very cynically used her as 
a rather convenient Stepford wife brood 
mare, for their own egregious purposes! 

Likewise, pathetically stripping her 
of all official status, simply to 
placate her philandering 
and serial adulterous husband Charles who 
evilly, basically wanted to keep her at arm's 
length! Similarly also in terms of these vile 
Windsors, the exact same family, that very 
racially distinctively constructed a second 
best persons situation, evidently distinctly 
and literally specifically for Harry, Meghan 
and their mixed race family, solely kindled 
by rather transparent, blatantly delusional 
and demented, white supremacist racism. 
Yet concertedly, really expected the same 
Harry and Meghan, to effectively do tours 
to places they patronizingly didn't want to 
go to. So significantly therefore and from 
my truly distinctive objective perspective 
Harry's real family is unquestionably and 
realistically the Spencers and discernibly 
most certainly, quite distinctively not the 
useless, literally fucking racist Windsors! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
30 August 2024. 

Author's Remarks:
One of the specific reasons why the Daily Mail and other UK media actually keep churning out these racist and meaningless, endless articles! These so-called writers and journalists of theirs evidently lacking any notable qualities or simply real news, fill their pages obviously with literally glaringly repetitive content to actually monetize their euphemistically referred to as work and as well, quite primarily, cover their bills! And rather essentially for them the Daily Mail and their ilk would never allow Harry to be discreet, as he is self-evidently worth too many clicks to them! 

As for the Windsors it's expectantly hoped that these self-entitled mother fuckers reap the very same whirlwind that the Romanovs did! Fingers firmly crossed! 

And likewise in terms of propriety I prefer a man of the cloth supposedly to keep his counsel, and nor like this asinine, purblind cunt DAN TANSEY who conducted this service, and evidently really seeking relevance for his fucking pathetic self to gossip about his congregation. And I wouldn't in the least be surprised if he's not another literally  fucking sick, Church of England PETER BALL

After all these Windsors are well known for their odiously vile, very sick and distinctively intimate relationships with very serial paedophiles of the notorious ilk of Jimmy Savile, Rolf Harris, Bishop Peter Ball, discernibly as well undeniably Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell and similarly the rest of such toxically, vile slimeballs like themselves!

Monday 26 August 2024

This demonic hypocrisy is thoroughly mindboggling!

By Stanley Collymore 

Israel, the only country that can 
actually start, then wage a war 
and absolutely quite asininely 
claim, that it's defending itself! For how does 
forcibly taking Palestinian homes, as well as 
these peoples distinctly and unquestionably 
indigenous land through Israel's undoubted 
acts of genocidal barbarity; realistically fall 
into these irrefutably, obviously murderous 
interlopers evidently, ludicrous claims that 
they' re undeniably, defending themselves, 
when rather distinctively in addition to the 
aforementioned they're actually cavalierly 
and very wantonly also murdering foreign 
journalists; aid, and quite discernibly also 
charity workers, in this demonic process! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
26 August 2024. 

Author's Remarks:
The murderous propensity for power at any cost is regrettably rather inherent in some people and nothing morally and plainly conscionably human will really, ever divert them from their clearly evil pursuit!

Wednesday 21 August 2024

Sainthood ill becomes Liz Windsor now she's dead, and in life never did!

By Stanley Collymore 

This woman wasn't remotely saint 
material when she was alive and 
her death most definitely hasn't 
improved on that simply highly unlikely and 
unrealistic situation; other than perhaps, in 
the irrefutably twisted, fawning and utterly 
brownnosing minds of those with literally, 
quite thoroughly meaningless lives and a 
marked penchant actually, for delusional 
exaggeration! Furthermore, those very 
easily susceptible, to the distinctively 
exaggeratedly too, PR propagandistic 
also self-serving exploits, of a clearly 
actually cynical, feudalistically, non-
meritocratically, undeniably, totally 
class-entrenched, and a really, fully 
supportive of all this noxious, crap, 
from the British MSM! And, clearly
likewise firmly in tandem, with all 
this pap and actually naturally are 
the clear irrefutably, distinctly too 
surfeit, of rather semi-literate and 
placidly controllable, pensionable 
serfs quite discernibly so, literally 
thoroughly devoid, expectedly; of 
any sort of meaningful education! 

Liz Windsor got involved with a 
man; who, had their personal 
relationship truly occurred 
in your now average Britain, in this 21st 
Century, for argument sake, discernibly 
would have distinctly rather obviously 
rung all the quite relevant alarm bells 
pertaining to paedophilia! But clearly 
this was purportedly, high society; so 
little wonder simply that throughout 
these monarchical and longstanding 
ongoing family intimacies, distinctly 
the irrefutable likes of Jimmy Savile, 
Rolf Harris; essentially, Bishop Peter 
Ball, specifically Jeffrey Epstein and 
significantly too, Ghislaine Maxwell 
were warmly welcomed and simply 
undeniably quite cherished visitors. 

As for extra-marital relationships 
both Philip and Liz simply had 
more than their fair share 
of these; doing their own thing really in 
a marriage of convenience, while quite 
actually, evidently living separate lives 
but markedly, and quite hypocritically 
putting on a naturally choreographed 
scripted show of loving and evidently 
very devoted unanimity, whenever it 
was required publicly; also naturally 
crucially really bearing in mind, and 
certainly risibly by me, that your Liz 
windsor was irrefutably Head of the 
Church of England, both officially so 
and undeniably too constitutionally! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
21 August 2024. 

Author's Remarks:
Undeniably hard for those of you, who, as well as delusionally embark on creating in essence fictional heroes and saintly figures then undoubtedly actually unquestionably take to obviously pathetically worshipping them; should simply specifically think and rationally, actually remember that human fantasies, however evidently entertaining, can't ever be specifically transformed into plausible reality!


Tuesday 20 August 2024

Donald Trump and his cynical quest for power Revisited!

By Stanley Collymore

He's old - without my ever imputing
any insults to the elderly, crucially
actually significant numbers of
whom, and many that I personally know are
unquestionably wise; discernibly intelligent
and clearly, obviously distinctly competent
persons, which Donald Trump simply isn't!
Moreover, Donald is stale, and his fatuous
playground  insults, are simply tiring now!
Clearly, what effectively worked for him in
2016 no longer really does so beyond his
largely illiterate dumbed down and racist
in denial simply intellectually challenged
misogynistic, specifically, rather obvious
Karens and unquestionably too similarly
azoospermiac Gammons base. Literally,
however, In crucially marked contrast to
these comprehensively evidently visible
distinctly perceptible morons, obviously
generally, basically genuinely intelligent
people both fittingly in their private and
everyday working lives, irrefutably want
hope and quite meaningful policies, not
endless, rather fatuous insults. So vote
for Donald Trump by all means; if quite
obviously, as is doubtlessly undeniably
the case, you are effectively also, quite
the vile surefire loser he is and know it.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
19 August 2024.

Author's Remarks:
I wouldn't expect aficionados of the likes of let's say: Jimmy Savile, Rolf Harris; the Bishop Peter Ball, Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell or Lucy Letby whatever incontrovertible proof was ever substantiatedly provided of their quite incurable evil nature to be actually swayed by rational and discernibly irrefutably evidence, so why should the equally lowlife scum that constitute the true component detritus of MAGA, and aficionados too of a likeminded Donald Drumpf, alias Trump be any different? Leopards clearly don't change their spots, and besides with this lot it's rather impossible as a sterile woman or an indubitably azoospermiac male quite laughably ever really, actually biologically becoming parents. And in using that terminology, Donald and his idiotic, racist MAGA, toxically verminous entourage are as sterile as they come!

The sane world could distinctly do with a good laugh - so vote Donald in again! Lol! The actual equivalent of appointing serial paedophiles as the absolutely requisite staff at your children's primary school!

Monday 19 August 2024

Social media per se isn't the problem; it's the people who abuse it that unquestionably are!

By Stanley Collymore
That then is actually the principal  
thing those of us who obviously  
sensibly support and believe  
in a genuinely civilized society should all be  
earnestly trying to fix. Since the real odious  
actors in this very chillingly dangerous and  
asinine drama across the globe, and rather  
specifically, throughout our western world,  
are the truly demonically sick and toxically  
verminous, evilly, lowlife scum; discernibly  
quite specifically and undeniably too from  
all aspects of society that try to make you  
hate other people; and clearly, specifically  
so even those whom you've literally never  
met are clearly unlikely ever to do so and  
most distinctively, essentially don't know!  
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
19 August 2024.  

Author's Remarks:
There are none more dangerous than those that delusionally believe they're infinitely more clever than everyone else, when effectively their rather rampant stupidity and abysmal ignorance, quite obviously, of reality are undoubtedly transparent to everyone with a functioning brain, but rather discernibly not themselves for clearly irrefutably, obvious reasons!

The fervidly stalking, obsessive social climbing, gurning sociopath!

By Stanley Collymore  
Kate Middleton knows through  
concerted practice as the  
skilled stalker she'd  
evidently been, what to do when the cameras  
are obviously on her. Very easy then to show  
whatever practised emotions, she wishes to  
convey then. Especially so when she has to  
earnestly endeavour, in her twisted mind to  
stay popular and relevant; as in, studiously  
making certain, and equally keeping those  
undeniably, discernibly entrenched, feudal  
mind-set sycophants - the likes, simply of  
racist Karens trollops like herself and the  
plethora of beer-bellied and unknowingly  
azoospermiac Gammons very invariably  
fathering children, whom they obviously  
distinctly undoubtedly; clearly didn't nor  
could they ever have sired in reality, but  
all the same actually a part of that very  
same crucially distinctively lowlife and  
actually moronic mob naturally tasked  
specifically with effectively preserving  
the continuance of Britain's irrefutably  
dysfunctional, discernibly myopic and  
patently unquestionably; unknowingly  
to themselves and their kind this very  
obvious, démodé monarchical family.  
(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
19 August 2024.  

Author's Remarks:
Morals, authentic work capabilities, crucially discernible intellectual acumen and this lot simply don't go hand in hand; yet they would obviously have you gullible sycophants really believe they're undoubtedly naturally, clearly infinitely better than everyone else!

So-called English culture and its adverse consequences!

By Stanley Collymore

Quite recently not only the entirety
of the United Kingdom but the
world at large has actually
seen the salient aspects of what the lowlife
scum who irrefutably actually infest Britain
and, more so,  simply distinctively England,
like to rather asininely evidently declare as
English and equally also exaggeratedly as
British culture; itself basically exemplified
most graphically in their literally cowardly
quite mindless and pathetically pointless
rioting! Sadly, and also pertinently a clear
example, these toxic morons believe and
classify, as their culture! Quite the actual
obvious same culture, discernibly, that is
a principal reason, for the evident surfeit
of no tourist signs rather fervently going
up in the multiple Mediterranean resorts
usually invaded by these Brit, peasantry!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
19 August 2024.

Author's Remarks:
When you have people of low IQ very evidently shagging each other, and rather distinctively, irresponsibly producing more of their bastard kind that very unquestionably clearly haven't a solitary clue of who they actually are what can intelligent persons realistically expect

Consequently, the culture they asininely brag about is one they were actually born into and subsequently then formulate throughout their clearly pathetically useless and generally unproductive lives!  

Moreover, I find it funny when these sorts of white Brits, similarly in tandem with their non-white Useful Idiots, quite obviously comment in rags like the Daily Mail, thinking in the vile process of doing so that they have something actually important to say, when invariably it's the same crass nonsense as always and very usually literally, clearly from multiple accounts of their own. Evidently, simply laughably so as they don’t really know anything truly of worth, specifically so about politics, hard work, self-evidently personal hygiene or effectively good body odour. Since many of them clearly bathe only about once a fortnight, and even less so!

Hygiene and significantly actually white Brits of this calibre don't synonymously go hand in hand!

No such thing as being royal; and inescapably so methinks crucially not, in an advanced 21st Century!

By Stanley Collymore

The Windsor family call themselves
"The Firm" and that is how they
specifically generally see
themselves; quite essentially as a money
grabbing business. So, unless you really
are exceedingly gullible, actually utterly
brainwashed, or a quite outright village
idiot don't ever sensibly think, that this
unquestionably, obviously self-serving
monetarily acquisitive, and effectively
absolutely, discernibly self-entitled lot,
actually for a solitary moment, simply
naturally really care, about any of you
the general public ! And that includes
the fawning sycophantic cretins who
adore nothing more, than undeniably
literally brownnosing them! For quite
undoubtedly, the discernibly, primary
focus of the Windsors and their very
quiet specifically, chosen stooges is
simply one of getting your money. If
you're essentially in doubt, of any of
that; please, intelligently embark on
reading Norman Baker's: "And what
do you do", for starters! Specifically
somebody, who is a member of the
Privy Council and quite realistically
would thus know this authentically.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
18 August 2024.

Author's Remarks:
21st Century con artistes handsomely and as well ongoingly exploiting a pathetic bunch of lowlife, feudal mind-set, brainwashed morons.

Normally eating and likewise drinking the very best, while quite occasionally, accompanying this by gratuitously waving to the distinctively perceived by them as, the plebs! Such a really exhausting life! So, thank goodness then that they get 9 months of paid holidays every year actually to recuperate! 

Am I missing something or what? I thought not! Lol!

By Stanley Collymore

Incredulously, all you fatuously
gullible, lowlife, discernibly
intellectually,  distinctly
irrefutably challenged, and easily readily
manipulated, delusional empire loyalist
scum deeply ensconced in your feudal,
evidently avidly monarchically fawning
situations, all obviously really puerilely
declare that you want Harry, and quite
undoubtedly so Meghan, to disappear.
And yet, if they actually did, as clearly
every person with a functioning brain
who knows how to use it, is very well
aware; the British media and, equally
likewise, very specifically too outlets
like the Daily Mail, basically wouldn't
effectively have their twenty articles
minimum per week to actually write
about, and consequently scum truly
like you similarly wouldn't have your
twenty opportunities also to simply
hurl your racist taunts, about them!
So don't worry folks for your media
actually want to make money; very
crucially from your unquestionably
obsessive vitriol and similarly also
quite noxious bile against Meghan
and Harry! So while they make out
rather unconvincingly, that they all
want it to cease in a jiffy, they very
laughingly at you, don't mean it, or
want that to simply happen really!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
18 August 2024.

Author's Remarks:
I purposely, cynically posed that question, in the title of my poem because I was amusingly intrigued by the obvious surfeit of discernibly, odious Karen slappers, evidently eye watering in complete mirth, unquestionably sickeningly promiscuous tarts and the quite accumulative numbers of adulterous whores that obviously, evidently routinely permeate what ludicrously passes for a British media, but distinctively so stretches down from their avidly worshipped, monarchical family across the entirety of the UK.

How dare Harry and Meghan be different from themselves and live a life that's undoubtedly and independently their own? At least unlike William and Kate they're not pretending to be in love with each other, as pretence isn't ever needed when the real thing exists, a marked contrast from William and Kate it's over, very Kaput but the pretence continues and the very bogus cancer/not cancer scenario Carrie's on with this workshy, graspingly acquisitive and unduly mercenary, overtly stalking, evidently social climbing bitch!  

And why did your marriage fail Sarah Vine - as if intelligent and well researched folk like me don't actually know. And why as well, did the Daily Mail plead with its readers not to burden you with questions relative to that discernibly failed marriage, yet you basically have the gall to criticize a marriage - Harry and Meghan's- that is actually working? Jealousy combined with innate racism; holocaust production that is masquerading and proselytising herself as a bona fide English woman that discernibly you are not. And how about enlightening your fans about why you literally bolted from Italy back to the UK, after your family had undoubtedly re-migrated there. There are so many odious and toxic skeletons in your personal life Sarah that it makes a graveyard look distinctively healthy and sanitary.

Then there are the beer bellied and distinctly pathetically toxic, verbose scum, fathering children they didn't sure, but don't know that, as the odious slappers they're with, evidently rarely married to, but even so these quite often azoospermia jerks, who love nothing better than living in the past, assuming very exaggerated pseudonyms in their Daily Mail and other profiles because the past that's left them, is all they have.

No intelligent person living in the 21st Century give a toss about your titles or your ludicrous monarchical cult; but you do, as you and your sort have nothing else to look forward to and are as relevant as a bygone age outdoor toilet. So pathetic that in every story of what kind and relevant to Meghan and Harry or not you still have to shoehorn them in. How very pathetic! While making the exact same puerile comments.

Loads of people don't like other people but in actuality they don't spend their time evidently obsessing about people they don't know, have never met and are unlikely ever to do so, then quite asininely go one consistently using the plural pronouns like "we" to mask their own stupidity. You don't speak for all of Britain far less so the billions of other people outside of it; so spew your vile bile but stop pretending you speak for all mankind where Harry and Meghan are concerned! Lol! Ignorant cunts!

Saturday 17 August 2024

It's not simply the French who espouse lying, deceitful and convenient war memories!

By Stanley Collymore

Britons shouldn't so vaingloriously
hypocritically pretend and really
kid themselves that they were
better during World War II than those whom
they rather derogatorily regard as and term
as the literally, distinctively quisling French
bearing fully, accurately and also evidently
historically that the UK was obviously and
similarly split over support and unanimity
with Adolf Hitler, Germany, and the Nazis;
whether the latter were crucially German,
or of other European origin. Actually and
rather obviously too significant numbers
of Britons are also, distinctly sickeningly
and very discernibly rather hypocritically
looking back, through specifically, tinted
glasses! But actually, the obvious reality
then, was that the UK's own, discernible
monarchical family - itself principally of
German origin - for the most part along
obviously quite wholeheartedly, with the
British upper classes, undoubtedly had
distinctive, significant Nazi and fascist
sympathies, with very numerous lower
class Britons knowing this; but, saying
nothing, because of who these people
were while the Middle Classes always
expected, to actually eagerly ape their
clearly perceived societal betters and
as very easy targets for brainwashing
quite evilly, said nothing against what
was truly occurring; kept their mouths
quite shut while deluding themselves
as they were evidently told to believe,
that the Left along with Communism
were clearly, infinitely much worse in
actuality, than their purported simply
fair maxims of Nazism and Fascism!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
16 August 2024.

Author's Remarks:
As I pointed out in the text of this poem not only the French but also the British as well have, and still do, favourably deluded themselves about World War II and likewise pretend that they were the epitome of greatness, chivalry and even won the war single-handedly. No mention of the incredible and fantastic roles played by the one million Indian Sub-continental armed forces, the likewise one million Black Africans, hundreds of thousands of Afro-Caribbeans and likewise the Black elements of a grotesquely and racially segregated USA armed forces. Nor in marked contrast to this stupendous British chivalry do we hear or read a word of Das Britische Freikorps. Specific Waffen SS units comprised exclusively of: white Britons, from all four segments of the UK, Australians, New Zealanders, Canadians and Eire, the Irish Republic, who along with the Ukrainian and white South African, mainly Boer Waffen SS counterparts were far worse than the German’s own Waffen SS Units, and were some of the most barbarous killers of death camp and concentration camp occupants.

However, at the end of the war Winston Churchill persuaded the Allies to brush all this permanently under the proverbial carpet, stating in his request that it wouldn’t look good on these incredibly white Caucasians who’d singlehandedly, in his dreams, saved the world; forgetting, of course, to mention that the war was exclusively a white Caucasian concept and enterprise, and literally had bugger all to do with the rest of the world really, who weren’t responsible for it; but nevertheless fought and died in it nevertheless; getting no credit though after it was all over for their courageous, exemplary and altruistic contribution. While white rags like the Daily Mail actively supported Adolf Hitler and his Nazis! But who would have thought it post war and specifically now with that same Daily Mail rag elevating itself in the post war period to sainthood, and not a word of their odious past ever mentioned, while still carrying on with their repulsive racism and racial stirring, not against Jews as previously but specifically Blacks and Middle Eastern Muslims.

Add to which you had the bogus Nuremburg show trials, where German soldiers were vindictively and hypocritically executed; told that their pleas of they were simply following orders, roundly and contemptuously rejected by the British judges on that panel of hypocrites, and dismissed as unacceptable and thus not a viable plea. Yet simultaneously allowing the mass killers of Das Britische Freikorps and both the Ukrainian Waffen SS and the South African ones to go free. Little wonder then that today’s British government, the Establishment, right-wing rags and brainwashed morons are all supporting the descendants of these odious Ukrainian killers, giving their families and friends sanctuary in Britain while vilifying the boat people crossing from France who are actually refugees as a consequence of Britain’s illicit wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Aden and the list goes on. And while the Ukrainians can come and go as they please to a supposedly war torn country which Ukraine isn’t, as a multiplicity of them in Britain, provided with homes, benefits and everything else they require, routinely go back to Ukraine on holidays, while the likes of Sophie Windsor, Boris Johnson and other white scum can go to that country at will. Do they think that everyone is stupid; or the Russians for that matter who could and would easily blow these pillocks to kingdom come, if it were an all-out war? But apparently to these clever dick Brits the Russians are unaware (laughably) that these high profile people are in Ukraine when they are there. And on top of all that, while old aged pensioners’ winter allowance is withdrawn, billions are handed over willy-nilly to those, who as the stooges of the west, control a fragment of Ukraine.

Moreover, had it not been for the Russians, Britain would have had its ass well and truly kicked in; and all this at a time when the Americans didn’t give a toss and refused to get involved in the war; only doing so after the Japanese at the behest of the Germans bombed Pearl Harbour. And even then it didn’t come cheap, the USA’s participation in World War II, as they made Britain pay for their participation and this onerous debt was only finally paid off well into this the 21st Century. Meanwhile, pre Pearl Harbour, most Americans were very pro-German. And during all that time countries like Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, Guyana, previously called British Guiana, were voluntarily paying for the construction of RAF planes; and likewise many people from these countries not only served in every branch of the British Armed Forces but likewise manned the supply ships that brought much needed food and other requirements to the UK; risking their lives in the process against the immense skill and tenacity of the German U-boats.

Then post-war we had Britain sending its several representatives to the Caribbean pleading with the citizens there: ex-servicemen who had returned home, as well as others to move to Britain and help rebuild the so-called Mother Country. They did so, despite the awful manner that Black servicemen were treated during the war by Britain at the behest, but not principally so, of the racist and segregationist USA armed forces commanders. There’s an anecdotal story that has pervaded Caribbean society, that when it was reported to Churchill by a conscionable white British senior officer that Black British servicemen were being barred from going into clubs, Winston Churchill replied: “Get them to carry banjos with them, and the white guests will probably think they’re the entertainers". However, these West Indian Blacks did come quite altruistically to Britain and did an excellent job in the NHS, as well as other jobs that whites didn’t want to do – nothing has changed with these idle bastards and bitches in 2024 – and who felt they were above these Caribbean folk.. However, when these Caribbeans helped quite immensely in putting Britain back on its feet again, full-blooded racism kicked in immensely. And led by the likes of Enoch Powell, Blacks became a definite target. Enoch saw them and British racism as a means to his principal ambition to become Prime Minister of Britain, but alas for him it didn’t go as he had expected. Nevertheless these people now widely known as the Windrush Generation not only felt the huge backlash from so-called working class whites but also the Authorities as well. A state of affairs that still persist to this day, with the British Home Office, despite the Windrush Generation having won their fight for compensation re the manner they’ve been treated, despite the ruling by Britain’s highest courts, the Home Office still resolutely drags its feet in the earnest hope that many of these people now very elderly, and bamboozled with unnecessary paper work will die, and the Home Office won’t have to make the payments to them that they’re legally required to.

Now we have two first-rate jerks: a purported Dr Phethean and his researcher Luke Longley claiming that North America and Europe are simply one continent; never mind the massive difference there is between them. Both these persons attached to a pseudo, so-called Derby University, as much a university as Jimmy Savile was a chaste monk – read up for yourselves this so-called farce for a university – have an agenda which is undoubtedly racist. They personally are among those wanting an all-white Britain and also a similar all-white Europe; but even pseudo “university” pillocks know that you can’t keep demanding this nonsense while having whites massively infesting the continents and other territories they’ve barbarically taken from their genuinely indigenous peoples through overt genocide, and that they still retain. So since the USA, part of the continent of North America, is white controlled but that demographic structure is changing rapidly, here’s the solution. Declare all of North America and Europe to be one continent. Then all the whites in North America will no longer be “immigrants” or of immigrant stock there but instead instantly become “indigenous” peoples. Then add these figures to those of Britain and mainland Europe and you kill two birds with one stone. Thus you can continue to justifiably call for an all-white Britain and Europe and not have to worry about your decadent and blatant hypocrisy requisite to North America. Since the whites there totalled to the ones in Europe would make this pathetically ludicrous concept of a United North America and Europe continent indelibly white.

Curiously though Europe is actually physically joined to Asia but no calls for the same to happen between the two of them; and for obvious reasons. Both China and India, among other countries, are two constituent elements of Asia, and with a joint population of 2.8 billion people between them, therefore these racists masquerading as objective individuals can’t or won’t have that, as separately Europe would be effectively in such a unified state be swamped by non-whites; unlike the situation if Europe was “joined” to North America, as no such state of affairs would happen, thus a wholly different situation. So go figure!

Any intelligent and objective person knows full well what this scam is all about. No different from the Transatlantic Slave Trade one, where similar jaundiced intellectuals stated that Black women couldn’t be raped whether they had sexual intercourse forcibly thrust upon them or they entered it mutually and consensually. And the reason given for this bizarre conclusion was that Black women’s vaginas: women as well as girls, were considerably different from those of white women, it was stated, which effectively meant that Black women, as well as Black girls, were constantly in oestrus; in common parlance “in heat”. So having sex with them was an altruistic pursuit on the part of the person who raped them, since this unique Black female condition was not only a danger to these females per se, but also a gross disadvantage to the slave owners. One that if not remedied meant they would lose not only productivity but also the female who had died or had become totally useless because of her sexual condition.

So white men and white youths were eagerly encouraged to have sex, uninvited – in effect through rape – with any Black female they chose to. And not just white males, but white lesbians as well could and did do the same as their male counterparts. Hence the universal permeation of the white male Y chromosome throughout the genetic make-up of all people of Afro-Caribbean origin. Yet in Britain, a country where paedophilia and bastard progeny, as well as abortions among teenage girls and others is rampant, there’s still this lunacy on the part of the far right and the brainwashed, promulgating this nonsense of white girls being at a great risk from grooming by Asian and Black men. Take it from me, my in-depth research shows quite categorically that such white girls, as well as the lads don’t need any grooming for what they get up to. If in doubt have a chat with the unmarried mother in her late 30s of 6 children fathered by different dads who just got prosecuted for have a threesome with two 13 year old boys, who not only filmed what they were doing to this woman but also were savvy enough to upload it onto the social media outlets which they were quite clearly very familiar with, as well as distinctly boast to their school friends about their exploits. Hardly what I would call innocents; and guess what? All the participants were WHITE!

Friday 16 August 2024

East Surrey Hospital - the genuine epitome of what all hospitals normally and altruistically, should be!

By Stanley Collymore

No one really knows or can say
with outright accuracy what
illnesses or simply critical
accidents they will have either predictably
or unexpectedly; but one thing is actually
certain, become ill, and every endeavour
is obviously immediately undertaken, to
become well again; and understandably
just as it is quite predictably so it is also
alas, distinctively those unquestionably
in the literal, respective health services
that individuals that are regrettably ill,
usually, although not always evidently
the case, naturally, with the assistance
of their family members or very close
friends, urgently, and simply likewise
concernedly, hopefully and trustingly
clearly turn to immediately although
not always quite specifically really to
their essential satisfaction! However
for every undeniably errant medical
institution that there simply is, most
gratefully, and actually undoubtedly
rather similarly quite commendably
and advantageously, there are those
too that very discernibly, excellently
excel in everything which evidently
they do, as they effectively embrace
and dutifully crucially impressively
fulfil their required responsibilities.

For me, and really indubitably so,
East Surrey Hospital located in  
the South of England, is not
actually, only one such case of a distinctly
evidently impeccably, medical institution,
but as well is discernibly and irrefutably
evidently also clearly unquestionably as
well as most outstandingly and distinctly
quite auspiciously so, in crucially every
conceivable regard: basically from that
rather quite vital reception interaction,
requisite nursing and actually medical
staff handover; literally skilled patient
problem diagnosis and its additionally
allied and very thorough investigation
of the quite specific ailment or related
causes naturally through to necessary
medical solutions needed and equally
that vital, after care transition back to
normal health with the patient rather
duly: always both clearly intelligently
and crucially quite caringly informed
throughout of what precisely is really
happening to them and obviously the
necessary measures, actually fittingly
and most prudently taken, to literally
and vitally make them healthy again!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
16 August 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Without any doubt and clearly from my own personal perspective, quite self-evidently the National Health Service, universally referred to as the NHS is irrefutably, one of  if not the very best invention that British politicians in essence actually came up with and obviously something that I've always felt proud about and physically and mentally supported.

Five decades ago I both trained and worked as an RMN and SRN nurse in the NHS. And although I knew it wasn't going to be either my ultimate or longstanding career basically so as I always from my primary school days knew that I wanted to be an Academic, I was  clearly sensibly advised by one of my crucial lifetime mentors and evidently an Academic himself that to become a good let alone very evidently an excellent Academic that clearly and quite crucially one should actually gain vital experience of life and people in a quite diverse environment rather than effectively leaving school, going to university and then back into a teaching/learning environment with not a sausage of experience of real life or real people.

So I chose three principal work careers with nursing the actual first of them followed by the RAF and itself effectively followed by the Inland Revenue. Directly after that I happily embarked most evidently enthusiastically on the pursuance of my distinct and essentially diverse university studies intertwined rather obviously with my Academic pursuits in the UK and overseas, principally the EU.

However, as a conscientious Brit, I crucially but quite voluntarily so carried on actually paying my dues, doing so quite specifically because of the NHS. I'll be amongst the very first to say that the NHS has unquestionably been fucked up by Maggie Thatcher and her likeminded Tories, and the hospital in York that I trained at has long ceased to exist and its spacious land, orchards that beautifully ran alongside the River Ouse and distinctly were complemented by its associated farms, laundry and even its own church are quite evidently no more. Yet Clifton Hospital was one of the oldest and most renowned mental hospitals across Britain. All sold off by these rather acquisitive Tories to their corporate friends, and like everywhere else the odious lunatic let loose in the community, while in the process destroying it and asininely along with the likes of Nigel Farage, Andrew Neil, Tom Robinson and other likeminded scum, claiming they're defending British Culture; when most of them, who'd be hard pressed to know who their biological parents are, and most specifically so their fathers, are as much real British as I, an Afro-Caribbean Brit am an Eskimo; no insult to the latter as I'm plainly drawing a non-correlation fact.

Which enthusiastically brings me back to this poem and why I wrote it! In actually simple terms because East Surrey is quite undoubtedly a great hospital and is literally the epitome of what the NHS is all about, with every tier of management and diverse staff unquestionably competent, dedicated and fully au fait with what their duties and responsibilities are, and the quite first rate manner in which these duties are distinctly excellently and humanely carried out!

But I have a soft spot also for the entirety of the staff managing and working in the very adept EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT. Every one of you, in whatever capacity you work there do your work brilliantly and simply discernibly very conscientiously.

Finally a distinctively heartfelt "thank you" to everyone who was marvellously on duty obviously in the Emergency on Thursday 15 August 2024. Thanking all of you immensely, for your outstanding care and very distinctly cordial attention! Very much appreciated by me! God Bless you all! Special thanks also to Suzi and kindest regards to your 15 month old baby! And don't put off that Masters very indefinitely (smile). You've rather obviously the brain power and natural ability to do it!