
Thursday 19 January 2023

William Windsor: a sad and pathetic little man from an aptly awful family!

By Stanley Collymore

Intelligent persons who can think
for themselves, as directly apart
from the indisputably plethora
of monarchically fawning serfs who
are so gullible, and as intellectually
challenged, as anyone can possibly
get; do realistically, effectually see
that the Windsors et al are simply
basically, ordinary, unimpressive
people, who're thoroughly prone
to hasty tempers; fits of violence
and petty jealousies undeniably
conjoined with actually serious
acts of criminality distinctively
involving essentially, financial
malfeasance; paedophilia and
calculatedly ordered, murder.

Basically, the incorporation of a
cruel institution that asininely
raises its children, according
to a rigid, pecking order; telling the
younger ones, quite unequivocally
that they will always have to fully
defer to an effectively, artificially
created but quite similarly same
alleged rights and ranks of their
older siblings. Quite manifestly
pathetically incongruous, plus
similarly also unquestionably
sickening in itself, but clearly
really attendant with all that
there's also, the basic reality
that Britain's quite majority
white masses do effectively
essentially, unquestionably
thoroughly, worship them!

While simultaneously, these
purported and essentially
thoroughly discernibly,
self-entitled monarchical clowns
rather obviously, other than the
state grants that they distinctly
instinctively copiously receive
clearly willingly from you the
very exultantly daft taxpayer
cash cows that you distinctly
are, nevertheless despise all
of you most unquestionably
for who they so ludicrously
but actually contemptously
truly perceive, as the great
unwashed and discernibly
useless, subject plebeians!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
19 January 2023.

Author's Remarks:
If William and the rest of his family - he personally recently inherited over £1 billion Sterling when he was given the Duchy of Cornwall - basically, did pay inheritance tax like the rest of us then perhaps we'd discernibly have fewer homeless people in the UK. But this is essentially Tory, likewise Keir Starmer's Lab-Tories and the distinctly, similarly likeminded Lib-Dems Britain where all of the aforementioned lot, along with the aristocracy - cue the owners of the Daily Mail and those of the other vilely right-wing rags and electronic media that don't have a clue of what actually ordinary life in Britain is like and very frankly don't give a toss. Since for them and their evil sort, the most important things in life are having more money while paying less taxes.

And as for the gullible sheep followers, the Karen's and the Gammons the very overwhelming majority of them are on the dole and finances by the evidently hard-pressed taxpayers; just like William and the discernibly obscenely wealthy Windsor Klan members are!

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