
Sunday 19 March 2023

Can't the Windsors do anything without it turning into a PR exercise?

By Stanley Collymore

Charles at 74 years of age
himself is mourning on
mother's day 2023 his
dead 96 years old mother Liz
who, by any definition of the
term, and which also is very
clearly, logically, and rightly
so understood by everyone
other than the cravenly, so
pathetic, quite distinctively
mindless also sycophantic
monarchical serfs and the
surfeit, of unquestionably
likeminded and evidently
significantly, intellectually
challenged ones was too
undeniably, a thoroughly
lousy mother and parent
as also was her husband
Philip even in respect of
himself, rather charitably
thought as - even risibly
so as a responsible and
rather empathetic father.  

Laughably, what a fatuous
man child Charles is, who
willingly vents his rather
childish venom, ire, many puerile
tantrums, envy and crucially too
his rampant, endemic hypocrisy
rather asininely, on his younger
son Harry, for his irresponsible
publicizing of the very already
previously clearly well known
and distinctly too, entrenched
dysfunctionality, so prevalent
within your Windsor families!
Castigating instead the same
Harry, who very murderously
lost his own precious mother
at the tender age of 12 but is
hypocritically, and with evilly
double standards essentially
by those same Windors and
their followers, is coercively,
not supposed to mention far
less mourn his Mum Diana!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
19 March 2023.

Author's Remarks:
Mothers can be wonderful and should be so. The problem, however, negating this admirable concept though is when narcissistically evil and toxically verminous mistresses both arrogantly and deliberately impede that process by consciously destroying the basis on which the aforementioned concept is formed, and doing so without a modicum of concern for the children involved in the cheated on marriage, or the tender state of their age; and who then bear the brunt of the premeditated cruelty that has been callously done to them.

All this and more while their biologically feckless father, evidently under the absolute and manipulative control of the odious trollop, marries her in the wake of his dead wife's extraordinary demise, then jointly exaggeratedly plays at being a happy family and most insulting to in all of this without so much as an attempted apology for their horrendously despicable conduct and the awful and immeasurably massive harm they both callously caused to a 12 year old boy, nevertheless, and quite arrogantly so from their privileged and self-entitled positions, expect decent and intelligent people to not only overlook and forgive but similarly too, respect them!

Evidently significant numbers of Brits and their genocidally aficionado overseas kin aren't only effectively braindead but likewise have short and convenient memories too.

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