
Tuesday 16 January 2024

It's really scary that the UK is so fucking full of totally gullible and brainwashed sheep!

By Stanley Collymore

Not exclusively Britain alas, but fully likewise also, the overriding majority of its clearly white Caucasian kin still obviously toxically infesting, as well as quite arbitrarily carrying on doing so against the express wishes of the local and indigenous peoples, whose lands these rightfully and legally are, but were barbarously acquired, and subsequently, since then, effectively became simply wholesale universally acquired countries that these rather odiously vile interlopers, simply still exclusively control in their demented and clearly deceptive, myopic state of existence like, for example, those still in their very sick version of distinctly obviously unquestionably, delusional Terra nuliius Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the USA, simply to name only four of the very principal ones, globally.

What fawning, pathetic and imbecilic palaver crucially evidently emanating from Buckingham Palace and the PR machines of the Toxic Odious Four, to deflect from quite unfavourable and upcoming embarrassing and criminal revelations undoubtedly embroiling the Windsor family and naturally as is their customary ploy quite literally using their bribed but rather reliable ass lickers within the usual right-wing and Nazi British media, to effectively do their deflection for them; and who better to simply perniciously set up as their targets than Harry and Meghan; knowing perfectly well that despite this story being aired previously and while Liz Windsor was alive, and too without any repercussions from her, racism, whenever it's pandered to in Britain, is a sure fire thing.

For starters no one has an automatic or exclusive right to tell any parents what names they should or basically must actually call their offspring! And that simply as well as unquestionably fundamentally literally applied to Liz Windsor equally, however discernibly and undeniably stupidly she viewed herself as an indispensable deity of not only earth itself but too the entire universe! And as for her thoroughly asininely and allegedly claiming that the one thing in the world she owned was a supposedly and very laughably purportedly unique nickname, clearly so very bloody unique that it was previously given by her father to one of his race horses, only for Meghan and Harry to callously steal it from her only sits well with quite distinctly intellectually challenged morons! Not anyone with even a basic modicum of common sense!

And please, all you ingrained racists do get your fucking pathetic stories at least coordinated, as to who actually called Liz Windsor by that name first; since at present, it's claimed that it was her sister Margaret because she couldn't say Elizabeth; but then the very same people lyingly but rather quite evidently, similarly forgetting what they earlier stated, categorically state it was Liz's parents, Philip etc.; couldn't these silly cunts, exactly like Margaret, finding themselves in the dyslexic situation of not being able to identify or truly pronounce Elizabeth properly? LOL. If so who really then actually filled out Liz Windsor's birth certificate when she was born, and actually gave her the name Elizabeth and not Lilibet? And, if the Lilibet thing was restricted solely to Liz's parents, her sister Margaret, as well as Liz's serial adulterous husband Philip, all of whom preceded Liz in death, why the hell would Liz specify that no one after Philip's death should call her by that name? Did she convey the exact sentiments to the PM of Britain at the time who was presumably politically running the country? But really who ever said or claimed that these simply dysfunctional, and also intellectually challenged, incestuously inbred cunts are the sharpest knives in the box?  

The ensuing information is not only very well researched but also factual. The British crown owns the palaces, castles, the associated properties and their several assets. So essentially, the monarchy has far, far more money in actuality and assets than these lying British media, and most specifically the Daily Mail, its vile collaborators and hacks in their asinine word games are quite desperately and pathetically seeking to convey. And furthermore, the ruling monarch aptly controls the Crown, and rather significantly so Liz Windsor was that monarch, literally for 70 years!  

Additionally, Liz Windsor likewise had great personally wealth of her own that was completely separate from her role as ruling monarch. Clearly, all of which was inherited and on which this ultra-privileged cunt didn't do an actual solitary, honest day's work for, or on which she ever actually, rather crucially and  essentially ever paid or ever thought to pay inheritance tax; leaving her fully at liberty to personally will it all to whoever that she wished to; and sickeningly too, accounts rather clearly why their kiss-me-ass wills are sealed for hundreds of years, while everyone else's is open to public scrutiny if one is prepared to or willing to pay the actual examination fee, which isn't that minuscule.

So Joe and Jane Public's personal will details are up for grabs, while they also have to fork out, where relevant, the requisite inheritance tax. Plus if you die without making a will, as still happens routinely in the UK, either purposely or accidentally; under the feudal system that still pertains in Britain and just like the monarchy itself too, and its fawning and very sycophantic serfs, the entirety of the deceased persons properties and wealth automatically go directly to the reigning monarch for free. Just imagine then how much that cunt Liz raked in over 70 fucking years; other people's wealth that should have gone to the state but instead they get their clearly grasping hands on it all for free and with no inheritance tax paid and all this under the still practised Bona vacantia feudal system operating in a supposed 21st Century Britain!

Check it out! Don't take my word for it. But I doubt if many of you cunts will do so, as stupidity is your hallmark and you love being on your knees to your perceived divine and societal betters. "Oh I do miss my Queen!" As if you ever knew her or vice versa, or if Liz Windsor ever gave a shit about any of you, other than you obviously keeping her and her lot in the rather fitting manner they convinced themselves they're entitled to and have no plans on giving up; and why should they?

Additionally, the monarch and their Klan own all the rights commercially attached to the seabed around Britain and whatever assets, oil, whatever that is found or actually mined there. Similarly, too, while you can, if you wish to, buy your council house or flat, or most leaseholds in Britain, tenants on so-called monarchical lands can't.  Liz Windsor and Charles canvassed quite effectively corrupt, UK regimes of all hues, I won't dignify them by calling them governments as they're the political equivalent of the Daily Mail and does account for why so many of them like Boris and the sexually obsessed with him pillock Nadine Dorries naturally work for the Daily Mail. And if the only thing that Liz Windsor had to call her own was her fucking silly Nickname, where the cunting hell did this prized asshole get the essentially 12 million Pounds Sterling, $16 million US to pay off Virginia Giuffre from, to stop her love child Andrew - yes you read that correctly with all its connotations and if you feel offended, then SUE ME, just remember we fortunately live now in the era of DNA tests, which I would obviously statutorily demand - from,

Quite a lot of money that, to pay out for someone - I'm referring to Liz - that is so allegedly, fucking penniless, to stop that love child being hauled before the USA courts. Not the British ones, mark you, as distinctly every UK court at whatever level it exists is His or Her Majesty's Court. Just simply work it out for actual yourselves; assuming that you can. Like the rapist of your daughter in a court where his close family members are both judge and jury! And people so asininely saying, Andrew simply wasn't found guilty of anything. He evidently supposedly didn't know Virginia Giuffre either so why have poverty stricken mummy fork out all that money to stop the case going to court in the USA where Liz Windsor didn't reign and none of the USA judges were "her" judges with their prime allegiance not to justice but to HER!

Yet you distinctly have this quite ignorant mother fucker trying to cash in on the vile notoriety supposedly of Harry and Meghan that they purposely and quite racially have caused, as no Nigger ought to be in this allegedly rather divine "royal family" in the same manner that the prime cunt who just abdicated in Denmark stripped some of her grandchildren of their titles because their own mother has Asian blood running through her veins, that was her real reason, just as Meghan has Black blood similarly coursing through hers so a stalking, social climbing and white gold digger who is as bone idle as they come is rather more so, valuable in these sick prats minds, than a quite highly educated, thoroughly modern, very mentally liberated African American female; a supposed inferiority that clearly transcends to Harry and Meghan's own offspring by the British Windsor family and their ilk and  obviously to those very Dutch grandchildren with their Asian blood. This by obviously incestuously inbred and a clearly useless bunch of immoral and criminal - the murder of Diana and also paedophilia readily coming to mind - cunts, undoubtedly and preposterously behaving in this odious manner, while briefing these so-called writers to do the same.

Liz Windsor was never any saint, and it's no coincidence that Philip literally much older than her took an interest in her when she was just 12 years old. He in turn had numerous affairs as did Liz herself. They were both very adulterous, hers covered up more than Philip's were because of who she was and likewise her quite ludicrous position in those very circumstances as Head of the Church of England, but then so was Henry VIII who founded the bloody Church of England! So in reality nothing new; and furthermore with Liz and Philip heading for nearly 3 decades of clearly living apart from each other, with Philip actually living with his principal mistress who was with him when he died; not Liz. So really all the sham and very ludicrous glorified shit attributed to them is just that.

Liz Windsor was a selfish, very delusional pillock with her own contrived sense of asininely assuming her divine self-indulgence. She destroyed her sister Margaret's life by placing so many encumbrances on her, principally prohibiting her from simply marrying the man she really loved; Liz equally fucked up Diana's life by her noxious collusion in what she did to that naive 19 year old girl along with her equally kiss me ass, racist diabolical mother. Having also blocked Charles from marrying Camilla when they were both single, as she felt Camilla was a whore and one that couldn't be trusted to simply have kids that were actually simply, genuinely Charles' so she used Diana as a brood mare instead. Liz also equally used Meghan. Knowing that Harry was actually emotionally, and quite reciprocally so, in love with Meghan and planned to marry her whatever Liz thought, so Liz rather dishonestly gave her approval; above all else she significantly wanted the existing Commonwealth to simply carry on, rather deluding herself obviously, like most white Britons that the UK still ruled the world; blatantly overlooking that this colonial empire and truly simply outdated concept of hers crumpled a long time ago to what it simply currently is, a rather tiny offshore European island with outdated delusions of grandeur.  

Just like the monarchy Liz wanted for her son and heir Charles, who clearly ironically she never had much faith in but she was a stickler for protocol, and as such simply wanted Charles to succeed her as the unquestionably nominal head of the Commonwealth as she was; but she also feared that she wouldn't be able to pull that off if she opposed Harry's very clear wish to actually marry Meghan, an African American female, as it would thus be rather obviously literally seen across the vast majority clearly of non-white member states in the Commonwealth as what it evidently was RACISM.

As such Liz and her family pretended that the marriage would be OK - they obvious forgot to inform the stalking, odious gold digger Kate Middleton of their own nefarious intentions, hence Kate acting unilaterally with her toxic racism against Meghan and similarly subsequently her offspring Archie; as the real Windsor intention, all along, was that once the marriage between Harry and Meghan was carried out, and Charles was declared the chosen successor to Liz, the Windsors, their aides, bribed sycophants in the media et al, would obviously very rampantly work to destroy Harry and Meghan's marriage. A state of affairs that would prevent this divine family from being obviously openly contaminated by legal Black blood within it.

Thus their sick operation went into full effect and still does carry on very relentlessly. But they clearly failed in their vile malevolence to realize and appreciate the tenacity of Harry and Meghan's love for each other and why this is still a quite noxiously ongoing exercise by these distinctively prized Windsor cunts and their fawning, serf racists; more so, and quite evidently, as both Harry and Meghan distinctly refuse to be browbeaten by them!

Finally, for all you lousy, distinctly so toxically sick and evidently, perverted assholes who still put this very odious cunt, Liz Windsor, literally on a divine pedestal, just go and simply check this one episode crucially rather pertinent to her noxious life and you'll certainly obviously see why she was a basically discernibly nasty racist pillock.

In 1968 the then UK government aptly passed a law simply outlawing racism and pernicious discrimination across Britain. However, during it's obvious, evidently rather intense consultation process, Liz Windsor purposely used her position as monarch and with full access also to all governmental legislation to make it quite abundantly clear that she didn't want nor would she simply, ever actually support, or generally in any way, ever give any help, or other  assistance, to any such law that would essentially impact on her own family members, their actual households or the staffers they choose to have  - and who would continue obviously to be White Caucasian. Furthermore, that she was too, against all Blacks working in any capacity at all that was connected to the Windsor/ "royal" family.

Pitifully, the UK regime then, and all such succeeding ones, caved in. And while that piece of quite absolutely, clearly requisite legislation became law and is applicable generally to those living and working in the UK, the Windsors, and all those actually associated with them are to this day, 16 January 2024, totally and permanently exempted. So skin colour and also deeply ingrained racism was to these obviously discernibly useless and also unproductive prized cunts distinctively, unquestionably constitute what life is all about; and why William is the pin up asshole along with the effectively stalking gold digger that he ultimately succumbed to are pathetically, unquestionably the new Josef Goebbels of Britain. As for Liz Windsor herself may she eternally languish in Hell! That said and to use a well-known Barbadian term: "Lucifer does have a knack for simply looking after his own!"

On a more sombre note though, how many of you are obviously intelligently aware of the marked similarities between the events of the early 1930s, the odious, mass media Nazi propaganda and the rather intentional and distinctly thorough brainwashing then universally of the German populace. That undoubtedly and evidently, malignant state of affairs is now rather prevalent in Britain, with rags like the Daily Mail, very much in the forefront of it, and essentially dull, but actually convenient racists like William at its helm. But, of course, the Daily Mail was a discernibly staunch supporter of the Third Reich circa the 1930s and quite obviously also during World War II; so quite evidently it has malevolently been here before!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
16 January 2024.

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