
Tuesday 26 December 2023

White supremacist British hacks yet have no genuine commanding grasp of their alleged English Language!

By Stanley Collymore 

Ring any bells Daily Mail? Well of
course it does but really isn't a
problem actually with all the
customarily, undeniably very thoroughly
intellectually challenged morons you're
constantly used to dealing with, and to
whom education is so obviously, really  
relevant to, as a lighted fire cracker up
the very bared ass of a rather penitent
but really sinful nun! Seriously though,  
in spite of all your crucially, financially
rewarded remunerations Daily Mail; in
short very considerable bribes, by the
Palace PR operatives, effectively with  
those of the obviously noxious, Gang
of Four: Charles, Camilla, William and
distinctively Ku Klux Kate Middleton's
PR teams, these Windsors simply are  
distinctly, nothing more than pathetic
individuals, and rather actually so the
women, living luxurious but basically
clearly evidently sad lives. And if you
think I'm wrong, which I'm absolutely  
certain that I'm not, just you actually,
really try imagining, or manifestly so
crucially living in a world of unreality
where you're simply only recognized  
or obviously acknowledged because  
of the expensive clothing, which you
are undoubtedly wearing. Get where
I'm  really significantly coming from?

Meanwhile, as is now consistently
common between them William
and Kate will look anywhere
rather than at each other. And naturally
plainly rather obviously so because, to
put it mildly, there's a quite significant
split between the two of them! Rather  
self-evidently their romance, crucially
contrived, as it always was, has gone  
kaput; but even so, baldy William still  
desperately needs the clear and very
like minded as himself literally racist
Kate very obviously and significantly  
for the optics while clearly for Kate's
part; this evilly noxious, Karen racist,
has stalked too hard to arbitrarily let
William go, so the pantomime of the
two of them obviously intensely and
quite committedly in love carries on,
thanks to their respective PR teams;
the massively bribed Daily Mail, and
its sycophantic hacks! This, despite
Kate and William rather distinctively
specifically living basically separate  
lives in evidently different locations,
naturally distanced from each other.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
26 December 2023. 

Author's Remarks:
Very few of these quite so-called royals would because of a rather marked lack of intellectual acumen and natural ability, stemming very obviously from rabid, incestuous inbreeding, truly be able to actually earn a truly, naturally proper living in the real world, which the honest rest of us ordinary folk do normally live in. 

And what any truly, genuinely intelligent and honest person will readily detect with this sorry bunch of Windsors in this distinctly vile Christmas farce, is a bunch of obviously wealthy people distinctly ostentatiously going to church in unquestionably quite expensive clothes when clearly none of them are particularly religious; and who moreover, routinely live lives which very normally generally encompass crucially breaking pretty much most or all of the 10 Commandments! Some Christian's eh! 

And how tawdry and farcical your quite sick projections are onto Harry, Meghan as well as their children, when crucially most sadly but likewise inconvenient for you - as you racist sort don't neither like dealing with nor having to handle reality especially of the sort that impacts most uncomfortably on your rank and toxic stupidity, like this highly embarrassing for you realization - that a certain privately owned helicopter is effectively spotted almost daily rather significantly leaving Kensington Palace, undoubtedly where William actually lives, to travel to Windsor where Kate hangs our! 

The unequivocal conclusion being that Kate and William live separate lives and very apart from each other, and furthermore at different locations. Quite discernibly so as Charles and Camilla do and have done ever since they got married, and similarly also as Liz and Philip did for some 3 decades of their lives and Phil dying in the arms of his mistress, with Liz nowhere present. But hey! Keep your undeniably sick fantasies going about these rather odiously noxious individuals, as you likewise create your own racist maladroit and malevolent ones going in relation to Meghan and Harry and their wholly innocent children if it makes your sick lives palatable to yourselves. Just as long as you do at some time realize that these feelings and suppositions of yours are simply what they are - just that! Your odious fantasies! Literally coming from sick and lowlife, unproductive minds; and, as such, have no relevance to the reality that the rest of us, who're actually sane, deal with each and every day, unlike your useless and sick selves, of our productive lives!

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