
Thursday 12 January 2023

The sooner the Windsors are on a roller coaster's ride to Hell, the better!

By  Stanley Collymore 

My God! In Kate and William 
I've honestly in all my years 
never seen any two people 
more fucking plainly disinterested, 
detached and basically thoroughly 
essentially lacking in distinctively 
demonstrably crucial empathy or 
passion, and evident enthusiasm 
for almost everything they show 
up for. Quite honestly these two 
very literally, pathetic cunts are 
beyond bland! Prats who might 
quite actually carry out, what's 
dictated to them as directed by 
their Palace PR controllers but 
in actuality they really look as 
though they hate each minute 
of what they're actually doing 
and effectively therefore, as a 
result, everything is distinctly 
a rather debilitating chore, in 
the massive and distinctively 
fraudulent acts, that they are 
enforcedly engaged in. Quite 
frankly I've seen mechanical 
robots, with significantly far 
more interesting and plainly 
interesting human empathy. 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
12 January 2023. 

Author's Remarks: 
What kind of a role model is the lazy Kate Middleton? Her only perceived achievement, and a basically dubious one at that, is that she eventually did marry William Windsor, a member of a privileged, unwarrantedly evidently obscenely wealthy and essentially an unelected monarchical family. Rather literally Kate has deliberately so been  wilfully and fecklessly in the bargain been unemployed all of her asininely pathetic life. Now "works", if you can sensibly or even logically call it such, the least of all the other Windsors; is so totally pathetic at giving speeches, even most laughably so, when avidly employing her ludicrously acquired,  fake and purportedly posh accent. As well, and moreover, Kate Middleton has achieved nothing on merit. And prompts the obvious question to all those who can think for themselves, what kind of a role model is she? A role model simply by so obsessively stalking and relentlessly ultimately snaring and marrying a rather dozy prick of a rich man I do humorously guess? Because there's nothing else on this avid social climbing, distinctly rampantly snobby and odiously racist Karen's part! 

One member of a distinctly unelected monarchical Klan sickly gushing over another in Rania's case? Evidently the Palace PR and Daily Mail's effectively  ongoing brownnosing so desperately at work essaying to get Waity Katie to look good and worthy; obviously very worried, and aptly so they should be! 

So what was Rani meant to say Daily Mail? Asked a question in the wake of Liz Windsor's fake funeral - the evilly racist old cow who distinctly stopped parliament from ever implementing the Race Relations Act discernibly as far as both she and her racist family  were concerned, was unmistakably to anyone with a functioning brain and knew how to use it, was already long dead and buried, and these laughable shenanigans were undeniably Palace contrived shenanigans to milk public orchestrated grief to give Charlie boy an easy entroit as he's essentially not particularly liked by loads of his own "subjects". 

And Rania commenting on Kate in a very pointed question she was asked and about a woman that Rania quite obviously didn't know and seemingly so still doesn't, Rania stupidly but too diplomatically rolled out the crap she told the reporter automatically.

But Harry does know Kate intimately and that she's nothing but a tantrum induced toddler! So the basically Nazi aficionado Daily Mail quite naturally is pathetically grasping at straws as it inevitably does with Meghan and also Harry, so there's clearly nothing new there. And basically as for Rania, she was hardly going to say that Kate is a lousy bitch, was she?

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